Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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how are you doing companions? I am only trading GU today, 7 trades, total @ BE, lol, I guess I am learning., cannot post much...I am focusing, my back did hurt, now I am lying on the floor, much better..
9 18 AM


We need a bounce back over 2475 and 80 to see any turn being tried now

EU comment from nearly an hour ago

The nearest we got was 2470 - and now we need at least 2460 to hold any scalp buy on longer

Low so far 2426/7 area - tend to think its out of up channel well and truly now


Still a HL atm - so if we stay above 2400 and then go over 2600 next week - we would still be in an upchannel

Get the feeling we will struggle to get back over 2500 or 2520 now - but I am a short term intraday trader - not a fortune teller - so I dont want to carry on guessing - need to get back to the TA and the market gameplan ;)
how are you doing companions? I am only trading GU today, 7 trades, total @ BE, lol, I guess am learning., cannot posto much...I am focusing, my back did hurt, now I am lying on the floor, much better..

just taking 3 pips here and there
Low so far 2426/7 area - tend to think its out of up channel well and truly now


soory F, if out of up channel why buy?
how are you doing companions? I am only trading GU today, 7 trades, total @ BE, lol, I guess am learning., cannot posto much...I am focusing, my back did hurt, now I am lying on the floor, much better..

Taking also few pips where the market allows me too. Hope your back gets better, buy a projector and display it towards your ceiling so then you can lie in bed and reach for the stars... erm I mean the pips :) :LOL:
Low so far 2426/7 area - tend to think its out of up channel well and truly now


soory F, if out of up channel why buy?

Good question

Really its down to how you look upon trading I suppose

I would only scalp for say 3- 7 pips - if the day / session is really boring and I had not got many pips in the kitty

But any trade for me - in any direction worth 7 -25 + pips - is my bread and butter - it might be only worth $250 - but can on a good scalp be worth over a $1000+

So if I think EU will make over 2460 and test 80 and even 2490 - 2500 - I want those pips rather than thinking OK - I am up 120 pips or so for day - so have rest of day off etc etc

If I lose on any scalp buys - I will try and keep the loss under $150 and if I get 3 losses on 3 scalp buys in next 2 hrs - then - I have an hour of two off and think - what was I doing

But if I make another thousand or more over next 5 -7 hrs - i will be delighted (y)
how are you doing companions? I am only trading GU today, 7 trades, total @ BE, lol, I guess I am learning., cannot post much...I am focusing, my back did hurt, now I am lying on the floor, much better..

Sorry to hear that Fugazsy

Need to go though the levels on a scalp on GU to show you how to stay in trades etc

Will post a GU 1 min chart and explain next - or in a bit

Meanwhile - might be boring for a bit now - but - you never know - still might be some more good scalps over next hr or so
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