Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EJ - does have supports at 85 to 95

Might be out too early - but got to pop out in 10 mins anyway

Will be back after 3 30 or 4 00 pm
hey all

will try to get back online later but i'm pretty done now .............

been scalping on and off over the last couple of hours but not been posting ...its easier to focus on trading when not posting on T2win ......believe me ! :smart:

superb usd run south .........superb.......Europeans got better and better for me after my last calls here at 11.30 - 12 ish

Forexperian making a mint as usual

will try to get back later


  • party time on usd sells.JPG
    party time on usd sells.JPG
    139.4 KB · Views: 112
hey mate, im live on my journal looking at FX pairs as per your LRs, feel free to pop in and say hello :D
i have enjoyed my attitudes video and thread

Been in there over an hour and he took a buy on his video after about 12 mins and from over 0800 or 0810 and made 15 pips

Move actually gone up over 70 + pips now - and was very nice move for the EU on a Friday afternoon

Ok - calling it a day

Have a great weekend and see you next week

Will update over the weekend


hey gang

been a blast ........will pop in every now and again but wont be calling anything as i'm banned on holidays by the wife ..........then into a contract for a few months .......

keep hammering the pips ....I must admit there are easily 4-5 damn good traders here now supporting Forexperian ive ever ever seen at T2win

so perhaps critics say the T2win quality is lighter these days .......but not on this thread (y)

hey gang

been a blast ........will pop in every now and again but wont be calling anything as i'm banned on holidays by the wife ..........then into a contract for a few months .......

keep hammering the pips ....I must admit there are easily 4-5 damn good traders here now supporting Forexperian ive ever ever seen at T2win

so perhaps critics say the T2win quality is lighter these days .......but not on this thread (y)


Thanks Neil for the nice comments - you know i am not used to them ;-))

You enjoy your holiday knowing that you have new contract work to get your teeth into - but also knowing - what ever happens on that side over next 3 -6 months - you can make it as a full time FX intraday trader if you do decide to take the plunge.

Yes for sure over your first 3 months or so you would have your ups and downs etc etc - but then you would settle in knowing everyday you can stay positive - getting your 20 -30 -50+ pips and not worrying about having even a bad week - never mind a bad month.

I am going to miss you and so hope you get a few half days or more in April to come back and join in etc

I wish you well and enjoy the sun


what ever happens on that side over next 3 -6 months - you can make it as a full time FX intraday trader if you do decide to take the plunge.

Yes for sure over your first 3 months or so you would have your ups and downs etc etc - but then you would settle in knowing everyday you can stay positive - getting your 20 -30 -50+ pips and not worrying about having even a bad week - never mind a bad month.

It's difficult, near to impossible to make it full time. Between day work 9-5 and kids/wife after work, there is no time left to follow 1 min chart...

2 tws, 6 tf all is good, less screen time, still cannot figure out how to make it full time...

You may say start with 1-2 days or even half-day session...but this comes with a huge psych price... you know revenge trading, fear, greed etc. as i'll be positioning myself with tight tf to trade...i tried this in dec/jan didn't work out well...i ended up with bad experience..

I wish your method works on higher tf, after all not all full time traders are scalpers / 1 min chart... yes swing trading needs bigger account size which i don't have....but less stressful..

infinite circle ...advice?
It's difficult, near to impossible to make it full time. Between day work 9-5 and kids/wife after work, there is no time left to follow 1 min chart...

2 tws, 6 tf all is good, less screen time, still cannot figure out how to make it full time...

You may say start with 1-2 days or even half-day session...but this comes with a huge psych price... you know revenge trading, fear, greed etc. as i'll be positioning myself with tight tf to trade...i tried this in dec/jan didn't work out well...i ended up with bad experience..

I wish your method works on higher tf, after all not all full time traders are scalpers / 1 min chart... yes swing trading needs bigger account size which i don't have....but less stressful..

infinite circle ...advice?

Hi gft32

I think you are right.

Nobody - whether a scalper of swing trader should look at going full time under maybe 3 or 5 years - they will just not have enough experience and screen time and past results to support what is necessary.

With NVP he's been trading on and off part time for 15 yrs - and in that time - even if he just averaged say 10 hrs a week - he's still got well over 7000 hrs of experience - and although you dont need that amount of time to make it with my method - I do think you need 2k +.

With Major Magnum - he had over 18 months before he went over to my method and then easily put in 25+ hrs a week - besides still doing his main work - by spending times at all hours of the day - ie some early sessions from 6 am to 8 00 am before he left to work and then some after 10pm at night after his children had gone to bed - some times trading until 2 am in the middle of the night.

Personally I dont recommend it - but at least over the 6 -8 months whilst learning my method and on demo - he got well over 500 hr of live chart time - and over 1000 demo trades. Now approx 13 / 14 months on from when he's started - he will soon be at 2000 live trades and easily over 1k hours behind him.

I therefore think he's ready to try full time - or at least cut his work back a couple of days a week during this next 6 months.

My method will work on longer time frames - but of course you need then larger stops and you will not end up so profitable or accurate etc.

I do think you can try and take swing trades with say 150 -200 pip profits over 2 to 4 days with say 40 -70 pip stops - but you will not get 70 -85% accuracy - more like 55 - 70% top - and then you may be able to fit trading in with a full time job and with family life. If you are able to do this successfully for 2 or 3 years - you might then have extra capital to have say a 3 -6 month break ( sabbatical ) from work and then go for it.

I was lucky - as spent approx 5 year part time before going full time - and being semi retired did have an easy 20 hrs a week over the Key times to learn the craft and find the edges needed. Without that period - I would never have been able to take the jump needed.

When I started - i thought I would have it all cracked and be well down the road to great success in just 2 or 3 yrs. How wrong i was - I nearly gave up several times during my first 3 yrs - totally frustrated - ie have great weeks or months - and then 3 or 4 bad days - and I felt it was 2 steps forward and 1 step back all the while.

I will say though - if it takes 3 or 5 or 7 years and you can make it all the way - it can be so worth while in terms of returns and satisfaction etc


Monday 23rd March 2015 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders - and the start of another new week

I posted last night a 10 min chart on the EU in my other trade journal with some important levels etc marked.

From the 18th March - we could be seeing changes taking place on many dollar linked pairs - with the dollar losing some of its strength.

Whether that will carry on this week is yet to be seen - but if you expect the unexpected - then at least you will be always ready for what ever the market throws at us.

Checking Calender and noticed we have Draghi speaking again today - after Lunch UK time at 2 00 pm

The morning looks light in terms of news announcements - so might be a slower start etc

Stay focused and please join in with your thoughts and comments on FX etc

Normal quick updates and reviews on 6 -8 key pairs along with levels I will be looking for new intraday trades

Have a good day and week



6 42 am

A quick scalp buy started from the half hr change 6 30 am at 0808 - but we need over 25 and 30 to stay with it - otherwise take what you can get

6 44 AM

Similar set up as EU - not taken this one though - only went with EU for now

EJ would need above 73 and 78 to stay with any scalp buys taken

6 49 am

Clipped on my 30% stake on pullback by about 0 5 of a pip - typical - but still a profitable first trade with approx 15 pips at 70% stake and 4 pips on the 30% stake - equivalent to an approx 11 pip scalp at a full 100% stake

6 54am

made 76 on first try up - did not take that scalp buy but was worth similar to EU in terms of pip

For me above 129 60 / 61 - the EJ is still in a scalp buy mode - but still needs above 78 and 83 now to stay with any more buys etc

6 57 am

Noticed this pair became a scalp sell after 6 39 am - - missed that - but jumped on after I came out my EU trade at 6 51 am at 4926. Under 33 on bounces - still a scalp sell - but need ideally under 4895 to stay with it
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