Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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7 53 pm

EU - was not at desk to catch news at 7 30pm

We had guests arrive early - still got over 40 pips on drop under 2400 and 2370 though

Popping back in after 8 30 pm now
Thursday 18th December 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders and even to all the members on this site who love hating me - but still keep following under the "guest" identity.

Its nearly Christmas - time of good will etc etc and so today and maybe even tomorrow and next week - I am going to blog differently to my normal methods

Still going to choose say 3- 6 pairs to trade

Not going to bother to tell you what trades I am in and on what % stake size - etc etc

I am just going to make comments about the pairs in advance of what they are doing along with some Intraday short term calls - all off 3- 7 pips stops.

I am doing this just to show how accurate you can be at FX Trading - when you know what you are doing - and have years of experience and are at my level etc etc

Unfortunately - not many FX traders can do this - and thats fine - but its because they have not done the study and the work etc needed to get to a really good level

I will never be 100% accurate - as you all know I will have the odd few bad calls and losses - normally 1 to 3 a day - but then whats it's matter losing up to 5 pips - when on the good calls you can triple it plus

I reckon I might get a few more wind up merchants and idiots following today - but they are welcome - it is Christmas soon lol

Have a great day

I will



6 55 am

That funny in last 2 mins its dropped under 34 - and under 30 and gone down to 2323 and its still trying lower

But thats live calling - I cannot do that lol

Approx 7 00 am and start of the EO

i think I will now do a bit of predicting

ie not fortune telling over all day in one go - thats guessing - predicting in terms of next 10 -30 mins stuff - as normally my most successful trades are all under 30 mins

I am predicting on the EU that we will get some bounce and scalp buy opportunities from the 2320 area - and that price should stay under 35 on the bounce

The price structure for this morning session is currently bearish - but that does not stop supports working and you making scalp buys for 3- 5 - 7 pips or more - like the one I am in
7 02 am


Ok so far 2332 from 2321 - 11 pips opportunity - I got 6 pips

But whats that matter.

We stayed under 35 - and now we test lower
I have not said I have held 30% stake on a sell from under 2336 from just the start of the 7 00 am TW

I have not said I scalp bought on the bounce for 100% stake and exited 100% for 6 pips

So on third scalp in under 15 mins and EU price now at 2310 - and we know that thats what 25 pips or so since my first comment this morning .
7 08 am

Dont worry - I dont plan to be sarcastic to all the guest followers - some are genuine traders etc

Sorry for being different this morning - its just that I have it in for a few traders on this site who yet again have it in for me and my comments

Its no problem as everyone his entitled to their view - and that fine with me lol
7 11 am


Now have I said scalp sell under 2336 earlier on

OK now price at 2300

Thats a 35 /36 pip drop in what 19 mins or so

Is this call - in advance and genuine live ???
7 13 am

I think its time to look at some more pairs and get some quick summaries whilst the EU continues to fall

its down to 2291 now and really we should be looking for some more scalp buys in either next TW or after 8 00 am - from a support area

7 18 am

Better not mention whilst the dollar as been stronger from after 6 51 am and EO - the GU as also been falling like the EU and I have 30% stake sell on that.

So far its dropped over 35 pips since start of 7 00 am TW at 6 51am

Yet again like the EU - its in a bearish price structure this morning - but some supports will stop it soon and it will bounce and we can take some scalp buys on it

Price currently at 5557 after stopping at 5550 support area

Will hold 30% on sell under 5570 for now
7 21 am

Whilst this last 30 mins or so the EU and GU have been falling - guess what the Uchf / Swissy as been doing

No - I am not in a scalp buy on that - but when did it start going up ?

How unusual - just after 6 51 am - is that not when I said scalp sell the EU ???
Calender today

Did anyone look before they started this morning ??

You should have really

Important Swissy Libor red news at 7 00 am

No wonder EU dropped more ;-)

Four more red news item over my session periods - one at 9 00 am on EU - one at 9 30 am on GU and then US dollar at 1 30 pm and 3 00 pm

Busy day

Now how much am I up now ???

7 28 am

Interim low for this start of new TW was 2278

Exited 30% sell stake - started at 6 51 am and under 2336 at 33 - at 2292 - so approx 41 pips
7 45 am

OK - back to normal - had my laugh for the morning

Lets looks at some more pairs whilst the EU and GU are testing supports


normally my favourite intraday FX pair - Not even traded it so far - as news and EU and GU took priority

It was another pair that dropped after EO at 7 00 am

Its found some supports at 145 85 area and bouncing - yes OK a scalp buy after 7 39 am - but not one so far that as risen much

Price structure for am session is bearish - its whether supports at 145 80 -85 hold next

Dont forget to check 30 min low high rules
7 45 am

OK - back to normal - had my laugh for the morning

Lets looks at some more pairs whilst the EU and GU are testing supports


normally my favourite intraday FX pair - Not even traded it so far - as news and EU and GU took priority

It was another pair that dropped after EO at 7 00 am

Its found some supports at 145 85 area and bouncing - yes OK a scalp buy after 7 39 am - but not one so far that as risen much

Price structure for am session is bearish - its whether supports at 145 80 -85 hold next

Dont forget to check 30 min low high rules

7 55 am

Ok I posted last at 7 45 am and this is 10 mins later

I say scalp buy from 7 39 am - end of TW ie from 145 86/7 price

Its now 16 mins or so past the start but only 10 mins from when I commented

Price now at 146 12 - ie up 26 pips or at least 18 pips after last comment

Why is it people think I ONLY post after the event ???
Its just gone 1 hr since i started blogging this morning

Time for a break

Not on school run this morning - - so here - but its been busy and time for a cup of tea

I have enjoyed blogging and trading this last hour

Will I disclose all my trades via a statement


Have I made green pips and money - YES

Nough said - nothing to prove

See you in a bit


7 55 am

Ok I posted last at 7 45 am and this is 10 mins later

I say scalp buy from 7 39 am - end of TW ie from 145 86/7 price

Its now 16 mins or so past the start but only 10 mins from when I commented

Price now at 146 12 - ie up 26 pips or at least 18 pips after last comment

Why is it people think I ONLY post after the event ???

That EJ scalp buy made in total 40 pips - so far when it finished for now at just prior to LO at 8 00 am

Even from my late post as 7 45 am - it made another 28 -29 pips

If you hold trades with stops in profit on 30% stakes or what ever - then you have a chance of making more

Not always - maybe only 30% of the time - but when it works - it can work really well with even 100's + of extra pips
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