Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU - I Min chart last 3 hrs

EU 1 min chart

Last 3 hrs - 3 main scalps - 2 buy - one sell



  • EU 201114 1 MIN lr.jpg
    EU 201114 1 MIN lr.jpg
    239 KB · Views: 986

10 11 am

Well making more money off selling this morning - than I have on my 30% stake buy

Price now 148 08 - and near my 30% stop - which is still in several hundred pips of profit
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jees GBP is weak .............jees....that last usd sell gave nothing much at all on buying the GU.........its all sell
Back just after 10 30 am - but then popping out for 30 mins again

We might be in another boring period as well

See you in a bit
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