Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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usd has been bullish for a while now back above the high of the day an hour ago and still prodding north


usd looking under a lot of bear pressure ..........I am expecting some retracement south now

Hi N

The test for me is all 3 's ( EU / GU / AU) Supports holding

I will be looking to scalp sell them again - but maybe anything from 5 -25 pips higher depending on the turns

Change started after 3 10 pm

Also watching to see if R's can stop UChf and UCad rising anymore for now

Maybe we can then scalp buy again from lower
Ideally EU needs over 2550 /52 and GU over 5880 again

I am out again in 10 mins so will not be here to take new scalps - either way - but back after 5 30 pm
6 00pm

We made over 5880 on GU but it was not enough and along with the EU and AU - none of them could stay above their lows at that time ( supports) and have since dropped further

Similar with UCad and UChf - both broke through their R's and price rose again

Been out longer than I though - so missed extra scalps - but still had 30% sells on EU from after 12 30 pm - would only exit them if we go back over 2880 again and whilst under 55 happy to leave on

Will pop in later - boring Monday today


Tuesday 11th November 2014 - Pre Opens

GM all FX Intraday Traders

Second day of the new week and I hope we see more action than yesterday ;-)

Normal stuff - updates and quick reviews on levels we will be interested in

Will check calender to see which main pairs to cover as well today besides the normal EU and GU

Have a good day


Notice its a US / Cad and French Bank Holiday - and no real main news - that means it could be another boring day - but I keep my fingers crossed its not

On boring slow days - we should still find good movements from 7 00 am UK time to 9 30 am - then maybe over lunch and certainly 2 00 pm to 4 30 pm

In between is normally the BTTZ tease time - set up by the market to pee you off and get you stuck in the wrong trades etc etc

Ok lets do a quick review etc - as am out at 7 40am for approx 45 mins and back from 8 25 am
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6 59AM

This pair grabbed my attention last 30 mins

Its been a scalp buy since 6 00 am TW and 143 06

I got in from 143 21 and in between the main TW's as the level held and so it was still low risk

So far high 143 35 and I am now down to 30% stake with 23 my cut off

I am currently checking levels above and below - but above 142 85 - we are in a bullish channel

check out from 6 51 am and price at 5841 on my 1 min LR charts

YES - a nice scalp buy from 41-43 area

Still rising after 7 00 am and now at 53 and above 44 on pullbacks - another scalp buy

Will review levels on GU in next 30 mins

7 07am


Not in any scalp on this pair atm - but was like GU at start of TW at 6 51am - a scalp buy above 2416

We do have a double bottom around 2415 area of support - so we need to see if this interim low holds over 30 mins from 6 51 am now

Main supports for me this morning 5825 to 5840

To turn and try higher this morning - we need to stay above this support area with no break

Below 5819 and 5807 I would be holding scalp sells to then see if 5800 held as another support

We do need over 5885 and 5900 for holding any scalp buys on longer for a rally and turn up

2400 to 2420 is all important support area for the EU

We would need to see price go under this support area by at least 5 pips to be holding or taking new scalp sells for price dropping lower

Above R' s at 2433-37 - then 45 -50 - 75 -85 - 2500 - 2520 -2550

Range might be just 2400 to 2450 today - too early to say atm

7 18 am

Still not made above 36 for now - but with 27 holding - moved my 30% stake stop up to 25 now - if I get taken out - still nice profit in it

7 07am


Not in any scalp on this pair atm - but was like GU at start of TW at 6 51am - a scalp buy above 2416

We do have a double bottom around 2415 area of support - so we need to see if this interim low holds over 30 mins from 6 51 am now

EU now held over 30 mins with no breach of interim low at 2415

that favours higher next 30 mins as normally it will take then an hour+ from original posting to be rested and it for it to be breached

Remember this is just one clue - we normally need over 4 good clues to take new scalps - and ideally 5+

7 29 am

we need to see above 5857 in next 10 mins - otherwise high held over 30 mins with no breach - thats a clue for lower then

When you have both interim highs and lows holding for over 30 mins - you are then in a BTTZ area
made 5 pips risking 5, took a while....


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