Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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For me - time and structure is important - maybe more than just PA

We know the EU is in a big bear run and near low - but we also know that does not mean it cannot bounce up over 30 pips or 70 pips - or even 200 pips - before falling again


myself I find it easier to enter into a runway market......into range a get confused...:(

Bulls are pushing GU.....

8 38 am

Any time after 2414 and 8 21 am was a scalp sell

I notice low so far 2395/6 and whilst under 13 /14 on bounces - still another scalp sell

Its the trick manipulation stuff next

The low of 2395/6 could go 30 mins with no breach

We should be able to sell again under 16 now - but then I expect 2399 to 2405 to hold

Did not sell at 13 /14 - as as that price it was still a scalp buy and R did not stop it

Can 16 /17 stop it now ??

This move started over 40 mins ago

So sell was under 17 and buy above 2403 for now

9 28 am

topped so far at 143 81 - needs under 54 and 49 to hold scalp sells on for a bigger fall - and do want to buy again later ideally 143 30 or 20 area

If we stay above 55 then we may try over 81 without a bigger pullback
The key to the method is PA - LR's ( Linear regressions ) time - levels ( S & R's ) and price structure from multi lr's all agreeing to a movement - up or down
Can you explain? if you in middle of not worry about it...later maybe..

Yes - I ended scalp selling at 17 and 15 - not 13 /14 as originall planned

Now when we got to 2404 - end of my scalp sells - ie 12 pips + drop From above 2403 I am in scalp buys and so far up another 7 pips

So approx 20 pips off sells and a buy
I know it sounds very complicated - it is

If trading was really simple and also easy - then maybe 90% would always win - rather than lose

But over time - like anything - it gets easier
Yes - I ended scalp selling at 17 and 15 - not 13 /14 as originall planned

Now when we got to 2404 - end of my scalp sells - ie 12 pips + drop From above 2403 I am in scalp buys and so far up another 7 pips

So approx 20 pips off sells and a buy

ok clear...

you selling and buying the range.... does your indicators confirm that?

9 38 AM

2415 - TO 24 is all all R

So will drop to 30% stake on scalp buy now

If we dont try higher - then need to drop buys and look for a test then on 2404 again and maybe lower
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