Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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1 34 pm

Needs over 0930 and 40 for structure to change on 1 min chart back to bullish
So this is one of the famous levels that that Nick chap speaks of.

While it stays below 30 (or 40?) you're selling. Is that correct? And when are you covering? Or are you still selling? Or are you not selling as you only talked of if it went bullish? Or neither?

That's the thing with levels, they're all well and good but unless you have a specific plan as to what to do in, through and around them, it's all up in the air.

1 41 pm

topped of news release at 0927 - ie under 30 and 40

So looked for sells - LH at 24 and 20 - ok to sell

Now price at 0885 so a 30+ pip fall in less than 10 mins after initial rise up

Its now will it go under 0880 next ??
Sorry Mr. F, should have looked before postin.

So you're selling when it gets below 0820, almost 80 pips below the current level. Bit of a waste of 80 pips isn't it?
2 55 pm

Back now for this TW and say 15 -20 mins

I see Pat is confused with EU

Ok - will try and explain more - my intial line in sand this morning - was 0890 / 0900

Above buy - below both sell

After we made 0950 - that line in sand now gone up and marked by a LH at 0927 - so lets say 0930

So now for US session

Line in sand 0920 / 30

Under both favours sells - above both prices - back favouring buys and higher

Supports are around 0880 then 60 and yesterday low was 0817 - withy 0820 a support

So logic is sell under 0920 - and when we fully clear under 0880 - just 3 -or 4 pip fall not enough

If you get pullbacks - you can scalp buy

For instance at Key Time of 2 51 pm that became a scalp buy above 0875

Just seen tars Tally for day - well done Tar - can you explain to Pat how you rack up the pips as well

Pat - i would not expect anyone who is not an experienced scalper with at least a few thousand live trades behind him to be able to scalp at the level me and a few others can do

14 months ago Major Magnum could not even scalp

Now last 4 months he's gone from strength to strength and his genuine results prove it
That 3 00 pm / 301 pm move on EU threw me out of 30% stake on buy - but back over 0875 and 80 I bought again - as still a scalp buy for now

3 08 am

i expect to sell the EU again under 0927

It might tease up with manipulation to 30 even - but still a sell again - whilst under 0930 ish

Then its whether low from 2 51 pm can last 30 mins with no breach - that favours more buys after the sell under 0927 /30

Thats the logic
Just seen tars Tally for day - well done Tar - can you explain to Pat how you rack up the pips as well
No need. He's one of me multinics.

Seriously Mr. F, I'm none the wiser for your expanded elucidation, but the fault is all mine in not havin a clue. I'll leave it to you brainy types.
3 57 PM


Last high - another LH at 0920 - but unless we test now under 0870 - then turn is happening as no new LL

3 50 / 51 was another scalp buy above0897/8

No i dont think he is - Tar as never been linked to your previous 5 or 7 names ;)

Listen, I know you're only intendin a bit of light-hearted banter, but that ffsear has got away, so far, with making these accusations, is a testament to the protection mods enjoy that the rest of us don't from willfully and knowingly distributing misinformation. If he had had a shred of genuine evidence ta support it, he would have banned me straight away - and enjoyed doin so too. Just from the screenshot he posted yesterday of just one of the ten thousand or whatever it is IP addresses in use by TOR, you could see how many t2w members had come inta the site through that route. And that's just one node. You can carry on the joke if you like, but it's on you if you do.

Ask your lad to post a screenshot of ALL the members who have ever used ANY TOR node. Are they goin to all be me as well?

4 03 pm

In a range atm

Needs under 5360 for more drops and sells being held on - OR

Needs over 5310 and 20 for holding scalp buys

Line in sand around 5280 for now - ie above buys - below sells etc
Listen, I know you're only intendin a bit of light-hearted banter, but that ffsear has got away, so far, with making these accusations, is a testament to the protection mods enjoy that the rest of us don't from willfully and knowingly distributing misinformation. If he had had a shred of genuine evidence ta support it, he would have banned me straight away - and enjoyed doin so too. Just from the screenshot he posted yesterday of just one of the ten thousand or whatever it is IP addresses in use by TOR, you could see how many t2w members had come inta the site through that route. And that's just one node. You can carry on the joke if you like, but it's on you if you do.

Ask your lad to post a screenshot of ALL the members using all the TOR nodes - I imagine I'd have to have roller skates to be all of em.

Hi Pat

i dont think the IP really is the main clue

See - you are a very clever guy - shown by Sigma D and also Techquant and Peiter S
All very entertaining - with an arty back ground - a bit like this new guy from the states - ie Hihusa - very entertaining

That's the give away - plus the fact you know the site to well and are have a certain style in your way of communicating

Its a compliment

4 10 pm

Seems to be having a long rest after high of 124 46

That was a multi year high - god know how long ago since last levels up at 124 +

For me - it does need a pullback but could still try even 125 -127 area depending on pullbacks next week for now

Above 124 00 - still in scalp bull session PS for now

4 17 pm

so far new LH at 0924/5

Have not got a clue if it will try over 0930 - but really whilst above 0905 / 07 - it might

Under 0900 - 0890 its lost ist last momentum - but because of trickery - be careful still with it - dont assume it will just drop etc etc - could be another false set up

Got some more domestic chores - back after 5 15 pm next
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