Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 15 AM

Never made 1046

So after 10 01 am - it was time to look at scalp sells again

Not as good as GU so far - but 19 pip drop so far

Needs under 20 and 17 to stay with sells though
For all those who don't know, this is MM


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ok have rems on gj eu au gu

nu at -4 atm


I know gft32 need to see these type of results - as he is going through what you went through under your first 500 / 1000 trades

As you know - its all down to practice study experience and even a bit of luck

But the harder you try - the more luck you can make (y)

I know gft32 need to see these type of results - as he is going through what you went through under your first 500 / 1000 trades

As you know - its all down to practice study experience and even a bit of luck

But the harder you try - the more luck you can make (y)

current rems
nu was a poor trade


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9 43 am


Moving my stop on 30% buy well up now to 7860 now as top only 7884 for now

10 23 am


After i could see that 10 00 am started the dollar bull run - i bailed out 30% buy at 74 - not waiting for my stop in profit at 7860 to be hit

So far its not quite been hit - but it was another pair that I did not have to bother with and for now prefer to only scalp 2 pairs simultaneously rather than 3 or 4 pairs etc

With 30% stake trades it easy - as long as stop is in profit thenyou can trade 4 or 6 or even more pairs

Going to have a break for 20 mins - also commenting then on gft32 blog - as he does need some help and encouragement

Back a bit later

PS -Moved stopS on 30% trades down on GU and EU sells for now
42 to 45 is interim support, if they go 7610 possible?
this longer term chart is affecting my bias downwards,


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