Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Good question

Really its down to how you look upon trading I suppose

I would only scalp for say 3- 7 pips - if the day / session is really boring and I had not got many pips in the kitty

But any trade for me - in any direction worth 7 -25 + pips - is my bread and butter - it might be only worth $250 - but can on a good scalp be worth over a $1000+

So if I think EU will make over 2460 and test 80 and even 2490 - 2500 - I want those pips rather than thinking OK - I am up 120 pips or so for day - so have rest of day off etc etc

If I lose on any scalp buys - I will try and keep the loss under $150 and if I get 3 losses on 3 scalp buys in next 2 hrs - then - I have an hour of two off and think - what was I doing

But if I make another thousand or more over next 5 -7 hrs - i will be delighted (y)

Excellent insight on Money Management :), yes that is my goal to reach 30-50 pips a day by end of next year.
It seems that you trade 4-8 lots ? meaning that you make about 40 pounds per pip or 2K pound a day or 380K pound a year... I bet I am way off ;) because some trade are super jackpot. I would be happy with that for sure :cheesy:
Nicely played MM. Ain't Life beautiful when everything is in synch... 2 squirrels just crossed my garden at the speed of light, perhaps it was Nico and Lewis racing :)

Really looking forward to it this weekend

Should be good - I hope neither have car trouble and its a proper race

But if worse come to worst and Nico was winning and Lewis had no chance of being second - then he would need to put some nails down in his garage - or nudge him off etc etc etc

that was a bugger but i got it


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Excellent insight on Money Management :), yes that is my goal to reach 30-50 pips a day by end of next year.
It seems that you trade 4-8 lots ? meaning that you make about 40 pounds per pip or 2K pound a day or 380K pound a year... I bet I am way off ;) because some trade are super jackpot. I would be happy with that for sure :cheesy:

I peaked and chickened out about 4- 5 yrs ago on up to 25 lots a pip

It freaked me when I had a bad run of losses - took me 6 months to get back to a comfortable level which is now 12 Lots max

I normally scalp 3 - 8 lots and try and hold 1- 3 lots on 30% trades

If I have had a really good month - I will push myself on 10 -12 lots on AAA+++ set ups - but If I am not comfortable etc - or have a small loss - back down to comfort level - ie under 6 lots

We are all different etc - and I was not helped by GFT taking over 30 secs to a minute to get lots sizes of over 15 on

Nowadays - its different - but at my age - no longer wanting sweaty hands and palpatations - I get that from wifes's driving lol
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Sorry to hear that Fugazsy

Need to go though the levels on a scalp on GU to show you how to stay in trades etc

Will post a GU 1 min chart and explain next - or in a bit

Meanwhile - might be boring for a bit now - but - you never know - still might be some more good scalps over next hr or so

yes please looking forward to it.
to add to this, its a disgrace i did not twig earlier, but its very easy to fix set ideas in a discretionary system when there is so much to take on board. fixing anything one can to a certainty makes the rest more manageable, but is clearly an error
what im finding interesting here is watching longer structure on faster tick charts change and perhaps give clues to fathom m1 or t21/34
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