Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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On EU - will leave 30% free trade scalp buy stop in at 89 - 4 pips in profit and if taken out - so be it ;-)

GU will leave 30% free trade stop at 75 and see what happens there

GL - got to get ready to go out for about 40 50 mins - see you later
morning scalpers

had some time to play in last hour ..........wrestled with u/J range buys ......G/U came very nicely at end ...

jees dont drag me back into a scalping chair ...........i'll be divorced

have a good day
I feel paraylsed now, several small losses but they add up

Mornin. From my experience trading FX between 6am and 8am London time is really tough. The reason for this is the markets are thin before the larger flows come in at 8am. Many large traders will arrive at their desks and price can be 'unpredictable'. 8am -4pm london is your best bet. There will always be 2 or 3 good opportunities 8am to 12midday. my 2c
thankyou cable. I have lost half of my total profits already. don't know what is wrong here with me

It sounds to me like you are too eager to make profits which can be counterproductive. Relax and let the opps come to you post 8am. Also we all have our own daily tank of concentration so you need to focus this on prime time, for me 2x 3hr sessions in a day and I am toast, any more than this and my judgement is off.
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for the love of god

MM......chill are trying too hard dude 😎

also you are live on a thread where Forexperian is calling a lot of good shots

mentally this creates pressure in itself

dont worry ........suggest you stop posting for a while and focus on trading

thats ultimately what we are all here to do

N :smart:
ok. going to walk round block

This happened to me, yesterday. A whole series of losers because I could not get the direction right, because I would not believe that it would continue higher. Step back a bit and take a look at the whole chart from the time you started.

You are not a contrary guy, like me, are you?
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Back now for an hr

Yes - some good comments MM from those guys - and I agree with them - When you mentioned 8 trades and only 1 correct - i would say you need the break as you are now revenge trading and rushing in to quickly etc etc

It happens to all of us at times - but if I have just 2 wrong calls in a row - I step back and start thinking - maybe I need to wait an hr or so and need to refocus etc etc

You are trying to hard - we have all done it - so we know what you are going through

Have a chill pill with a cup of tea ;-)
Got knocked out EU 30% free trade scalp buy - but still in GU and will move stop up again into more profit

My time windows 5 mins away so will have a look at a few pairs now
Notice EA as been nice again - its taking over from EJ as a favourite this month

Supports at 5230 -35 and price at 43 atm and although in a up trend - presently intraday down bias for this session
EU - went under low of 80 to 3777 - back in range and although OK for scalping - the PA play is not the easiest compared to so many other pairs this morning
for no less than a month ---- you need a break from this thread

its funny as this raises the issue of trading chatrooms and live threads etc etc

I think they can work especially for newer traders looking/experimenting with trading styles and perhaps seeking a few more experienced traders to mentor them inititally

after that I suggest birds fly the nest as quickly as possible .......

Trading ultimately for me is a solitary vocation......newsfeeds are cheap and plentiful so I get feedback there alongside my charts ..........

Frankly I dont need the distractions of that world robs your independence and confidence leading to bad trading

N 😎
On the hr change - we suddenly had dollar weakness again. Whether this will remain this next 9 mins or even 30 mins - too early to say ?
GU trying new high of day again - will move my 30% stake stop up again into more profit and then look to see if I can get a scalp sell in next 5 mins
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