Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Possibly because it made a lower high?

I'll be interested in what F says MM, i have difficulty following a lot of his trading logic at the best of times :confused:

yes but so did this, before it then went to 77......


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Possibly because it made a lower high?

I'll be interested in what F says MM, i have difficulty following a lot of his trading logic at the best of times :confused:

or perhaps lh candle by candle, but as the two white ovals show, the lhlh given by the subequent blue ovals cannot be relied upon in any logic stream


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no. this confuses me. as at 0954 it was a scalp buy. one minute later it dropped. if the lr failed to turn it down at 0939, then why should a second attempt at 77 be the last one> structurally, the lr setup is the same at 0939 and 0955.
we are also at 10..00 am
1) in the middle of a bt zone,
2) above a major trendline shown in red
3) in a pattern of hl hh
So actually, either logic defining buy, sell ,or bt wait can describe this situation?

Agree MM with your other posts.... But one clue maybe is that in this example theres also a false break on the retest of a previous high
12 15 pm

Ok been back now just over 25 mins - but not been able to get on to blog as my blogging computer is playing up - got someone coming to check it out tomorrow

OK whilst its slow - back to AU

I have attached MM's last chart with a simple trendline on it

I will in a bit post my charts with step by step explanations etc on sell under 78

I know and appreciate its easy for me after all my scalps - but hopefully I can explain how I see it

Its important you never work on one set of clues - you need multiple based on different indicators - ie PA alone is not enough - you need time - S & R's - LRs for me - trendlines - gameplay etc etc

OK another chart to explain more in 10 mins



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well that is lovely trading. atm quite pleased with my m1 uj short entry, time and level wize

Great work MM,
GU very slow to recover being hit by the rev but managed to get 65 pips shorting AU and over 85 pips on EY on the M.A.R.K. as described. Hope you found my GY post "out of the night that covers me" nice and early yesterday morn = 251 pips. Please try to remember there's some old and true sayings in the professional experienced Trading world but am sure you know what they are but here's the reminders..."Never call against the Gissa" and "Cometh the Hour, Cometh The Gissaman"
Have a great day all and if you need me I will be in my office but Peter can handle the markets so it wont be necessary really.
Best Regards,
Sir Gissachance (PPND)
Hi Sir Gissa

I am having right problems with one of my computers this morning - giving me grief lol

Hope you are well and all is good with fellow Forexmospherians

Looks like I have to spend some more cash on some more servers - but first of all need to make some as its taking me off my trading today

Speak to you soon

And good trading


Sorry for delay posting my charts - still problems

Noticed we have still not go over 78 on AU over last 3 hrs - so confirming its a tough barrier for now

News in 25 mins - not had lunch yet and got a few things to sort out beforehand

Back in a bit
Hi Sir Gissa

I am having right problems with one of my computers this morning - giving me grief lol

Hope you are well and all is good with fellow Forexmospherians

Looks like I have to spend some more cash on some more servers - but first of all need to make some as its taking me off my trading today

Speak to you soon

And good trading



Hi Peter,
Sorry to hear about server, may be you should have a word with Richard he may be able to sort this out pronto for you : 0 )
At this point I must unintentionally embarrass you and say the following " Peter is one of the greatest Forexmospherians and jolly good trading persons around, he actually has won awards for being best trading person of the year and is featured on videos" Apologies in advance for saying the aforementioned Peter but hold you in the highest regard.
Best Regards,
Sir Gissa
AU - 1 Min Chart with LR scalp changes in TW's

AU chart set up

Starting with scalp sell just prior to 10 00 am this morning and then after a lot of teasing another one that is a lot easier to follow

Will explain in more detail after news and later on - and will major on this trade in between more trades



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Well back on here again - my computers not cut out again for 10 mins

News was dollar bearish with more rises with GU / EU and the end of AU scalp sell for now - althought in total on the 2 scalp sells there was over 60 pips - so even if you got 30 pips - you did well

Hope to update were we are for US session next

GU and EJ have been the easy ones today - EU as normal - and then Swissy and CAD have dropped again

Will stay with AU in a bit going through the clues on why 8978/79 was the barrier or resistance area that stopped the early rises pre 10 00 am

Can it do it again - or now we got AU bears in prior to news - it is going to fry them and take price over 8980 and even hit 9000 area ??
2 14 PM

AU last week we had a double bottom at the 8980-83 area - so it was important

We have not yet tried over 8978 yet this morning - so many might have expected a 5 or even 10 pip further move up before the fall down to 8929 area

Instead we stopped prior to the main R area - and then the market did a typical game play

It failed to due the expected - ie it failed to go over 8980 and 85 before dropping 60 pips

Now many scalpers and intraday would have been caught out with the market not doing what it would normally try and do - ie break through a R area and try higher

That's gameplay = the market will always tease trick and try and set false sentiments to catch the un experienced out

Its the name of the game - ie taking money off traders.

For me there was a barrier that needed price to breach by maybe 5 -10 pips to stay with scalp buys prior to 10 am

I saw no different plan - unless we went over 8978 and 85 plus - then any scalp buy was for small pips - ok 3 -5 pips is fine

But then after Midday and second attempt - the clues were just so easy to spot etc - even if the first saclp clues were not so easy

If all trading was easy - then there would be loads of winners

That's why many might have trouble following my methods - simply because I do what 70 -90% of traders dont do - trade against traditional theory and methods when I see the clues etc

I hope once MM is over say 2000 + live scalps he will be seeing it slightly different from how he sometimes sees from pure PA

PA alone is not enough

You need time - game play - market structure etc etc

Hope this helps


2 25 PM


If we can stay above 2880 now we will test 2900 again and try higher

Structure still wants higher but players might want to get more bears in for this afternoon ?

had to repost this comment from 10 mins ago - as computer playing up and dying ( sods law )

From 6 21 am and approx 6260 we had the first play - with a big money buy dump

Price rose approx 60 pips in 30 mins, Did not catch half of it from 6 41 am - - but a lovely start for the morning

Be careful on the GU today - it will probably be my favourite - as I expect a lot of action over next 24 hrs - most of it false ;-)


It does have good supports now in the 6275 -85 area - and use that area as like a line in the sand

Above - we should be able to favour scalp buys for back over 6300

Under hold scalp sells to test 6260 area again

A couple of my comments on GU prior to London Open this morning

Well now GU at 6380 + area and still a buy above 6345 /50 on pullbacks falling that far

We ideally need to see over 90 and 6400 next - but about time we had the Yes Scot vote supports dumping large sells on GU to try and get it back under 6000

Surely there must be some players seeing big opportunities - shorting and stop hunting ;-)

It does have good supports now in the 6275 -85 area - and use that area as like a line in the sand

Above - we should be able to favour scalp buys for back over 6400
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