Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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12 28pm

Similar set up as GU with the scalp buy meaning low not breached in 30 mins

Need above 7653 and 60 to stay with scalp buys- but on pullbacks staying above 7635 - should be scalp buys again
welcome back man hopefully there will be more action on this thread now as I miss pressing Ctrl+R

Hi dl

My plan is to have a quick lunch break and then hopefully see the action between 2 00 pm and 4 30 pm and then will see if i need to stay with another hour or so after 5 00 pm

Sometimes from say 10 am to 11 30 / midday can be boring - but does not look as though its been too bad this morning - a lot of action from LO to 9 00 am as well

Hope you are having a decent one



12 35 pm

Low breached in approx 32 -34 min but only by 7 pips - so could be false

Under 0742 on bounces are still scalp sells - but - back over 0750 - then different ballgame - a turn up then being tried

12 35 pm

Low breached in approx 32 -34 min but only by 7 pips - so could be false

Under 0742 on bounces are still scalp sells - but - back over 0750 - then different ballgame - a turn up then being tried

Yes a falsey ;-)

ie a new low at 0722 - then a 40 pip quick move up

For me prefered the GU and AU then EU
That's my daily targets out the way ;-)

I can now relax after lunch and get some more 30% stakes on with stops in profit - as well as find a few more decent scalps from 2 00 pm to 4 00 pm
BOE Gov Mr Carney might move the GU at 2 35 pm - but no red news otherwise marked

Ok going to have lunch and then see you after 2 00pm

For a Tuesday - its good (y)


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hey all

not really getting screen time since 8am unfortunately .............boyoboy the market got better post 8am (y)

nice bounce as the usd support levels of 7.45am got tested a while back


Hi N

Back for a bit of a session now

Just going through as few pairs now to see what might be lined up next

2 13pm

Bounced up to 0793 - and then last 20 mins or so dropped nearly 50 pips

That ruined another 30% stake on a buy - but had 3 pips profit in stop - so not a loss - small consolation

Highs held over 30 mins - so by rights bounces staying under 0775 should be scalp sells again with a test on the supports at the 0725 -30 area

2 19pm

Could not get over 7684 - but still in a bull price channel for this last 4 hrs above 7648 /52 area

So we should be able to scalp buy again above there - and only hold sells on longer under 35 and 25

2 22pm

We have the BOE Carney speaking in approx 13 -15 mins

Trying to turn back up above 5050 so only hold sells on longer under 5037 and 5025 etc

More scalp buys above 5095 and 5105

2 26PM

Trying to find supports to try up again around 120 90 to 121 00

Above 121 17 and 26 - more scalp buys

Under 120 95 and then 85 - scalp sells for lower

2 28pm

My favourite intraday pair - and not had 1 trade on it today

Its dropped 150 pips after LO - but was not here to ride the fall

Now trying to find supports at 130 00 to 130 15 area

Above 130 40 -52 and 70 all scalp buy prices for higher

Under 130 08 and 129 95 - more sells

2 31 pm

In a range 2600 to say 2660 - above 2660 + scalp buys for tries over 85

Under 2610 and 2595 sells for lower

in between OK to scalp both ways - but spread is 1.2 pips so others I prefer
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