Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU as dropped 200 pips from its high earlier on

Hope Fugazsy had a stop in if he left buys on - but sure he would have

Out after 3 00 pm - but should be back later on 4 - 5 pm time

Its been a cracking week again - so far lol

See you later guys
Just popped back in before 5 00 pm to check on prices

I have finished now today - although still note more red news at 6 00 pm with the US Fed chief speaking

First chart I looked at was EJ and noticed a great price - a HL at 4 39 pm at 133 88 and indications of a scalp buy

Since then - its made another HH and 133 99 as I type - OK only worth approx 10 pips - but all within 12 minutes

EU similar set up but only moved up 8 pips so far - GU not playing ball

I think I will pop in around 6 00 pm just to see if any more big reactions etc on pairs

Have a great weekend otherwise - and see you on Tuesday


Morning Sir Gissachance - hope you are well

Noticed time rule on presents highs - does not favour new ones for what 15 -20 mins or so - thats if we do get new highs ?

Dear ForeXmospherian,
Brilliant Trading by you again today and thank you for sharing. Thinking along the L.I.N.E.S. of N.A.T.U.R.E. and when Markets reach a Turbulent T.I.M.E. always good to recall the past and let "Reflections" stream through ones mind, these can, and will easily be seen within the G.A.T.E.
Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
Dear Forexmospherian,

Worth noting that you highlighted the Top on Friday on the M.A.R.K. and so thanks for posting, brilliant work. Will be preparing then posting next weeks JBCB via the normal channels.

Have a great weekend all and see you very soon Forexmospherian.

Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
Dear Forexmospherian,

Worth noting that you highlighted the Top on Friday on the M.A.R.K. and so thanks for posting, brilliant work. Will be preparing then posting next weeks JBCB via the normal channels.

Have a great weekend all and see you very soon Forexmospherian.

Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)

Hi Sir Gissachance

If I remember correctly you called the turn of the EU back in March / April 2008 when at that time it had been near the 1 6000 level.

That was the start of the WW recession and that year the EU fell approx 3000 pips - and by 2012 - on both way trades with the 2 way moves the EU had clocked up over 15k of pips - maybe nearly 25k - if you had been intraday trading on a full time basis

Its such a shame on this forum that amongst all the good people - we have idiots and trolls who try ( although always failing) to belittle the Forexmospherian group.

You - Sir Gissa - helped my on my "trading journey"" - and you know you are always welcome on this thread whenever you are not contributing elsewhere around the www.

Good Trading to you


Hi Sir Gissachance

If I remember correctly you called the turn of the EU back in March / April 2008 when at that time it had been near the 1 6000 level.

That was the start of the WW recession and that year the EU fell approx 3000 pips - and by 2012 - on both way trades with the 2 way moves the EU had clocked up over 15k of pips - maybe nearly 25k - if you had been intraday trading on a full time basis

Its such a shame on this forum that amongst all the good people - we have idiots and trolls who try ( although always failing) to belittle the Forexmospherian group.

You - Sir Gissa - helped my on my "trading journey"" - and you know you are always welcome on this thread whenever you are not contributing elsewhere around the www.

Good Trading to you



Dear Forexmospherian,

Ah yes the 2008 "I see Dead Countries!" chart posted 3 months in advance of any news of recession and a year before Banks and countries started falling over, as thereafter major news circumvented the Globe, well noted in virtual slow motion though. However, utilizing Relativity, some were well prepared.
Tis still a little known fact, that over many centuries certain traders and or groups of traders have not only been part of History but have written a fair amount of it too. Twas mostly hidden but in part, various attempts made to erase, the evidence still found in abundance in the greater ForeX atmosphere all around.
My great privilege to Walk with you and other ForeX good guys for quite awhile now. I could recall the past and state the awards and other items you have attained in the ForeX World but will not post them here.
I will say this though, I Know this is an absolutely fantastic post, you are a wonderfully brilliant Trader and thank you so much for sharing.
Enjoy the long weekend All.
Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)

Its a Bank Holiday around most of Europe - and the US today - I have enjoyed my lie in and out with family later on - but checked the charts and see the FX markets been busy from London Open - even though in theory its closed ( lol)

In last hour the EU as dropped approx 40 pips - the EJ dropped 45 pips and the GU - 25 pips down and 30+ pips back up.

The GU is in more of a bullish PS - but EU under 1020 and 10 is just in a Bearish PS.

Not planned to trade today - but until we go out after 11 00 am will keep an eye on a few pairs to see if I can bag a few pips on low stakes. Guessing it could all slow down again and then we might only see the odd bursts at random times - as the market is devious and cunning and will do kit best to try and trap you - so be careful

Its a Bank Holiday around most of Europe - and the US today - I have enjoyed by lie in and out with family later on - but checked the charts and see the FX markets been busy from London Open - even though in theory its closed ( lol)

In last hour the EU as dropped approx 40 pips - the EJ dropped 45 pips and the GU - 25 pips down and 30+ pips back up.

The GU is in more of a bullish PS - but EU under 1020 and 10 is just in a Bearish PS.

Not planned to trade today - but until we go out after 11 00 am will keep an eye on a few pairs to see if I can bag a few pips on low stakes. Guessing it could all slow down again and then we might only see the odd bursts at random times - as the market is devious and cunning and will do kit best to try and trap you - so be careful

Maybe Greek situation impacting market
Maybe Greek situation impacting market

Morning watsone

Could well be - got to admit surprised on 40+ pip moves within an hour - thought might be just a 30 pip range all day with the EU just moving 10 - 12 pips an hour stuff - either way

Got supports on EU now at 0960- 50 - 25 -20 areas and would need back over 0983 and 0990 to be thinking about taking any scalp buys - or holding any on

Only about for another hour or so - and then out rest of day - might be the busy part is already over ?

Back to normal tomorrow though


Good morning Forexmospherian,not looking too good for dollar either!!

Meanwhile enjoy your day out

Cheers watsone

Not listened to all the video yet - but what Ron Paul says makes sense - the US as got a big problem to face - and if the world loses confidence in the dollar and the US policies - then it faces major troubles - far greater than 2008 / 9

Back to the ugly contest again - which is the ugliest - the dollar or the Euro?? lol

Have a good day watsone



Dear Forexmospherian,
That is two places where I have seen this video posted recently and an excellent motto, that belongs to a certain group of Traders we all know. Great how the "I.F." stands for "I. Forexmospherian." wonderful standards and thank you for raising the awareness of what some fellows should live up to. Oh and glad to see Tom is a member there too.
Have a great one All.

Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
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Hi F and Sir,

Interesting to read about the group, I believe both of you trade differently and both are successful.

How were /are you in the same group? I don't understand the story.

Anyhow best wishes for both of you.
Hi F and Sir,

Interesting to read about the group, I believe both of you trade differently and both are successful.

How were /are you in the same group? I don't understand the story.

Anyhow best wishes for both of you.

Dear gftrader32,
I concur, both of us are successful but we do not necessarily trade that differently. ForeXmospherian is a brilliant scalper but is also able to trade other strategies too.
I am a scalper but will swing and take positions. There is no wrong or right way to trade except the one that aims and achieves profit for Y.O.U.
To achieve this and be successful will depend upon too many variables to discuss here. To simplify the market is to underestimate it. Therefore, when simplified for purpose of debate, it is purely a symbolic exercise and overview.

Not entirely sure this is the right and proper venue to talk about how, where and why ForeXmospherian and I met but it was all good. The story is a journey and I would suggest it should rightfully take its place in a best selling Forex book. The group we travel with are referred to as the Forex good guys in life and fellow ForeXmospherians.

Nota Bene, Thank you for asking polite and intelligent questions, while very patiently making skillful observations, I know that you have many attributes associated with being a great trader.

Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
Morning F,

I am sure it has been covered before but if you would kindly save me the time and answer please.
When you enter your trades do you enter them all on the same stake, (I think I recall not always) and if not is that because the trade meets ALMOST all of your conditions for entry but not entirely all?

Being new to scalping fx, last week I found myself entering some trades more aggressively and adding faster than other trades. I understand our goal is to make money but I like the pip collecting notion and I run the risk of some of these trades skewing my pips total in a good and bad way.

I had three scalp trades at one time last week and I was thinking how do you guys do it, especially NVP with his unreal amount of trades some days. Yes I know I need more practice and it is akin to learning to drive and thinking 'how will I ever be able to do this all at once'. A big hats off to you guys especially being able to do it for so many years.

Anyway, I am here 'spongelike' and ready for another great week with you all here and hopefully we all get plenty of pips by Friday.

Gl F and all.
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