Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Noticed its made 37 - 38 actually - then stopped

So now under 36 is a scalp sell - but over 20 /22 is a scalp buy

If you dont follow this comment - please tell me

Was not here to take another scalp sell - but from end of 7 30 am time window - ie 7 39 am and 5984/5 it was another scalp sell

Its already been down to 60 and now under 76 on bounces - its another scalp sell

Would need over 79 and 83 to be holding any scalp buys or taking new ones

57 and below is the main clue - as if 60 is interim low for now - we might print similar or a HL for at try at a turn up again

Under 57 though would confirm PA still in down mode- for now

Interim low so far at 34 and then at exactly 8 30 am a scalp buy at 35/36

We need to stay under 52 now to sell again

If you are in a 30% sell already - - check 34 does not nold for 30 mins from posting - as this would favour a turn - if not breached in that time

Only 5 mins left
9 02 am


still in up scalp bias as we stayed above 20 /22 and started another rise from 27

We have just made now 38 /9 - which is a double top on 1 min chart atm

Really need over 43 now - otherwise - we could be tricked in this next 6 mins

I would like to scalp sell under 53

54 -56 Crucial levels as above here - a turn being tried - and also 33 interim low now lasted over 30 mins

under 53 though should fall taking though at least 20 mins to go under 33 if it does - as you would need an approx 60 mins from first printing to breach - as was not done in 30 mins
We have some minor news at 9 30 am - but nothing red until 3 00 pm on Cad

Could be a slow day - shame buts its a Monday - and its raining as well ;-(
My LR's a bit difficult to read on some.

White 3 quick ones for scalps and then the 3 longest for 1- 4 hr session bias etc

Will do some explaining on other thread on reading Lrs etc

Been easier on EU - - and on scalp sell on GU from 9 30 am

Scalpers should have seen 9 30 am scalp sell at 5975

Supports are 60 -63

We would need under here - say 57 and lower to hold scalp sells on longer - otherwise we will see another bounce taking place for another try up from supports

9 45 am

I have 45/6 as interim top just atm

I know 49 -51 is R area - so this is tease

We would need above say 55 /60 to be able to stay with more buys - but under 49 favours then lower to 28 area - or under there at 2522

We are 5 mins to new TW so now watch the 49 -51 level as main clue

Under over next 15 mins favours scalp sells and lower to 28 or 22 area

Need above 55 really to carry on holding or taking new scalp buys


Not really mentioned this pair this morning

Under 137 35 /40 - we should be able to sell again

Would need over 42 and 46 to be looking at a turn up higher and then if 35 /40 area holds - we would really need to see a drop under 137 00 - that might be difficult - as good support area
Coming up to 10 00 am and out at 10 -05 am for approx 40 -60 mins

Slow atm - approaching key levels on some pairs

Will miss 10 30 am TW but hope back for 11 00 am one

The GU is still in tease zone - ie above 60 - but below say 82

We need new breaks now

GL - stay focused
With GU trying up again atm - EU might test the proper R at 49 /51 still

Will miss this as out in under 10 mins for an appointment

Remember though on EU need above 55 and 60 to look at holding scalp buys if they crack above 49 -51

Under 49 and 43 would favour drop to 22 or 28 area

Bringing stop in a little closer now. +54 pips locked in for a 3 pip stop so current r/r 1:18. Sharpe 23.46.
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