Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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6 56 am

I will start with this pair - as I have been in a scalp buy from the 6 30 am TW at 2519/20

We stayed above 2500 again over night after making 2545 and then a few LH's

For the last few hours the pair as been session bullish - but so far as failed to make over 2531

I think whilst we stay above 2498 and 2511 - then we should try over 31 and attempt the 40+ area again

This can change very quickly in next hour - so watch the times etc

7 03 am

In terms of price structure - which I will look at posting soon - we are right in the middle between bull and bear bias

Under 2490 again - and we enter bear bias - but whilst we stay above 2500 and 2510/12 - then at the edge of a bull turn - confirmed back over 31 and 47
Good Morning everyone, seems like we all coming at the same time :).
Seems that EJ has been bearish since 6.30am, is it going to try higher ?
GU is stalling...
7 08 am

For now under 2524/5 we are scalp bearish - depending on 2518 and 12 holding as interim supports for another try up

Will go through a quick review on other key pairs before I pop out at 7 45 am for 45 mins
Looking at the calender - we might have a quieter day - as main red news - FOMC Meeting Minutes are not to 7 00 pm tonight - nearly 12 hours away

First red news for this morning at 9 30 am is on the UK Pound - so will be checking out the GU and the GJ and might even look at the GA as well

Then lunchtime more red news on the dollar

So a long day in terms of news releases - so pace yourself - as the action might be quiet in between
7 08 am

For now under 2524/5 we are scalp bearish - depending on 2518 and 12 holding as interim supports for another try up

Will go through a quick review on other key pairs before I pop out at 7 45 am for 45 mins


Did you say before that under 2490 is a bearscalp?

7 15 am

This pair as been falling and so far as rested at the 5600 area - and for the last 3 hrs we have retraced back above to the 5625 interim high

Its in a down day bias - but only now if we break under 5590 and lower.

Staying above 5600 - might see more turns up to test R's higher than 5625 - ie 5635 -40 - but for a proper turn into a session bull bias - we need back over 5670 +

Did you say before that under 2490 is a bearscalp?


Under 2490 would be the time the price structure turns to bear bias and that favours more sells for lower - but then we depend on staying above 2395 and the 2425 and 40 area

Any scalp sells under 30 or 24 can be stopped still at 2510/12 or even 2498 /2500 - and then turn and rise all the way back up

7 23 am

Dropped to 8655 area over night and bearish in price structure - needing above 8695 and then over 8700 to 8740 to see the price structure come out of a session down bias.

It shows we have had more dollar strength up to 3 hrs ago - but now its the indecision time as we go through the opens

Excuse me for 10 mins - whilst I just get ready to pop out at 7 45 am

Under 2490 would be the time the price structure turns to bear bias and that favours more sells for lower - but then we depend on staying above 2395 and the 2425 and 40 area

Any scalp sells under 30 or 24 can be stopped still at 2510/12 or even 2498 /2500 - and then turn and rise all the way back up


Ok, thank you.
Long at 2518, stop at 2513. Bottom fishing probably. But the numbers work with a 5 pip stop and a 10 pip target, even taking into account the current "no man's land" we are in. Would you agree?
Long at 2518, stop at 2513. Bottom fishing probably. But the numbers work with a 5 pip stop and a 10 pip target, even taking into account the current "no man's land" we are in. Would you agree?

Sorry - was not at my desk when you posted this question

We need back over 24 /25 to try up higher - so unless we go above that price - we will just fall again testing supports at 2498 /2500 then 2510/12 and 18 - which as been breached all ready

For me so far EU just been 2 scalps - one for 6 pips and the other for 7 pips prior to 7 09 am

Above 26 and 32 then scalp buys OK

But from 13 to 24 - a bit of BTTZ for now
And it shows in the direction-less meandering... Needless to say, none of the LRs on my charts, on any time frame are showing anywhere near the levels which defines the BTTZ area (and consequently the bear and bull bias). Any chance of a review of that when you are back?
Will post charts after I get back a bit later

EJ as still been trying higher - we still have a weak yen as as made over 147 00

Still got one 30% on from 9 00 am on Monday evening - will move that stop up well into profit at 146 27 - allowing pullbacks - that I would scalp sell on as well

This price structure is still bullish and above the up dynamic trendline and longer term LRs still

OK - see you after 8 30 am
And it shows in the direction-less meandering... Needless to say, none of the LRs on my charts, on any time frame are showing anywhere near the levels which defines the BTTZ area (and consequently the bear and bull bias). Any chance of a review of that when you are back?

Morning Nightflight

Yes - also will post updated EU charts etc

See you in a bit

made 10, covered 70%, moved SL to BE.

I could have bought above the candle before, much safer, mine was too risky bought @ resistance.....anyway...1st Trade


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morning all

tied up still today ..........meanwhile the usd has gone north in Asian session and is still just above weeks high.....its retracing at present so in next hour or so we will see what it really wants to do next.........

so far today if I had been trying to trade the usd on the scalps and look for absolute 100% signals I would have been selling it at 5.44 and actually around NOW 8.26...........buying 1 opp at around 7.30.............
Sorry - was not at my desk when you posted this question

We need back over 24 /25 to try up higher - so unless we go above that price - we will just fall again testing supports at 2498 /2500 then 2510/12 and 18 - which as been breached all ready

For me so far EU just been 2 scalps - one for 6 pips and the other for 7 pips prior to 7 09 am

Above 26 and 32 then scalp buys OK

But from 13 to 24 - a bit of BTTZ for now


8 30 am

Back now for an hour - Doctors Appointment at 9 45 am - check up from the neck up - see if I have any work left in me lol

7 51 am and then over 26 and 32 confirmed the scalp buy

Glad you got some pips Fugazsy and all

We are topping at 2547 for now - with a lot of R's at 50 -55 area

Structure shows above 2529 /30 on pullbacks - should be more scalp buys

Will post a chart next
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