Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EJ - don't know whether many following this one - but to explain as to my my method -

At exactly 9.51 am - start of time window - it made a high of 141.38

It then became a scalp sell under 35 and was confirmed at 32 with LH

Now at at this half hr time window - price down to 141.07 - ie 30 pip drop and an easy 20-25 pips to have

Interim supports at 141.00 and 03
Be careful with AU scalp buys - as just made a quick small move up at end of half hr time window - to 8819 - either lock in profits or go down to part stakes etc - but would hope to scalp buy again abbove 8807 if it retraces
There are lots of scalp opportunities on many pairs today for 5 - 10 pips - and the occasional - 10 -20 pip ones. Not many above unless you are prepared to wait hours and hours - shame ;-(
I think we are coming up to BT tease zone again on EU / GU / Swissy etc

Will pop out again this hour and will be back to see if the US make a difference or whether they are just enjoying a long weekend

GL ;-)
ok then will look to exit bt asap!!!

Yes - we know clearly above 59 and 63 - we should be in scalp buys for higher - ie 70 -80 area on EU, However if we try under 46 and 43 - we will test that 3530 support area

In between as Dinos said - its Ok for either way scalps - but dont get sucked in too much as the market will just keep teasing you both ways ;-)

See you later
Be careful with AU scalp buys - as just made a quick small move up at end of half hr time window - to 8819 - either lock in profits or go down to part stakes etc - but would hope to scalp buy again above 8807 if it retraces

Comment posted approx 50 mins ago. Yes 8819 was high for now - and it retraced to 8806 and 07 was a scalp buy - but we need really over 15 to think of holding it on.

So now we know over 8821 and 24 take more scalp buys or hold on to ones from 07 and then we also know - if we dont make back over 15 then it might test 06 again and tests supports lower

Hope that makes sense ;-)
EJ - still doing LH's and now LL's again with price at 140.92 - time window finishes in 2 mins - - see if stop now or tries 89 ?
EJ - it's been good to me - staying above 92 and making 141.08 on the first bounce and now low as not been breached in over 30 mins.

I think I would need to see price breach under 89 and 87 to look at more scalp sells - or holding on any under 08
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Yes - we know clearly above 59 and 63 - we should be in scalp buys for higher - ie 70 -80 area on EU, However if we try under 46 and 43 - we will test that 3530 support area

In between as Dinos said - its Ok for either way scalps - but dont get sucked in too much as the market will just keep teasing you both ways ;-)

OK - EU showed its colours for now and breached 59 and 63 and now trying 67. Above 58 its still a scalp buy - but being the EU - lock in some profits on scalps or take all off between 5 -10 pips - to be safe ;-)
GU - low so far from pullback at high of 6453 as been 6417. Below 35 still in down scalp bias - but we need to see what interim supports might hold it. I had got 6408-10 in mind but also 15 -17 are also an S area. Need to wait until after half hr change or next hr
AU - made 8820 from bounce at 8807 scalp buy level - above 13 still scalp buy bullish - but we know we need now over 23 and 26 to hold on for longer
2.00 PM time window- EJ - 140.95 is key now for another try up. We have twice bounced above 92 for tries higher - with the best being 141.09. This time we need to print another HL to try up again.

Under 94 and 88 would be scalp selling
GU - no further try under 6417 and now price is at 33 with Rs at 36 -38 - that might halt it by the end of the time window
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