Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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12 55 pm

Did the dog walk - checked out the Midday TW ( KT ) and yes after 12 00 pm - the sells kicked in on the EU / EJ and EA

still in on a 30% buy on the UJ - needs to stay ideally above 124 10 for me to look at more buys

Had my lunch - so will be looking at next moves with 1 30 pm news next
Look you guys this is getting ridiculous, calling pips like are out of my league...... if you call pips like that you should at least make a few live calls a day otherwise what you saying is just smoke and nothing more.....actually it shows signs of imbalances.....I am out of here.

Hi Fugazsy

Live calls are 2 a penny - dont see the problem - there as been at least 4 called this morning from me - all within 1 min of the start of the moves etc

Also if you look back over this thread - just this year - and maybe over last 8 months - Major Magnum as done several 350 -500 pip sessions - and showed his statements - all within 8 hrs

Really it might only be 150 pip of movements - but with part stakes etc etc - then you are seeing multiple numbers of the same pips on all different stake sizes etc etc

So in reality a nice 1 hr 60 pip move - could easily add up to over 200 pip - by PPND and scalping etc etc



1 04 pm

Made a mistake and dumped my last sell on GU above 5300 support area

After 11 39 pm and Midday and more dollar strength - failed to sell again - was out on dog walk on first clues - so not here to take it - but should have spotted it over Midday TW

Low so far of 5265 as now gone over 30 mins with no breach - but need back over 92 and 5300 - to hold any scalp buys on longer

1 09 pm

So far 0880 holding as interim supports

Would need a bounce over 0905 and 8 to be holding any scalp buys taken above 0885 / 91 now

Also low need to go over 30 mins with no breach etc

And - dont forget news on US dollar in 20 mins or so
Hi Mr. F. Could you point us to the posts where these 4 live calls were made please? I tried to find them but put it down to me total lack of knowledge in this area. Cheers.

Did ya really mean ta say that? A 60 pip move is a 60 pip move.

Hello Mr Multi nic

What a joker you are

still - you are good fun(y)

Try and stick with one nic if you can - its so obvious -

1 You dont like me - every since I called you PBrain - when you was purple brain

2. You get Major Magnum banned and then hide

3. You tactics are obvious etc etce



Thank you so much

Have a good day


Me dear Mr. F, I just pulled me post you responded to with the reason "What's the point?". I was givin you the opportunity to point out what most of us, including me, fail to recognise, that is,a live call on this thread. Then I considered the possibility that ya wouldn't take kindly to anythin I had ta say, so pulled me post, as I said. Please carry on makin 200+ pips outta 60. The offer is still open by the way for you to come and show us how it's done.

1 21 pm

Whilst we stay above 135 00 - we stay in the bullish PS for now - thats even after 60 pip fall from highs pre Midday

Not enterimg any new trade on it for now as too close to news
1 You dont like me - every since I called you PBrain - when you was purple brain

2. You get Major Magnum banned and then hide

3. You tactics are obvious etc etce


I wasn't aware ya had called me that and I promise I take no offence as it means nothing to me.

I didn't ban anyone. That was all his doin. I didn't hide, I just stopped feeding you for a bit.

Tactics? Lord, I leave that sort of stuff to others more capable.

Good chatting with you though. Always good for a laugh.
Me dear Mr. F, I just pulled me post you responded to with the reason "What's the point?". I was givin you the opportunity to point out what most of us, including me, fail to recognise, that is,a live call on this thread. Then I considered the possibility that ya wouldn't take kindly to anythin I had ta say, so pulled me post, as I said. Please carry on makin 200+ pips outta 60. The offer is still open by the way for you to come and show us how it's done.

But Pat......

You are not who you say you are .......

That's the problem

I do like your banter etc etc - but I am your target number 1 on the hit list to get rid off - so therefore I really cannot participate

I am sure you understand


How you get 200 pips out a 60 pip move over say 1 hr

OK - you start with scalp at say for instance 6 lots spilt over 3 entries

You then add as the move gains momentum

You then peel of part stakes on pullbacks

So on move might have 20 + entries and exits - and the part stakes left on after it moved say 60 pips might be say 49 pip - 42 pips - 41 pip - 36 pips - 33 pips - plus loads of pips between say 7 and 20

They could easily add up to over 200 pips on your statement - even though the actual disatnce covered is just a 60 pip move - but total sum of all the entries and exits on part stakes add up to over 200 pips

News now and dollar weakness atm
trouble is both EU and GU still in bearish PS's for now - so do expect to scalp sell again after rises


1 34 pm

Needs over 0930 and 40 for structure to change on 1 min chart back to bullish


1 41 pm

topped of news release at 0927 - ie under 30 and 40

So looked for sells - LH at 24 and 20 - ok to sell

Now price at 0885 so a 30+ pip fall in less than 10 mins after initial rise up

Its now will it go under 0880 next ??
Hi Fugazsy

Live calls are 2 a penny - dont see the problem - there as been at least 4 called this morning from me - all within 1 min of the start of the moves etc

Also if you look back over this thread - just this year - and maybe over last 8 months - Major Magnum as done several 350 -500 pip sessions - and showed his statements - all within 8 hrs

Really it might only be 150 pip of movements - but with part stakes etc etc - then you are seeing multiple numbers of the same pips on all different stake sizes etc etc

So in reality a nice 1 hr 60 pip move - could easily add up to over 200 pip - by PPND and scalping etc etc



I have personally seen set ups and levels pointed and traded as a result and made quite a few pips from blindly following.

It is rather easier to say buy above sell below etc and the purpose being... well we know that answer. Here are well thought out strategies with concise points to follow.
I am your target number 1 on the hit list to get rid off
Not at all. I enjoy yer company far too much.

But back to yer creative accounting. If you give Mrs. F a birthday present, then take it back, then give it back to her. Is that 2 presents you've given her?

Does she see it that way?
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