Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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You get the feeling we need over 2470 and 80 to change bearish session proce structure now

Its another scalp buy on EU above 2448 again - but would not leave on for news

1 27 pm

Need above 5735 and 40 for holding on to scalp buys on any pullbacks

Under5720 and 10 favours lower if supports at 5680 / 85 let go
You get the feeling we need over 2470 and 80 to change bearish session proce structure now

Its another scalp buy on EU above 2448 again - but would not leave on for news

So far price on EU made 2472

I exited scalp buy under 58 just before news

Bounces staying above 55 /60 - could be scalp buys again

1 40 PM

Fairly flat - in a bearish session mode so should drop lower - but needs under 145 80 and 70 to hold scalp sells on longer

Back next hour
2 39 pm

Near the end of the 2 30 pm TW and most pairs boring and just in scalp mode.

Not keen spending next 2 hrs just scalping for 3- 7 pips - will try and find instead on or more 15 -30 pip move

Tend to think with the major news over 4 hrs plus a way we might not see that busy a period meanwhile
Best scalp for me in last 40 mins as been the EJ again

Dont want to post another chart for now - but to explain

It bottomed at just after 2 00 pm at 145 66

It was then another 15 + mins and waited to 2 21 pm - start of 2 30 pm TW to take a buy at the 73/4 area

Now 20 mins later price at 145 95 area and still just teasing up

That was nice many other pairs just 5 -10 pip range stuff

2 46 pm

It did make another high over 2472 to 75 - just to get more bulls in - and then dropped

WE need under 2450 and 40 to hoid scalp sells on for the 2320 -30 support area

Otherwise no break and price will try up again

After dropping more at news - it found supports at 1620 -25 and bounced up last 45 mins or so 30 pips

Stuck in a BTTZ now as far as I am concerned
Plan just to cherry pick next

ie 3 00 pm - 3 30 pm - 4 00 pm TWs

Anybody following my methods will know what clues I need

If not come along - will not be bothering and instead of scalping will be reading papers and watching Sky news in between

See you some time a bit later

PS - you are welcome to post any pairs you might spot yourself making a direction change at main times



2 46 pm

It did make another high over 2472 to 75 - just to get more bulls in - and then dropped

WE need under 2450 and 40 to hoid scalp sells on for the 2320 -30 support area

Otherwise no break and price will try up again


4 00 pm

Well we got the drop under 2450 and 40 - and then under 2430 and 20 and even under 2400 - surprised me - did not think I would see that in between the news announcements

Is this a set up for after 7 00 pm and then a 100 + pip rise ??

Supports now at 2380 - 75 and again at 2350 / 60 area

1 40 PM

Fairly flat - in a bearish session mode so should drop lower - but needs under 145 80 and 70 to hold scalp sells on longer

Back next hour

From over 2 hrs ago

We dropped under 80 and 70 - bounced - and then dropped again taking out 80 - 70 - 50 and even 145 40 - stopping at 145 34

If we can stay above there for over 30 mins then maybe now time to look fr scalp buys above 60 - 66 and then 75 - if we bounced up that far
From over 2 hrs ago

We dropped under 80 and 70 - bounced - and then dropped again taking out 80 - 70 - 50 and even 145 40 - stopping at 145 34

If we can stay above there for over 30 mins then maybe now time to look fr scalp buys above 60 - 66 and then 75 - if we bounced up that far


We made over 60 - then 66 and then 75 and stopped so far at 79 /80

Hope you got some pips

I did ;-))
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