Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Forexmospherian;2533538[B said:

6 49 am

Yes - also a 6 21 am scalp buy - but not in that one - shame - its moved better than EU and up 12 pips from the 6 00 am TW and is also a new high at 5347 atm

The GU is in a bullish price structure session whilst above 5320 for me based on my 1 min chart

I have major R from 5380 to 5400 - both static and dynamic R areas

Main supports under 5320 at - ie the big round number at 5300 - and then 5290 - and 5275

7 06 am

How things can change - all within a few mins

The GU was bullish and and a buy anyway - but now made a new high another 8 pips higher

EU made 0977 so far and now its a case will any pullbacks stay above 66 and 71 for more tries up


10 08 am

This pair was always the easy one

i missed the first scalp buy for me from after 6 30 am - but got in after 7 30am and then left 30% on with stop in profit at 5360 area

i was hoping we would test 5400 - and we have - so far 5405 and i will move my 30% stop now up to 5384 - because for me we might be topping around 5410 -20 area

I hope I am wrong and we try over 5430 - but lets wait to see whats next with price currently at 5394

Pre Open update at 6 43 am

Price atm at 0969

Yesterday we made 0994 and first main supports at approx 0958/60 with new R's at 0975 to 80

I need actually over 75 and 80 for a bullish price session structure - because for me on the 1 min chart its in a bear mode for now - but would need the first supports around 60 to let go for larger falls

Its been in a scalp buy from after 5 51 and 6 00 am - but as only moved approx 9 pips during the last 50 mins or so

I am in it from approx 6 21 am and reckon I might have to settle for only 3 -5 pips at present rate of progress


10 14 am

Well I did only make a few pips on my first scalp buy on it - but then after 8 30 am we were in the scalp buy land above 0975 and 80 - as mentioned prior to 7 00 am

Did not leave 30% on whilst out and doing other domestic jobs - so missed out - but as normal preferred the EJ as normally its a better mover and that also carried on up

Price on EU now at 1000 area after a high of 1014 - which is of course still a LH to yesterday

Above 0982 still in up bull session bias but scalp sells did come in after 10 02 am

10 20 am

Embarrassed here - as normally my favour pair - and its gone up approx 90 pips from after the EO and I only took a total of approx 9 /10 pips on scalp buys - but did leave a 30% stake on with stop in profit that at least compensated and caught more decent size pip after 9 00 am

Moving 30% stop up to 130 90 now and will see if we can make over 131 35 and 40 next
Glad I came back for this hour - as changes have started

Taken out my GU 30% stake buy at 5384 and if i had not moved my stop up - that might even be tested at prior level of 5360

For now the GU is a sell on bounces staying under 5390
Glad I came back for this hour - as changes have started

Taken out my GU 30% stake buy at 5384 and if i had not moved my stop up - that might even be tested at prior level of 5360

For now the GU is a sell on bounces staying under 5390


20 mins later and GU so far fell to 5355 at guess when - yes 10 39 / 40 am - ie end of the half hr TW

Bounces now need to stay under 5380 for more tries lower - but we also need to keep an eye on the 30 min rule on any new interim lows or highs as well

Remember even though the GU as fallen approx 60 pips we are still in a bull session bias above 5345 / 50 ish area

10 50 am

We had the scalps sells come in after 10 00 am and so far we have fell back down to 0991

For me the session bias is still bullish above 0975/ 80 - and so i need to see these prices taken out to stay with scalp sells or take more

i have 2 up TLs on EU and will post a chart on it a bit later in next hour

See you in a bit

20 mins later and GU so far fell to 5355 at guess when - yes 10 39 / 40 am - ie end of the half hr TW

Bounces now need to stay under 5380 for more tries lower - but we also need to keep an eye on the 30 min rule on any new interim lows or highs as well

Remember even though the GU as fallen approx 60 pips we are still in a bull session bias above 5345 / 50 ish area


11 03 am

Comment above from over 15 mins ago

We stayed under 5380 on the bounce - 78 and then after 10 53 am it was another scalp sell - but I am looking at the 30 min rule on low and would like to scalp buy again above 5360 if possible next

If we drop under 55 and 50 - well forget scalp buys then

20 mins later and GU so far fell to 5355 at guess when - yes 10 39 / 40 am - ie end of the half hr TW

Bounces now need to stay under 5380 for more tries lower - but we also need to keep an eye on the 30 min rule on any new interim lows or highs as well

Remember even though the GU as fallen approx 60 pips we are still in a bull session bias above 5345 / 50 ish area

Do you wait for a partial bounce to occur as your entry signal? Or just have faith in the res/supp that it will work for you 7/10 times?

I know I said I'd focus on other trading methods for a while but I found myself with a little spare time :LOL:
Do you wait for a partial bounce to occur as your entry signal? Or just have faith in the res/supp that it will work for you 7/10 times?

I know I said I'd focus on other trading methods for a while but I found myself with a little spare time :LOL:

Morning MY

I need really confirmation via time a small bounce - a good level and at least one or 2 quick Lrs under / over and ideally a new interim low or high price.

So to try and guess ahead is always difficult - but then if you can get enough clues line up - it can be good if anything for 3 -7 pips

To get the 10 -25 + pip moves you need a good level and lots of clues agreeing - it does happen a few times a day and for me always at Key Times


EU - 3 charts on this pair - 1 min - 3 min and 20 min working chart

Heres 3 of my charts on the EU - based on this morning and then yesterday and last week up to now on the 20 mins

Thats a separate working chart and I have left previous levels and TL's etc on it - so its a mess ;-)

1 MIN - Today


3 min Today and yesterday


20 min working chart - a mess ;-)



  • EU - 1 min 290415 am.png
    EU - 1 min 290415 am.png
    88.5 KB · Views: 425
  • EU - 3 min 290415 am.png
    EU - 3 min 290415 am.png
    85.9 KB · Views: 427
  • EU - 20 min working chart base 290415.png
    EU - 20 min working chart base 290415.png
    137.7 KB · Views: 430
As far as I am concerned - I value the 1 min / 3 min / 5 min / 10 min etc all the way up to the hour far far more important than charts over 1 hr 4 hrs etc etc

That's because I intraday trade and the only 100 or 200 or 500 pip moves I want to catch are off 5 pip stops and from the start

11 42 am

Still cannot make over 131 35 and 40 area

I reckon might have to look at scalp sells soon of we get past midday with no more rises on this pair

See you next hour next

12 02 PM

OK - luck i suppose

Low at 11 38 / 39 am at 5347 / 48

So after then and 11 51 am ( another KT - ) guess what we did - yes scalp buy and also now back over 5360

Interesting now on conflict

Under 5378 / 80 - still down bear bias

Above 5350 and 60 - bull bias

End result could be a BTTZ next - all depends on the 30 min rules Etc

11 42 am

Still cannot make over 131 35 and 40 area

I reckon might have to look at scalp sells soon of we get past midday with no more rises on this pair

See you next hour next


12 05 pm

We did not make over 35 and 40 before midday and what did 11 51 am say


Scalp sell under 35

12 16 pm

So far its made down to 131 10

Bounces staying under 131 25 are sells again


12 22 pm

Forgot to mention 30 min rule on low at 11 38 / 39 am

its worked stopping it going under 48 again - with a bounce at 50

By rights we need after 12 39 pm ( 60 mins) for low of 47/48 to be breached - thats if it is going to be

Sorry - Edit - got levels mixed up with the GU - not the EJ - this time and prices mentioned connected with GU not EJ
Last edited:

12 30 pm

Not mentioned it since i printed my charts - but must have said at least 3 times this morning above 0975 / 80 its a bullish session

We made 1014 over 2 hrs ago - dropped to 0993 area and then bounced after 12 09 and 12 21 am

So far we have made 1008 and pullbacks staying above 98 / 1000 are scalp buys again

12 38

Cannot scalp buy at 98 atm

Down to 95 i am still happy to look for a scalp buy - but under 92 and 89 - then forget scalp buys again for now
Hope you all saw what happened

At key time - ie 12 39 it fell to 95 and then bounced

Deliberate manipulation and so obvious to try and get more bears in again before a turn up again

Not playing their game for now - dont trust PA on EU for now

Will wait for more certainty - rather than get caught by Banksters ;-)
Might not be around for 1 30 pm red news announcements

Would be back latest by 2 30 pm - when I have a break in a bit for lunch and some shopping i need to do

Interested to see if we go into BTTZ areas before the news ??
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