Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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As Mr. F is off for a while does anyone else know who he uses for his trades? They're as keen as mustard I can tell ya. I can't get quotes anywhere near that. Me best buy fill at 16:21 would have been 37 and me best sell at 16:27 would have been 47 and I'd a had to get in and out at the sweetspot too. Seriously, whoever he's using you all need to be using them too as Lord knows what normal retail providers were buying and selling at. I'm suggesting this aspect of Mr. F's scalping strategy is fundamentally critical to your profitability.
As Mr. F is off for a while does anyone else know who he uses for his trades? They're as keen as mustard I can tell ya. I can't get quotes anywhere near that. Me best buy fill at 16:21 would have been 37 and me best sell at 16:27 would have been 47 and I'd a had to get in and out at the sweetspot too. Seriously, whoever he's using you all need to be using them too as Lord knows what normal retail providers were buying and selling at. I'm suggesting this aspect of Mr. F's scalping strategy is fundamentally critical to your profitability.

As i am sure you know Pat - every retail brokers platform as different prices and on average my FX Pro compared to Dukascopy and LMAX can differ between 1 to 3 pip on most days

So - what ever platform you are looking at would more than likely be 90% sure to be not exactly the same at mine
I was hoping to sell again after 5 00 pm - but got a phone call to make and so might be tied up for 10 -15 minutes or so

My latest high is 1177 at 4 54 pm##

See you in a bit
I would not have a clue - but I hope the Liquidity provider has no problem on just 3 lots ;-)
LOL. No, no, I meant who were you dealing with. You mentioned it was FXPro I think.

I don't often check currencies on me Bloomie so it's probably my error, but they were keen fills you were getting, especially being from a retail broker an all. Good on you.
LOL. No, no, I meant who were you dealing with. You mentioned it was FXPro I think.

I don't often check currencies on me Bloomie so it's probably my error, but they were keen fills you were getting, especially being from a retail broker an all. Good on you.

Hi Pat

Back now again for a bit

Of course it great if you can get excellent fills - but I do get slippage both ways but normally under 1 or 1 5 pips if I catch a really active period

I like FXPro - but was not so keen on LMAX - and yet they are supposed to be better. Also some days Dukascopy are really good - but no longer have my main account there.

On the last buy I got on EU - even if I had got a 2 or 3 pip worse price - i would still have done well on the whole deal as now at 5 19 pm price as been up over 50 pips from where i entered and will keep my 30% on over 60 for now


I notice the GU not quite done 5500 and EJ made so far 132 91 - but that was over 80 mins ago

What a day - and by rights the fun to come later ;-)

Finished now - although still around and will pop in before 7 00 pm as well for news

I hope you have had a good or great or even brilliant day !!!
6 46 pm

Noticed the EU last high was at 5 13 pm - at 1187 - a good 17 pips above my 5 09pm - which was still a scalp buy. I would have only been safe to sell after 5 21 and 5 30 pm from 1168/9 and then it dropped 35 pips - but was not in it as was not trading then

Scalp buys for me could not have started before 6 20 / 21 pm as the low was also outside my TW but since then it as moved up another 16 /17 pip to 1166 area now

For now above 1130 /33 we are still session scalp bullish - but would need above 1180 and 90 to stay with buys for an attempt to test above 1200.

Under 1130 and 1100 it would be sells down to 1070.

News is approx 15 mins away - i have not got a clue if its going to be big - with more big moves - or just a damp squid with not a lot of change for now

But whatever we will be ready for it - although will not be in any scalps for news but would hope to be in within 3 or 9 mins afterwards

7 04 pm

First reaction on EU after main news is a fall of approx 45 -50 pips and then a bounce above 1100

Under 1160 and 50 it favours lower again but if 1100 supports hold then it will try a turn up again

Not a big reaction so far - its maybe all happened in the pre set up
7 23 pm

OK - had enough - leaving a 30% stake on a sell with a stop in profit now at 1120

Taken 70% off at 83 after a 1076 low

If i get stopped out of 30% with stop in profit - no worry - its another gain and its been a great day

Will pop in some time later on


As Mr. F is off for a while does anyone else know who he uses for his trades? They're as keen as mustard I can tell ya. I can't get quotes anywhere near that. Me best buy fill at 16:21 would have been 37 and me best sell at 16:27 would have been 47 and I'd a had to get in and out at the sweetspot too. Seriously, whoever he's using you all need to be using them too as Lord knows what normal retail providers were buying and selling at. I'm suggesting this aspect of Mr. F's scalping strategy is fundamentally critical to your profitability.

i use several accounts and lmax clearly best. been watching f c x m spreads. and unless there is something wrong with my pc, i dont see much improvement since their policy change


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You mean 'wow' the price with respect to the LR lines?

Me question really is, at what point did those LR lines form as they now appear? How many bars back?

I'm really not tryin to dis anything at all. What I find a lot a retail people doing is looking at stuff like this as if it were printed on the chart from first thing this morning. LR and any and every indicator typically works with data right up to the last closed bar and some even with the currently open bar. I have no idea where your cut-off bar is on the chart you post, but it' easy ta fall in love with something that doesn't exist which is why I ask the question. And how many charts are there with the LR printed on them where the price is not showing any particular interest in them?
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