Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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I am only in for 10 mins and then out again

The EU was still OK above 37 as a scalp buy and notice know as we enter half hr time window its made 49. Only on 30% stakes - but will lock profits it at 46 as out again and so might get stopped out now

See you later

i closed mine at the wrong time then got short.
just reviewed. I don't think i made a single good decision today
EU - back to take my 30% stake off at 3554.

Its now in another BT tease between 48 and 58 ( approx) - 10 pip tease range

Lets look at some other pairs again now
GU - high was 6566 and then after a slight fall and bounce 64 became a scalp sell at 11.41/2 - end of time window

We now need under 42 and 38 to hold any scalp sells on - with 58 and 60 being the prices to look at scalp buys again
AU and EA - both at critical price areas - under 8864 - Au is more scalp sells- and over 77 and 80 - scalp buys

EA - bullish for approx 3 hrs with approx 40 pip + rise.We really need back over 5300 to hold more scalp buys on and under 5264 and 59 - then back to falls and scalp sells again
EJ - not spoke much about this pair today

Its been a scalp buy for over 3hrs from a HL at 141.11 - confirmed again at 14 at 9.41 am - ( end of a time window)

Now its entering an Interim R area at 141.50 -55

Watch this half hr window - see if it tops around here now - over 55 and 58 still a scalp buy etc - but may be we may not quite get there
EJ - above 38 - clearly still bullish - but that does not stop us scalp selling under 55 for say 46 or even 40 area. ATM - still cannot scalp sell with 7 mins left in time window
EJ - I am wrong here really - as some very experienced scalpers would see no over 49 and a LH at 48 and 47 and then would have scalp sold for 3- 5 pips. I have not done that as the scalps I am trying to take for the forum are ones that should make over 7 pips and ideally 10 -25+.

Keep watching to see under 49 and then if we do here maybe we can try for a LL now and then knowing under 41 and 39 we might be able to hold it on

Back over 49 - remember more r's at 55
Taken all off at 62 - will then review this hr time window

See MM - I make mistakes every day - even after 13k + live trades

Ej now at 66 and I took all off at 62 - should have left 70% on for now I reckon - but we are never going to be right all the while

Just be safe though:)
EU another daily high at 3577 and Swissy another daily low at 9092 as we enter hr time window

Got a phone call coming in next 5 mins - so might not be around for 10 mins - shame
EA makes another high and AU drops under 8870 now - we are in half hr time window - so seeing if these moves are false set up - similar to GU and EJ still trying to rise again
EU as risen up approx 40 pips from after 9.30 am time - EA - 60 pips approx - GU - 110 pips ( news though) - Ej - 50+ pips and AU as fallen approx just over 20 pips ( net) and Swissy approx 30 pips

In total over 300 pips there in last 4 -5 hrs say - and my daily target is 50 pips and thankfully - I am over it but not doing that great - seems slow to me ??
EU - need under 65 and 62 to hold scalp sells on - otherwise above 66 still could try and turn for another rise higher again
Sorry - not focused last hr change - concentrated on EU and missed many other nice pullback etc

One example was the GU

High 6579 - prior to time window

HIgh in time window - - 6577/8 - ie a LH

2.01 pm price at 6574 an then by going under 72 it confirmed the sell .

Low so far 6561 - so approx 12 - 14 pips from main pullback and by then you would have taken 70% off - knowing as long as price stayed under 72-74 - it should fall again - but not necessary make a new low - that bit is the unknown - you have to then judge - is the fall strong enough to breach the interim support or not.

If it does - you make more money - if it does not you have 70% win in the bag and the 30% under 72 / 4 is still a profit .;-)
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