Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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11 27 am

now under 1000 again at 0996/7

GU's bounced up after 11 00 am but EU had a R at 1010/ 12 area and could not breach up above

I remember on way up 0980 to 90 is all support area now - so unless we test under 0980 - I think we should try some more bounces up and test the 1010 / 12 area again
but the medium structure is saying down?

Correct - BUT

we need over 60 mins from 10 50 am to go lower under say 4913 and my 2 longer LR's still say above 4900 the price structure is session bullish

So then look for supports above present low and unless they go - we should still bounce up again ie 4920 -30 area is support as well now
Correct - BUT

we need over 60 mins from 10 50 am to go lower under say 4913 and my 2 longer LR's still say above 4900 the price structure is session bullish

So then look for supports above present low and unless they go - we should still bounce up again ie 4920 -30 area is support as well now

Dont worry MM - I do get some wrong as well ;-) - but not too many ;)

11 30 am and 32 was the next scalp buy (y)
Correct - BUT

we need over 60 mins from 10 50 am to go lower under say 4913 and my 2 longer LR's still say above 4900 the price structure is session bullish

So then look for supports above present low and unless they go - we should still bounce up again ie 4920 -30 area is support as well now

ok will think about this
So much to chose from out of 8 pairs - but will focus just on my main 4.

I know we have some Cad news later - so will also look at that pair for 1 30 pm

11 46am

4946/7 was high after 32 scalp buy - no over 50 so have to exit

After 11 39 am and end of half hr TW clues said sell under 42 now

We have supports at 32 and 28 / 30 and 25 and R;s at 43 and 47 now

So tight but there if yo want to scalp for 2-7 pip moves

10 15 AM

Never made 1046

So after 10 01 am - it was time to look at scalp sells again

Not as good as GU so far - but 19 pip drop so far

Needs under 20 and 17 to stay with sells though

EU comment from over 90 mins ago

I think we tested 44/ 46 about 3 or 4 times - but after under 20 and 17 - you got the feeling it would test 1000

We have just seen 0991/2 and really can only scalp buy back above 1000 and 1003/4 now

11 46am

4946/7 was high after 32 scalp buy - no over 50 so have to exit

After 11 39 am and end of half hr TW clues said sell under 42 now

We have supports at 32 and 28 / 30 and 25 and R;s at 43 and 47 now

So tight but there if yo want to scalp for 2-7 pip moves


12 04

Tested 4923/ 24

Still looks a sell under 36 now - but out anyway now

Would sell again under 17 and 12
need to stick a clock on EU from 12 04 pm on 30 min low breach rule

Reluctant to enter another scalp buy until back over 1005 and pullbacks staying above 94
12 20 pm

I know we have dollar red news in 10 mins gft - but did you get the EU scalp buy after low at 12 03 /4 pm

After 12 09 pm it was confirmed and now up over 20 pips

If not check it out etc - as a perfect type of trade you want

Just said this in gft's journal

That was nice after 12 09 pm and after 1005
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