Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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GU - now at 40 - did not jump in on scalp buy from 29 - so kicking myself - still need 42 and 45 otherwise could be ready to scalp sell again
sl hit -2.2

RE - Swissy - think about your scalp entry - ie if top was 9001 and you know this is a R area then need to be in within 3- 5 pips of top at say 96-98 - then that would have given you 3- 5 pips profit. 9001 is still the barrier - and we know now that we can really only have any conformation of another sell if we get 9002 and 91 and 89 let go
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MM - on scalping - i am probably too slow nowadays - but a real master scalper would have been in UChf selling at 9000 - out at 93 - sell again at 97 - out again 92 and then again at 95 for 92 again and be up say 10 -12 pips already when the pair as not even dropped 10 pips yet ;-))
I took it to mean I could not sell again unless we revisited 9002, then waited for 91/ 89 to go??

Swissy is really not to good a pair to scalp - as movements are not large enough - but your trendline still says up - with just pullbacks under 9001.

If we dont go under 91 - then yes we have to test 9000 again - the problem is if we bounce from 92 and only make 97 then drop under 91 - thats the gameplay trick
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