Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Will now review popular main 6 or so pairs I intraday trade - starting with EU

Already played a tease whilst I was out from under 27 to 22 - to get bears in

The clue was it happened near start of 7 30 am time window - and so that favours change and false sentiment play

From 7 51 am - start of 8 am TW - is was scalp buy from 2629 and now nearly an hr later price is at 2646

It had been a scalp buy above 2627 pre 7 21 am - and that was worth 5 pips - but missed that one whilst scalping the EJ

Now the EU could go down under 2600 - but needs to stay above yesterdays low for a HL sequence etc etc

If we get over 2650 and 60 - then the turn up is continuing - and pullbacks should then stay above ideally 30

Maybe a scalp sell under 60 for a 5 -15 + pullback - before more scalp buys above 2630 - could be on ??
F looking at lr sets between 7.20 and 8ish, the bias on ej must be lower?


Agree a turn being tried


The turn can be changed by short term movements going above 137 01 and 08

Always remember the markets plays on false sentiments - so price can change structure

If we stay under 137 01 and now 96 - then down movement is only confirmed with a LL under say 69

Hope that makes sense - if not please question me more

Morning N

9 00 AM as well

Need to check the UJ - UChf and UCad now - to see if peaking against any R's for scalp sells after small bounce up again

EU scalp sell could be on under 56 now

But want to buy above 30 again

Have a good day

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playing up after easy first few moves pre London

We need under 74 and say 69 to hold scalp sells on

trouble is 76 is a scalp buy - but under 87 - still a scalp sell

So mini BTTZ

You ideally wait to the breaks - ie under 74 and 69 - or over 88 and say 93
damn i just cld not pull trigger on that spike up eu. waiting for retest

I knew I wanted to scalp sell under 60 - so really took a risk saying any price over 56 - just sell

Worse case scenerio - If it went on up above first pullback - would have exited for under 3 pips

should fall more for now under 65- but needs under 47 and 36 for confirmations to hold scalp sells

Above say 67 and 72 more scalp buys on for a turn or try up - but then more R's at 76 to 82 anyway

Tight - lots of R's above for now

low on this scalp sell so far 45

Need now under 43 to hold on

Over 52 would exit

I do want to buy EU again ideally from above 30 -35 level

Trouble is for now another BTTZ

We need now under 42 or over 53 for more clues

If it doubt - alway take any profit
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