Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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he must be handing out £50 notes from todays winnings to all the guests :devilish:
where the flick is mine:?::cheesy:

Hope you won a few today BP ;)

Only just noticed the number of guests - strange ??

Maybe they are all new Sigma D's :eek:

See you FXW - hope to be around more tomorrow


As many of you know - NVP as been enjoying his scalping - and traded today on the EU

Hindsight trading is easy - we would all be millionaires - but for me today the EU was fairly busy and I was able to buy and sell through out the day - as I do over 80% of the time

My comments to N on EU - as posted on his correlation thread -

Quick review on EU pair for today as I saw it N

6 main moves for me from approx 6 30 am

1 sell from 2633 - max pips 25 pips - expect to make min 10 pip - max 22

2. Buy from after 7 00 pm from say 2610 to 2660 area - min 30 pips - max 48

3. Sell after 8 30 am -from 2655 area for 3 + hrs - to 2580 area - min 30 pips - max 70 pips

4 Buy Midday from 2585 area to 2 30 pm time - min 30 pips - max 60 pips

5 sell from 2650 area down to 2620 area up to say 4 30 pm - min 15 pips - max 25 pips

6 After 5 00 pm buy - min 25 pips - max 45 pips

So 6 moves for me 3 sells and 3 buys

Min pips - 140 pips - max pips - 260 pips

Any experienced Intraday trader should make over 50 pips today on say 3 -6 trades

If you just majored on EU all day - look for 150 + pips

Maybe 10 trades max - or 5 minimum

Hope that helps how you should look upon it

Forget the average daily pip move on EU - ie 60 -90 pips - 80% of the time you can always trade both ways - as you probably appreciate

Hope that helps how I saw it - and No I did not get over 150 pips on EU today - I did not major on it - my best mover was the GU ;-)


F was does that equate to in monetary profit for you(if you dont mind me asking)

That's confidential and so do not like to discuss.

I can say though that - my normal daily target is 50 pips - and my maximum stake size nowadays is up to 10 lots per pip - ie $100 a pip or approx just over £60 per pip.

Normal scalp size - depending on the day and the time of day etc - 5 - 10 lots

I will then leave potential bigger trades on from scalps at approx 30% stake size - so min now 2 lots max 4 lots with the stop in small pips profit

Every day my money amount will differ according to the market and the conditions and always remains flexible and fluid.

There is a correlation on how much money you can make according to your experience - skill level - dedication - mindset - capital account and of course - a bit of luck as well

Hope that helps


Wednesday 8th October 2014 - Approx 6 30 am

GM all FX intraday Traders

Having a quick look through my favourite FX pairs to intraday trade at the moment and also checking out today's calender

I apprecaite my regular followers understand etc my methods or ways of intraday trading - but I can see from comments made around the forum - so many don't and just are not with it etc

That's fine - Its not everybody's cup of tea - its maybe one of the most challenging trading skills to undertake - short term intraday trading - akin to walking blindfolded through a minefield is how I was heard it being explained once.

But like anything in life - learn the skill - achieve it - master it - accept its good and bad points and then find out how it can generate the highest % returns possible - normally with controlled small risk - drawdowns - should always be minimal - when you get the top level

Many members also cannot understand how I can trade whilst I type and comment

For example - I am in a EJ scalp buy atm - from 6 03 am and 136 92/3

So far its made 137 05 and so over 10 pips for an easy first trade of the morning

Above 92 it is still scalp bullish on any pullbacks as well

Its so easy when you have taken thousands and thousands of live trades - I will make mistakes - for sure - but hardly life threatening or ruining my account etc etc

Will try and get back to normal and do normal reviews and update

Have a great day


Both EU GU and even AU have suffered pullbacks through the Asian session after their rises

Need to check the important intraday levels - as for me still in possible up bias still

Back to EJ

137 06 top and 6 39 am - end of half hr time window scalp sell - but as already commented - above 92 is sstill scalp bullish and so will look for any scalp buy at a lower price

EJ is being nice this morning - so far ;-))

Let it fall to 89 or 88 if it wants to - and if it made under 83 and 80 - then its would have breached its supports

I am not seeing that happening - but be fluid .

If you got in at any price from 137 04 down to 137 00 - you still have made a minimum 5 or 6 pips on the scalp sell - and your stop need have only been 2 or 3 pips if using time windows and LRs on a tick or 1 min chart

6 39 am was scalp buy time at 2628/9 area

Not in that for now - still just on second scalp on EJ atm - and might be taking a third scalp on it soon

Let it fall to 89 or 88 if it wants to - and if it made under 83 and 80 - then its would have breached its supports

I am not seeing that happening - but be fluid .

If you got in at any price from 137 04 down to 137 00 - you still have made a minimum 5 or 6 pips on the scalp sell - and your stop need have only been 2 or 3 pips if using time windows and LRs on a tick or 1 min chart

Comment from 9 mins ago

Have a guess what price scalp buy was again ?

Yes - 136 928

remember 30 min tip on interim lows and highs etc - EU interim low at 2627 gone approx 30 mins now

Normally that favours no breach for another 30 mins - if there is one going to happen

I do see it trying lower - but main clue will be - can it stay above 2585 / 90 and do a HL again

Bias is down from say 2640-45 area - 2627 support might not be strong enough for now

Got to pop out in 15 mins

Will be back next hr and then around for most of morning with just a few breaks etc

Still not done review on main 6 pairs - so will do later

EJ - now needs over 137 00 to hold on longer - might just leave 30% take on in 1 pip of profit on before I go - if we do get over 137 00

See you later

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