Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Try and get free trades with stops in profits on the 30% part - then you can forget them = or at least not stress on them ;-)
it hit my sl,i had not taken 70% as it had not got to 7 yet, and im trying to hold for that as a minimum. 1.3 plus but with commission its a minus

Grey area one - if you get only say 5 or 6 pips again and not rising further - get out over 3 to make a profit

I think with you present broker set up you need profits over 2 pips to clear you spreads and commissions - ie a bad deal
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Gu still in range and not under 49 yet.

Swissy still slowly falling and EU and EA teasing in up moves - not strong enough atm
what is odd is they would make bad commission charges on a demo account. one might think they would save that for a real account. HArdly makes me want to choose them as my first live provider

Very true - remember though the whole industry will try it on etc - the market does it = the brokers do it - the blooming false guru's do it - they all want to screw you - one way or another.

Always complain and grumble - and i learn from the best - ie my Wife - ;-)) - lol
Ok - out at 11.30 am for about an hr or so - will be around this afternoon and for the fun at 7 pm ish with US news etc

See you later and GL
Very true - remember though the whole industry will try it on etc - the market does it = the brokers do it - the blooming false guru's do it - they all want to screw you - one way or another.

Always complain and grumble - and i learn from the best - ie my Wife - ;-)) - lol

agreed .........this is not a business for the Meak or Mild..........sadly it draws in a lot of them with the promise of sitting in a comfy chair and not worrying about nasty bosses and other Hassle


Back for 40 mins

i think I chose a great time to go out - ie when market is asleep and in tease mode ;-

Just seem FXPro's comment - will have to get my head around it ;-)
More news in approx 10 mins - will this wake market up again - or is it now going to be boring until 7 pm tonight UK time ?
1.3690 /1.3650 poss?

classic gameplay ie start the move before the news to catch traders out

Eu falling and now under 3740 and GU rising still - brilliant ;-)

Really bu**ers the correlations makes it even more difficult for many traders

Going to wait until 9 mins past news to see if any more clues ;-)
I had not mentioned EJ in this blog - but went with Zen Archers call on buying - although have come out earlier than his target as entry was early as well - not counting that one in this thread - but it was nice scalp buy above 43 approx 3+ hrs ago
Still dollar strength from news - its just not being abale to drag GU down enough yet - but as down on EU as low now at 3732 ish
Out in 10 mins and should be back for an hr or so this afternoon

Gu next R at 6380-85 area now as broken up and needs under 49 to be holding scalp sells

Eu under 3750 ish still bearish
Back for an hour or two - depending on movements

GU made a top at 6390 - so far - need really under 75 and 72 to think of holding any scalp sells on longer and over 93 might try the big 6400 again

EU broken up and now trying over 3750. 55 to approx 70 is really no mans land - not high enough to say yes great buy - but not low enough to just sell

AU - still not given up - Got back into 8900 area this morning - needs over 25 and 35 to hold scalp buys on and under 8895 for sells - yet again in no mans land - or as I say BT - bermuda triangle - ie will price come out alive - or not ;-)
EJ - not mentioned it much on this thread - but now above 141 57 - still a scalp buy and trying to break up above 75 and 79. will only look at sells under 58 and 55 and then even 50 is another support area

EA - not so nice - in a range still
The runaway train - GU ( funny enough not checked GJ - silly me ) as made 6400 now. It still bullish - but surely you would expect some pullback into the range

i would only hold scalp sells under 80 and 75 with next supports at 55-60

Above 6406 you have then R at 6420 and above there 35/40
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