Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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1 47 pm

I would hope to sell the GU on bounces staying under 5615 -17 area next

5560 as been a good support area and so we might be stuck in another range next of either 40 or 60 pips

Under 5550 and 45 more sells - as out the range

Above 5622 and 33 - I would be holding onto scalp buys looking for a larger turn

In between 2 way scalp opportunities


Comment from over 30 mins ago

Already sold once under 5600 and now after a scalp buy from the 80 area we are up at 5610 area and close again to were I originally wanted to sell from

5610 -20 could be the target zone --

Keep and eye now to see if its ready for more pullbacks
Had a very good day again F.
Not going to say it's easy, i'll settle for working well -)
That's me done for today, early asian start and time difference.
Good luck and catch you tomorrow.

Hi Nick

Well Done

Agree not the easiest of days

Slow and a lot of pausing and ranging etc -along with the normal trickery

Yes - around as normal tomorrow


Well done

Hi Forexmospherian,

Firstly I would like to say well done on your thread. You have done so much for others over the years you have been here and I have had a good look through your thread (as best I can). As you have been brushing with the shoulders of Richard Branson (my hero) you must be well informed of trading, business and of course with your accountancy skills, numbers. I cannot day trade (by my own admission and book) and I seem to have suffered some of the similar things that others have experienced with regards to getting nervous etc.

I am now up to date (as best as possible as there are a lot of posts to go through) from start to finish and am now following your thread with great delight but anticipation also. I am not opening up a real account just yet but instead will be paper trading until I have the hang of it. I have done well over a thousand trades (intraday) but to no avail over the many years. I am more long term swing with more of an investor outlook on things using fundamentals with a little TA on the side for finer entry/exit points. I am profitable to date and have been for a very long time (17+ years). I also understand where many fail to see the issues with mental blocks and scaling up to become a millionaire this time next year. I do OK but am no where near the like of Branson and by the sounds of it, your good self.

Many thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to your future posts of wisdom. (however you do it) :)


2 39 pm

Interesting now

In the target sell area of 5610 -20

If we go above 22 and 25 + stay with buys

A lot of supports forming below - but 5615-20 also as a lot of R's to overcome
Hi Forexmospherian,

Firstly I would like to say well done on your thread. You have done so much for others over the years you have been here and I have had a good look through your thread (as best I can). As you have been brushing with the shoulders of Richard Branson (my hero) you must be well informed of trading, business and of course with your accountancy skills, numbers. I cannot day trade (by my own admission and book) and I seem to have suffered some of the similar things that others have experienced with regards to getting nervous etc.

I am now up to date (as best as possible as there are a lot of posts to go through) from start to finish and am now following your thread with great delight but anticipation also. I am not opening up a real account just yet but instead will be paper trading until I have the hang of it. I have done well over a thousand trades (intraday) but to no avail over the many years. I am more long term swing with more of an investor outlook on things using fundamentals with a little TA on the side for finer entry/exit points. I am profitable to date and have been for a very long time (17+ years). I also understand where many fail to see the issues with mental blocks and scaling up to become a millionaire this time next year. I do OK but am no where near the like of Branson and by the sounds of it, your good self.

Many thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to your future posts of wisdom. (however you do it) :)


Hi Anon

Thank you for your nice comments

Sorry to hear you have not had success at intra day trading

I would love to help you if I can - totally free of charge and open on this thread if you liked - no strings attached

You seem to have the necessary background experience - and the fact that you have been successful with swing trading is also a plus

You are welcome to join in when you like and make sure you read the other couple of threads as well to understand more of the method

I will find them out and post

All the very best and if there is anybody who might be able to assist on intraday FX - its me - I will never be 100% successful - but accepting tight losses and with clever money management along with improving your scalping skills - then you will be well on your way


Last edited:

shame the new lows came around 2 00 pm

2 08 pm started the scalp buys

Can only sell EU for now under 0851 and 0845 - EJ only under 134 70 and 65


2 54 pm

Approx 45 mins or so later

total now over 100 pips off those 2 scalp buys - not all on 100% stake sizes - buy still a very profitable period

Need to wait for news at 3 00 pm and then see what next

Taken 70% of all my trades now and have stops in profits as well
Thank you Forexmospherian for your reply.

I really do appreciate you are a very busy person. I won't bog you down with loads of questions as that would be unfair on you but I will be watching and paying close attention to how you are doing things, maybe its the many bacon butties you consume :) . I will be paper trading as from next week as I will have more time then. Prior to then, I wish you luck (although it's clear you don't need it). Half way through reading your thread I see you were banned, for a moment my heart stopped. It was like watching a film to find your favorite character has just fallen to his death, only then to find out he fell on a big pile of mattresses, or in your case a bag full of money. :)

All the best,
No problem Anon

I am semi retired now - so no more 60 -80 + hr weeks like in the old days - in fact some days I need only trade a couple of hours - but I try and keep myself disciplined to learn more etc - so normally try and get 4 -6 hrs in every day

Here are the other threads worth reading if interested in the method

Yes got banned a few times arguing with my haters etc etc- but still here for now and still enjoying it - for now

What's really encouraged me is the success of Major Magnum - a member here who i started to teach my way about 17 months ago. It took him a good 6 - 8 months to master it - but now I reckon hes better than me and i am sure will improve more over the coming years





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    Forexmospherian other threads on t2w.png
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3 35 pm ish


Above 0895 area - still have it bullish - ie to take more scalp buys on pullbacks that stay above 0895

We need over 0930 and 40 to stay with buys then

Under 0890 and 75 - then just sells again


Never made over 5620 - supports for now at 5602 /4 area

Need under 5595 and 90 to add more scalp sells or hold them on longer

Above 5623 and 27 - more scalp buys
News as lead to some dollar weakness

GU now trying to test 5620 area

3 35 pm ish


Never made over 5620 - supports for now at 5602 /4 area

Need under 5595 and 90 to add more scalp sells or hold them on longer

Above 5623 and 27 - more scalp buys


3 55 pm

The GU as been like my Trade of the early US session

I commented over 2 hrs plus ago when I was in scalp buys I wanted to sell it 5610 /15

Then as we got nearer 3 00 pm - I though 5615/20 was more the target sell area

3 05 pm - it peaks at 5618/19 area

I then comment on the sell and when to add or stay with it

Now nearly an hour later from from the sell the GU as dropped to 5577

Approx 38 pip fall and an easy 15 -25 pips of nice scalp sell to get your teeth into

Bounces staying under 5600 / 02 are sell again for now


Back after 4 30 -45 pm
Closing short GA @ 2.1212 here = +207

Well Done Tar

add that to your Eur /Nzd and you have had a good day

The big movers seem to be the Gbp / Jpy - Gbp/ Aud - Eur / Jpy - Eur / Aud - Eur / Nzd - Gbp / Nzd - not every day but if you can get a few in sync- the happy days

My LR Charts for today on GA and EA

Makes the EU look dismal - as well as hard work ;-)


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Friday 17th July 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders

Last day of another busy week in the FX markets and half way through the month

No red news announcements planned this morning although quite a few at 1 30 and 3 00 pm UK time

I plan to do something slightly different for next week and maybe start off trying it today

I will always scalp / intraday 3 or 4 core Key popular FX pairs - but then rather than just cover another 4 or 6 main crosses - I plan to only cover maybe 2 and then add some FX "beasts" to the list - ie the real big movers - the GJ / GA/ EA/ EN etc.

These pairs will not be for 3 -7 pip scalp trades - their spreads are larger - but in busy sessions they move a lot more so ideal for more of a intraday swing trades.

Otherwise normal stuff - all FX input welcome from calls to charts and ideas / methods / forecasts / news updates etc etc

Ok - I have already started scalping on the EJ but will update the LitS levels along with some quick summaries for the morning session plans

Have a good day


6 27 am

Key LitS areas for main pairs

EU - 0875 - 0885 ish

GU - 5605 - 5615 ish

EJ - 135 00 - 135 10 ish

UChf - 9575 - 9582 ish

The idea of the LitS area is or session Price structure bias.

Price above the area are more bullish so should favour scalp buys and for prices to rise

Prices below the area are more bearish - so should favour scalp sells and for prices to fall

We can scalp both ways in any area - but the idea is that we should find larger moves more with the bias

I include the UChf as a good dollar correlator for the EU - and those 2 are normally oppositely correlated

6 34 am

I will start with this pair as it was my first scalp of the morning - at 5 59 am

I will also post a chart of it during this next 15 mins as it was all nicely lined up

I did not catch it from 135 19/ 20 - only got in at 17 - but it quickly fell 9 pips

Ideally i want to scalp sell it again under 17 /18 after the bounce from after 6 26 am
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