Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 mins later

We failed to make over 0850 and 10 30 am KT - was a scalp sell

By rights 30 / 32 should hold - but as we have gone into a BTTZ area now - it could be just tease time and false moves

Under 0823 - 19 - then hold sells on for next supports - if 30 /32 does hold - then we do need above 52 next as really 45/47 / 50 are all R areas again


Now 2 12 pm

We never made over 0850 to stay with buys - we tested under 0825 to 23 and 20 - but stayed above 0819 and got back above 0830/32 again

From 1 39 pm its been a scalp buy - but we still need above 0850 / 53 to stay with any buys above 30 / 32

Its taken over 4 hrs for the 0820/ 25 support area to hold after repeated tests trying to breach under - now we should try and test R's at 0850 and 0860 next


Now 2 12 pm

We never made over 0850 to stay with buys - we tested under 0825 to 23 and 20 - but stayed above 0819 and got back above 0830/32 again

From 1 39 pm its been a scalp buy - but we still need above 0850 / 53 to stay with any buys above 30 / 32

Its taken over 4 hrs for the 0820/ 25 support area to hold after repeated tests trying to breach under - now we should try and test R's at 0850 and 0860


2 18 pm

Now it just tested 0862 - that is 22 pips higher than when i commented approx 6 min ago

A nice scalp buy - and most importantly - A LIVE SCALP CALL IN ADVANCE
I am sure many of my "Hissers" ( ie haters and dissers) - will say thats the first live call in advance you have made in approx 15 months

I work out I have made between 370 and 500 over that time - ie In advance of the scalp and move

Further more I reckon I have made another 1000+ live calls within a few mins of entry point etc and now I list my main scalp times - its makes it easier to follow - I hope ;-))
2 28 pm

As you can expect from after 2 00 pm and 2 09 pm - we have had dollar weakness with the EU / GU / AU / NU rising - and the UChf / UCad / and even the UJ have seen pullbacks or falls

I majored only on EU as I know most traders are interested in that pair - but I also had scalp buys on the GU and EJ - although both at 30% stakes with stops already in profits - so not needing so much baby sitting
I am sure many of my "Hissers" ( ie haters and dissers) - will say thats the first live call in advance you have made in approx 15 months

I work out I have made between 370 and 500 over that time - ie In advance of the scalp and move

Further more I reckon I have made another 1000+ live calls within a few mins of entry point etc and now I list my main scalp times - its makes it easier to follow - I hope ;-))

No ,not at all ..I dont see it as a live call in advance nor have anything you have ever posted ...just after the fact statements of what you claim to have taken and thats for the majority of your 20000+ posts
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9 51 am


We have a new line in the sand area now at 0844/47 area

Price above this area - then it favours tries higher and scalp buys again

Prices staying under the line - ie 0844/47 now need to breach under 0820 /25 supports to remain as sells. If this does not happen it will test 0844/47 again - until either that area allows further rises - or if it holds then its back to testing 0820/ 25 again


3 16 pm

Said above comment over 5 hrs + ago

The previous line in the sand area was 0870/75

We have so far made 73 and pulling back but above 0855 still in a scalp buy bias or mode

If we dont breach though 0875 and 0880 - we will then be looking again for scalp sells to test lower again
No ,not at all ..I dont see it as a live call in advance nor have anything you have ever posted ...just after the fact statements of what you claim to have taken and thats for the majority of your 20000+ posts


So you dont believe the time post

Ie I said previously to 2 00 pm - many time if you want to check that we needed above 0850 and 53 to hold or take more scalp buys

I then scalp bought at one of my 6 key times - ie 1 39 pm - but forget that as I said then at 2 12pm - which on T2W time stamp was 2 13pm that it was a scalp buy and we should try and test above 0850 and 0860 now

At 2 12 or 2 13pm - EU price was at 0840 / 2 - which for me is below 0850 / 53 and 0860 - would you agree ?

So I put my neck on the line ( by saying we should now try higher and test 0850 and 0860 )

At 2 18 pm - I commented that price had now made 0862 - ie 22 pips

So in 6 mins it did exactly as I said - ie it moved up above 0850 and 60

For me being in the scalp buy after 1 39 pm ( a Key Time remember ) the move was worth nearly 30 pips

Now if you want to be saying - no i dont believe you - that's fine

However - think - why would I make a specific comment - that was 100% correct if i dont know what I am doing ???

My way is 1000% better than the fortune telling way of saying buying at 46 - stop at 15 target at 70 - thats for losers and guessers - OK ;-)))

Have a good US session


Actually I think I need to explain to Trade 2 windows - in case he is a novice - I trade in the now - ie I dont fortune tell and guess with stops wide enough to cover any inaccuracy.

To do that - and to scalp - you can never just say an exact price say 10 mins or 30 mins before it happens - yes it fine if you are happy with 20 -30 or larger stops - but to work on entries with stops under 5 pips - you maybe only have a window of 1 to 3 mins to make the call

3 16 pm

Said above comment over 5 hrs + ago

The previous line in the sand area was 0870/75

We have so far made 73 and pulling back but above 0855 still in a scalp buy bias or mode

If we dont breach though 0875 and 0880 - we will then be looking again for scalp sells to test lower again


4 30 pm

I hope this comment was not misleading - but of course some might find it that way ;-)

I said above 0855 we are still in scalp buy bias

Price never dropped under 56 /57 - which I think is above 55 - or am I wrong ?? lol

So we stayed with scalp buys - OK

Did we fail to make over 0875 / 80 - because if we did - it was back to scalp sells again ??

Well - NO we carried on higher above 0875 and 80 to so far 0907

We now need to stay above 0885/6 and test above 0907 next

If we dont make over 0907 and then test and breach under 0885 - well work that one out if you can T2Windows ?? -

Will pop back in now after 6 00 pm

Hope you all had a great day

I have :)


I think it's probably not so much people not believing you're doing what you're saying you're doing and more likely them simply not understanding what you're saying you're doing. Your manner and style is, inadvertently I'm sure, that of a magician who deliberately misdirects in order to cover what it is they are or are not doing elsewhere. I know that's not your intent and I'm sure you've a good heart and are trying to lay it down as simply as possible. But I've read your last couple of posts a few times just for the exercise and I can be intelligent when I want to but I'm struggling to the point I couldn't follow you even if I had a gun to me head. That's not a criticism of you personally, just your communication style. And there's nothing wrong with that if you're a born trader and just want ta make pots of dosh, and everything wrong with it if you want to be a communicator of trading methods. I admire your resilience to criticism. Unless you're certifiably insane in which case it'll be no effort at all.
hey F and gang

as Forexperian and MM know I am still actively trading - instead of the usual amount of time I spend here at T2win which as already discussed seemed to be becoming very non productive vs making more money trading - not sure how F does it re the posts and the flak and the winning trading.....respect !

anyway will be back at some point a chance to trade for last hour or so ............making money but not as good as most of my sessions this week so far

sorry - just realised the 3-4 trades duplicated there (incl $150) so not as much as it seems..but still decent win ratio and money up

later all and respect to the usual gang



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Hi mate, I can't seem to PM you.

Firstly, welcome back :D

Just to let you know that for the time being, I decided to focus on one trading strategy only and making sure that I can master that one method. So for now, I'll be focusing on the indices on slightly longer timeframes than one minute scalping.

Thanks for the help you have lent me though, much appreciated. I might probably still come back to the forex scalping down the road, but right now I'm just juggling too many methods at the same time, so it's best to just focus on one!

hey F and gang

as Forexperian and MM know I am still actively trading - instead of the usual amount of time I spend here at T2win which as already discussed seemed to be becoming very non productive vs making more money trading - not sure how F does it re the posts and the flak and the winning trading.....respect !

anyway will be back at some point a chance to trade for last hour or so ............making money but not as good as most of my sessions this week so far

sorry - just realised the 3-4 trades duplicated there (incl $150) so not as much as it seems..but still decent win ratio and money up

later all and respect to the usual gang


nice. can i suggest reducing stakes a little and using time as an exit criteria also...
7 03pm

Hi Guys

Its like waiting for a bus - and then 3 arrive all at the same time ;-)

I will answer you all hopefully over the next hour

Good to see MM and NVP and thanks for the comments from MY and Pat - I will come back to you .



So you dont believe the time post

Ie I said previously to 2 00 pm - many time if you want to check that we needed above 0850 and 53 to hold or take more scalp buys

I then scalp bought at one of my 6 key times - ie 1 39 pm - but forget that as I said then at 2 12pm - which on T2W time stamp was 2 13pm that it was a scalp buy and we should try and test above 0850 and 0860 now

At 2 12 or 2 13pm - EU price was at 0840 / 2 - which for me is below 0850 / 53 and 0860 - would you agree ?

So I put my neck on the line ( by saying we should now try higher and test 0850 and 0860 )

At 2 18 pm - I commented that price had now made 0862 - ie 22 pips

So in 6 mins it did exactly as I said - ie it moved up above 0850 and 60

For me being in the scalp buy after 1 39 pm ( a Key Time remember ) the move was worth nearly 30 pips

Now if you want to be saying - no i dont believe you - that's fine

However - think - why would I make a specific comment - that was 100% correct if i dont know what I am doing ???

My way is 1000% better than the fortune telling way of saying buying at 46 - stop at 15 target at 70 - thats for losers and guessers - OK ;-)))

Have a good US session



Nothing to do with time stamps do not make clear calls period has been said literally hundreds if not thousands of time see an area of support or resistance ,post that area that and then after the event you come back and say you took a trade...

As for what Pat said about you being a magician ,well maybe so but a really bad one that anybody with a modicum of intelligence can see how you do it,as with what you do on this site

4 30 pm

I hope this comment was not misleading - but of course some might find it that way ;-)

I said above 0855 we are still in scalp buy bias

Price never dropped under 56 /57 - which I think is above 55 - or am I wrong ?? lol

So we stayed with scalp buys - OK

Did we fail to make over 0875 / 80 - because if we did - it was back to scalp sells again ??

Well - NO we carried on higher above 0875 and 80 to so far 0907

We now need to stay above 0885/6 and test above 0907 next

If we dont make over 0907 and then test and breach under 0885 - well work that one out if you can T2Windows ?? -

Will pop back in now after 6 00 pm

Hope you all had a great day

I have :)




I have come back to this comment to hopefully explain it more

I noticed MM liked it - simply because he would understand it - but as Pat says he would find it difficult to follow my comment - even with a gun held to his head - ( dont worry Pat - we wont go that far lol )

Ok at 4 14 /15 pm we had a High at 9007

Now if that was not breached within 30 mins - that favoured lower - BUT we had interim supports from 0885/6 - so if we dont try under say 82 and 80 - then we would not have breached supports and would try up again - and normally that would need another 30 mins

Well we did not breach under 0885 - so still in scalp buy land and then we went back above the previous high approx 4 -5 mins earlier than we should do - ie not a full 60 mins from first high. This is the approx 30 /60 min time rule that I use a lot - it works maybe 70% of the time as another clue for direction.

We then make above 9007 and 9010 and make a new high in next TW at 5 26 pm at 0926

5 30 pm was a sell then from 0921 with the stop really being 0926/7 - ie the high

It can be scalp sold again after 5 51 pm - as still not made over last high and 30 min rule coming into play by 5 56/7 pm

Now nearly 75 mins later its dropped under 0885 and so far made 0874 - a 50 pip fall from high

For me we are still in a bull US session above 0830 on EU and so would expect to see another try up above 0835 / or 0840+

For now under 0900 and 0890 we are still in the pullback / retrace mode and would need a bounce above 0900 and 0908 for holding any new scalp buys on above 0875.

Now none FX scalpers or short term Intraday traders will think I am talking gooblegook. But MM and I would hope NVP and even some of the other guys following would get my drift and understand what I am saying

Simple isn't it - lol - far from it if you are trying to follow every small wave within a wave movement - but it get easier the more you do it ;-)


I think it's probably not so much people not believing you're doing what you're saying you're doing and more likely them simply not understanding what you're saying you're doing. Your manner and style is, inadvertently I'm sure, that of a magician who deliberately misdirects in order to cover what it is they are or are not doing elsewhere. I know that's not your intent and I'm sure you've a good heart and are trying to lay it down as simply as possible. But I've read your last couple of posts a few times just for the exercise and I can be intelligent when I want to but I'm struggling to the point I couldn't follow you even if I had a gun to me head. That's not a criticism of you personally, just your communication style. And there's nothing wrong with that if you're a born trader and just want ta make pots of dosh, and everything wrong with it if you want to be a communicator of trading methods. I admire your resilience to criticism. Unless you're certifiably insane in which case it'll be no effort at all.

Hi Pat

3 men in white coats have just left my house - saying I need a stronger dosage - lol

No i do understand what you mean and I believe Major Magnum had a similar problem the first few weeks when he was trying to follow me.

See - i use totally none standard jargon along with non commercial techniques - all very unusual - but highly effect for retail trading under say 25 / 50 lot size per pip

I am maybe being to hard on Trade 2 windows - because he still does not think I have ever made a live call in advance - but forgetting the bit about me not wanting to be just a trade alert service - to make live calls on this thread with just 3 or 5 pip stop size is not that easy with 30 second delay features and it can easily be another few minutes before other members see my comments posted.

But now I have explained my timing more - along with the 6 key times of the hour to look at new scalp entries or even exits - then that part should at least help

I also guess that maybe you was not looking at a 1 min chart with Linear Regression lines and time windows and interim levels marked up etc PAT - now if you had been using them as well - I am sure you would be suddenly tuned in ;-))


hey F and gang

as Forexperian and MM know I am still actively trading - instead of the usual amount of time I spend here at T2win which as already discussed seemed to be becoming very non productive vs making more money trading - not sure how F does it re the posts and the flak and the winning trading.....respect !

anyway will be back at some point a chance to trade for last hour or so ............making money but not as good as most of my sessions this week so far

sorry - just realised the 3-4 trades duplicated there (incl $150) so not as much as it seems..but still decent win ratio and money up

later all and respect to the usual gang


Hi N

Good to see you still intraday trading - and I am sure improving with good figures etc etc

I am around all week and so you are welcome to join me when ever Neil - and also contact me etc

I still have a no PM's allowed on my membership which I like - otherwise on a previous site i used to get contacted all the while and would have needed a secretary just to keep abreast of all the comments etc

I would no way be blogging and trading in my first couple of years full time trading - it was total focus and I would have headaches trying to do too many multi task

Nowadays - with me not scalping so much - more cherry picking the 7 -25+ pip moves rather than then 2-7 pip moves - I have loads of time to think about session price structure and new time windows etc - so even posting say 50 trade comments over say a 8 hr period actually takes less than 90 mins- all whilst I am in trades or exiting them

Have a good week


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Hi mate, I can't seem to PM you.

Firstly, welcome back :D

Just to let you know that for the time being, I decided to focus on one trading strategy only and making sure that I can master that one method. So for now, I'll be focusing on the indices on slightly longer timeframes than one minute scalping.

Thanks for the help you have lent me though, much appreciated. I might probably still come back to the forex scalping down the road, but right now I'm just juggling too many methods at the same time, so it's best to just focus on one!


Hi My Attitude

Yes - kept it on no Pm's - as from previous experience used to get inundated etc etc

You are always welcome and pop in when ever you want etc and i will say if yo can remember some of the scalping tips etc - it will even help you on the indices side of your trading

GL and I agree - focus on one method for a start and then when you feel comfortable with that - move on again etc

Good Trading

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