Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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now in a BTTZ from 8978 to 8945

We need to see a proper breach of either level by 5 -10 pips to see a direction

Otherwise its just boring teasing going on in between - ie approx 35 -40 pips of only scalping really

When we failed to stay under 140 03 then 93 - it was obvious the EJ still wanted to carry on higher as LR structure had the EJ in a scalp buy from 138 55 and then above 139 for it to carry on

140 03 and under 93 were scalping clues for a try lower - but even when we fell under 93 - it could not breach dynamic supports at 80 /85 - pushing price back up

For now over 140 04 and over 140 13 - the pair is still scalp bullish

Yes if we dont go over 30 and 40 - yes try scalp sells but you cannot hold them on until under 140 12 - 03 - 139 93 and 139 80
Great work MM,
GU very slow to recover being hit by the rev but managed to get 65 pips shorting AU and over 85 pips on EY on the M.A.R.K. as described. Hope you found my GY post "out of the night that covers me" nice and early yesterday morn = 251 pips. Please try to remember there's some old and true sayings in the professional experienced Trading world but am sure you know what they are but here's the reminders..."Never call against the Gissa" and "Cometh the Hour, Cometh The Gissaman"
Have a great day all and if you need me I will be in my office but Peter can handle the markets so it wont be necessary really.
Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)

Great results Sir G. I did manage to get a few pips off that UJss, but nothing in the league of your results!
still bummed out to the point i see im not "good" atm. what is killing me is getting direction correct, but entries taken from me so may times before it does what i was positioned for. need to rebuild faith in self as it is unstable.
yes a little late in the day to chase the Europeans ..........that's my last trade there
5 38pm

Sorry not been about so much this afternoon - domestic jobs and a dud computer not helping

EU / GU and AU all been good for me after 3 00 pm news

AU did get over 8978 and 80+ in the end - but failed by 9000 area

I can see MM's frustrations and need to assist him more on "pacing " his trading day and not getting caught too many times in what I call BTTZ areas - or areas designed by the market makers to catch out all types of trading

If we cannot do that tomorrow - we can certainly try next week

GU as been quieter than I thought so far - will we get some spikes going on in the Asian session etc when we start to hear some of the regional Scot Votes etc etc

Will be back after tea and any queries on any trades on any pairs today will try and answer and look at again



ps - I hope N and JR had a decent day and did not get caught out in the wrong way too many times
5 38pm

Sorry not been about so much this afternoon - domestic jobs and a dud computer not helping

EU / GU and AU all been good for me after 3 00 pm news

AU did get over 8978 and 80+ in the end - but failed by 9000 area

I can see MM's frustrations and need to assist him more on "pacing " his trading day and not getting caught too many times in what I call BTTZ areas - or areas designed by the market makers to catch out all types of trading

If we cannot do that tomorrow - we can certainly try next week

GU as been quieter than I thought so far - will we get some spikes going on in the Asian session etc when we start to hear some of the regional Scot Votes etc etc

Will be back after tea and any queries on any trades on any pairs today will try and answer and look at again



ps - I hope N and JR had a decent day and did not get caught out in the wrong way too many times

too kind and i can keep trying

Hope you are well

Everyday is a good one for me - ist just whether I end up with less than 50 pips - or get an average 50 -80 pips or have a really good day over 150 or 200 pips

Todays was average - but mainly due to my frustrations with my blogging computer playing up

I had thought the GU would be more volatile - but other than that the normal stuff - ie busy first couple of hrs trying to get some 30% stakes left on and then after 2 00 pm to 4 30 pm the afternoon action

Hope you are progressing etc and good to see you about - and Sir G - great of him and some of the other Forexmospherians to pop in and contribute


Not 3 bad to be honest F, I did get spanked on GJ early doors but overall pretty good. Your man Sir Giss has some brilliant stuff on his website, really good reading and great charts to study. btw i swapped from candle stick to heikin - ashi today and it helped me, much smoother.
10 19 am

Euro news at 10 15 am - and EU pairs have gone bullish again - with rises on EU and EJ

No wonder EJ would not drop again under 93

too kind and i can keep trying

Every quarter and every 1000 live trades you will get better - then you hit that patch when you thinks its too easy again

Then you have to be careful and remember I have many days with 2-5 bad trades - but the 4 -7 bad trade days are very rare - maybe only a couple a quarter - if that

But then you will enjoy the 9 or 12 or 15 + consecutive wins ( over 5 pips as well )

You need more experience that comes with time

It might need 3 more months - or 6 more months - but you will get there and be very consistent every day - I know that


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