Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hi Pat

3 men in white coats have just left my house - saying I need a stronger dosage - lol

No i do understand what you mean and I believe Major Magnum had a similar problem the first few weeks when he was trying to follow me.

See - i use totally none standard jargon along with non commercial techniques - all very unusual - but highly effect for retail trading under say 25 / 50 lot size per pip

I am maybe being to hard on Trade 2 windows - because he still does not think I have ever made a live call in advance - but forgetting the bit about me not wanting to be just a trade alert service - to make live calls on this thread with just 3 or 5 pip stop size is not that easy with 30 second delay features and it can easily be another few minutes before other members see my comments posted.

But now I have explained my timing more - along with the 6 key times of the hour to look at new scalp entries or even exits - then that part should at least help

I also guess that maybe you was not looking at a 1 min chart with Linear Regression lines and time windows and interim levels marked up etc PAT - now if you had been using them as well - I am sure you would be suddenly tuned in ;-))



There is no bloody delay in posting ,that is all in your make believe world ....but at least now you have admitted what I have said all along about and that your medication is not sufficient in the facility where you reside ......

I hope you have been able to get your browser problem sorted and finding getting onto this site easier ?

Also - hows it going ?? - keep it tight and step by step etc etc

Around most of week - so hope you can join in for a bit at some time

Noticed the pullback on EU low as gone over 30 mins now and supports trying to strengthen between 0874 and 0880 area. i did think we might try under 0850 area - but we might not need that low for a full turn - but no over 0890 and 0900 again - and then I think it will test 0850 and lower

All the best and have a good week - which I am sure you will


There is no bloody delay in posting ,that is all in your make believe world ....but at least now you have admitted what I have said all along about and that your medication is not sufficient in the facility where you reside ......


Course there is a bloody delay

I have been on this thread at busy times and have missed comments and not seen some to after 5 mins after they have been posted - thats why for the first year I kept telling people to refresh the page

Its worse when the pages change when you get say 2 or 3 comments all within 3 or 5 mins - many are delayed - or appear with a time stamp that at that time - they were not available to see

I thought you was good at spotting the detail -

Shows you have never followed in a busy time when more than 5 members are multi commenting over say a 10 or 15 min period

See wrong AGAIN



Course there is a bloody delay

I have been on this thread at busy times and have missed comments and not seen some to after 5 mins after they have been posted - thats why for the first year I kept telling people to refresh the page

Its worse when the pages change when you get say 2 or 3 comments all within 3 or 5 mins - many are delayed - or appear with a time stamp that at that time - they were not available to see

I thought you was good at spotting the detail -

Shows you have never followed in a busy time when more than 5 members are multi commenting over say a 10 or 15 min period

See wrong AGAIN



So how come nobody else notices it ...oh ye maybe nobody else is posting 24/7 tripe.....Up the meds more ,you are confusing reloading a page whenever a new post is posted to some imaginary time delay ..maybe its your computer ,do you have it set for seconds,minutes and hours or tick seconds,tick minute s or tick hours :LOL:
What is this then if its not a time delay ??

When you multi post in busy periods - it even worse

Plus the fact when you posted before at 7 45 pm and i had posted at same time - I did not see your post until i refreshed the page - a couple of minutes later



  • Time Delay.png
    Time Delay.png
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What is this then if its not a time delay ??

When you multi post in busy periods - it even worse

Plus the fact when you posted before at 7 45 pm and i had posted at same time - I did not see your post until i refreshed the page - a couple of minutes later


obviously you have to refresh the page to see my post doesnt just pop up automatically ...I could have posted a few seconds after you hence why you see your own and not mine until you refresh ....up the meds like I said
That was a scam by the way. I posted at 21:00 just to get the timestamp. Waited until something showed some form of movement a few minutes later and edited the original to show me opening the trade at that time and followed it up immediately with a new post at the then time of 21:04 showing me closing the trade.

This medium doesn't do too well for live trade calls on trades especially of this type and style so might as well lay that one to rest.
Me point being that forexmospherian posts War & Peace with every post so there's no way the chap can expect to get accurately timed and verified calls. And I don't think that's his purpose in this thread. It's meant, if I'm getting the purpose correctly, to inform of his mental process in trading preparation, execution and management.

That I among many have no idea what it's all about is not his problem and I'm sure those that do get it are exasperated that the rest of us don't. If one person (at least) has managed to make a positive start on their retail trading career by following the guy's ideas then what's the issue? I'm always up for a scrap meself, but sometimes you either have to let go completely or give yourself over completely. Anything in-between is just a waste of your own time and energies and that of others.

I'm not telling anyone how ta do anything at all and I'm not directing this at any one in particular, just giving you me take on things, that's all.
That was a scam by the way. I posted at 21:00 just to get the timestamp. Waited until something showed some form of movement a few minutes later and edited the original to show me opening the trade at that time and followed it up immediately with a new post at the then time of 21:04 showing me closing the trade.

This medium doesn't do too well for live trade calls on trades especially of this type and style so might as well lay that one to rest.

Ìt would fit in well on this thread then
Me point being that forexmospherian posts War & Peace with every post so there's no way the chap can expect to get accurately timed and verified calls. And I don't think that's his purpose in this thread. It's meant, if I'm getting the purpose correctly, to inform of his mental process in trading preparation, execution and management.

That I among many have no idea what it's all about is not his problem and I'm sure those that do get it are exasperated that the rest of us don't. If one person (at least) has managed to make a positive start on their retail trading career by following the guy's ideas then what's the issue? I'm always up for a scrap meself, but sometimes you either have to let go completely or give yourself over completely. Anything in-between is just a waste of your own time and energies and that of others.

I'm not telling anyone how ta do anything at all and I'm not directing this at any one in particular, just giving you me take on things, that's all.

I`ll jump on a luas and meet ye at the ranch your uncle sold you :LOL:
A +4 pip scalp for a 2 pip stop in just under 4 mins.

That was a scam by the way. I posted at 21:00 just to get the timestamp. Waited until something showed some form of movement a few minutes later and edited the original to show me opening the trade at that time and followed it up immediately with a new post at the then time of 21:04 showing me closing the trade.

This medium doesn't do too well for live trade calls on trades especially of this type and style so might as well lay that one to rest.

Hi Pat

Just so other members think you can do this all the while - well as you might know Pat - you can't

Anytime you get a timestamp and then edit after a few minutes - you get a little note under the comment- to say last edited at what ever time

So for any bright spark like Trade 2 windows who thinks that's what he is doing getting a time stamp and then 15 mins or an hour later editing it to show a winning trade in hindsight - well NO it does not work - you get the re edited time - please check it out.

If you notice I even quote the time I type the comment - and even then sometimes when It appears its a few mins different to my time I type a 30 second quick comment

I would hope now Pat all the members and non members and of course multi nics who follow this thread ( many times in last few weeks there as been over 50 + guests at certain times ) that they understand my 6 main scalp time per hour - funny enough exactly on the hour within 30 seconds - like 9 00 pm is a key time and they have the 1 min LR charts set up like me - to follow what I am seeing

Of course they won't have my hours and years of trading experience - and so will not read price structure and PA off a 1 min chart as good as me - but like Major Magnum is proving - one day he will be better at it than me

What really makes me laugh was that the multi nics ( must say thought your comments saying do they even include moderators and T2W people as multi nics? - that was below the belt ;-) ) all used to think I was Major M as well

Then after he produces some results - and then goes live and does approx £1k in a day off 30 trades with a 90% win ratios - they all say - well he cannot be F - because it does not fit in with their argument - ie they think I cannot trade. lol

Then the next laugh they come up with is - they are all demo - when they find out they are real and on a live account - they then say - well they must be faked and altered - which of course they are NOT - they are all 100 % genuine

What no one can accept is that I am a genuine ( arrogant) retail FX Intraday Expert trader - they just cannot except that - simply because what I do is supposed to be impossible according to the theorists and commercial guys.

Well its NOT at all

I just need another member with a brain who is prepared to devote 6 -9 months learning my way of FX Intraday trading

Trade2 windows would be ideal - but then again - how would he fit it in with all his other work ???


Will not be starting before the EO tomorrow morning and then will not be around for the LO at 8 00am

I know i am going to have another windows update loading problem on one of my computers in the morning and cannot be bothered to sort it out tonight - it just seems to take too long with Windows 8 1 for some reason

I was late this morning - but what amazed me for a Monday morning was that by 8 30 am I had made my daily target - an I had not even started scalping until after 7 00 am - unusual as I find normally after 6 09 am and 6 21 am - I can normally get 3 or more scalps in and get my first 15 -20 pips in the kitty before the EO.

Good Trading


Trade2 windows would be ideal
I agree. He's keen, intelligent and challenges everything. An ideal person to fully test out any method, system or hypothesis by using what me old Jesuit fathers used to call willful disbelief.

I think he'd be willing too as often adversarial conflict is but curiosity in another guise.

Ask the chap. He may well be able to offer you angles you haven't yet considered into the bargain.
Tuesday 28th April 2015 - European Open at 7 00 am UK time

Good Morning to all T2W members who FX Intraday Trade

I normally start my trading day around the 6 21 am / 6 30 am TW's - as many of you know - but had a problem yesterday am - which I hope I have overcome this morning

I am currently mainly intraday trading the EU / GU / AU / EJ / UJ along with the UCad if its down for a news day.

Normally the EJ is my favourite - but I focus more on this thread with the EU simply because it the pair most FX intraday traders trade.

I dont rule out the EA ( which I liked for many months ) or even the UChf if its in one of its nice rallies - but I am not really interested in unusual cross pairs - mainly because the spread is more and the movements are still no better than say the EJ or GU

I am around most of the day up to at least 5 or 6 pm but will be having many breaks etc - the first one planned just prior to LO at 8 00 am as I have a couple of other matters to do

I will start with brief reviews and updates along with the session bias - that as you know might only be for that hour or 30 mins

All proper FX questions etc are welcome along with any other charts and forecast etc any other members are keen to share

Have a good trading day


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