Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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not gone 30 mins on top so far - but under 72 might be next clue

Now can it go under 68 and 63/4

If not and we go back over 73 and 78 - be in scalp buys again
10 19 am

Euro news at 10 15 am - and EU pairs have gone bullish again - with rises on EU and EJ

No wonder EJ would not drop again under 93
au short?

as long as we dont test over 8978 - YES

Try and line up and for now need under 64 - as at moment over 65 still in up mode


77 TOP and now need under 68 and 65 to hold scalp on

If not under then still could tease around 77 to 80

Remember we are in slow mode atm this hr


Well I dont know about NU as do not normally trade it

But on AU - i said under 78 sell and over 65 before was buy and then when no over 78 on second try I would have thought you would have scalp sold at 77 or 75 or even 73

Then it needed under 68 and 63/4 to hold on

I thought you would be copying that or seeing the logic ??
Next question

MM - have you had much sleep last night - as you said you were going through yesterdays trade review ???

If not - then you will not have focus etc and concentration you need to scalp ??


EU at 10 27 am

Above 2865 this pair still as session bullness and after seeing 2907 after news and then the fall - look to scalp buy again over 2965 /70

remember we have low at say 2835 - then HL at 2854/5 - so in theory expect to saty above 60 or 65 on drops

Under 53 then sell more for low

Well I dont know about NU as do not normally trade it

But on AU - i said under 78 sell and over 65 before was buy and then when no over 78 on second try I would have thought you would have scalp sold at 77 or 75 or even 73

Then it needed under 68 and 63/4 to hold on

I thought you would be copying that or seeing the logic ??

well, at 0939, tw closed and lr conditions were met. we had not seen 78 at all . by 0951, we had interim support at 71, that had been established at 09:24. there fore the sell at 09:54 was against that. furthermore there was no lower high and the whole mode was in scalp buy.

Well I dont know about NU as do not normally trade it

But on AU - i said under 78 sell and over 65 before was buy and then when no over 78 on second try I would have thought you would have scalp sold at 77 or 75 or even 73

Then it needed under 68 and 63/4 to hold on

I thought you would be copying that or seeing the logic ??

but at 0954 you were suggesting it was a scalp buy, further reasons not to sell it?!?
well, at 0939, tw closed and lr conditions were met. we had not seen 78 at all . by 0951, we had interim support at 71, that had been established at 09:24. there fore the sell at 09:54 was against that. furthermore there was no lower high and the whole mode was in scalp buy.

have to disagree and will explain

The barrier was 77 / 78 - would you agree ??

We tested it - but could not make over

Then exactly on hr at 10 am - we fell under last 30 minup trendline at 71

For me under 77 was a scalp sell

71 confirmed it then I needed additional confirmation after dropping under scalp buy area at 71 which for me was 68 and 64

We went under down then to 60 ?

So for me - all OK

need to review your thought patterns - as I can see you are not going with all the clues - only part ones ??

Out in 5 mins for an hour

Will be back later next hr and then can go through again etc

But take a rest etc - until you feel you can get in the zone


no. this confuses me. as at 0954 it was a scalp buy. one minute later it dropped. if the lr failed to turn it down at 0939, then why should a second attempt at 77 be the last one> structurally, the lr setup is the same at 0939 and 0955.
we are also at 10..00 am
1) in the middle of a bt zone,
2) above a major trendline shown in red
3) in a pattern of hl hh
So actually, either logic defining buy, sell ,or bt wait can describe this situation?


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no. this confuses me. as at 0954 it was a scalp buy. one minute later it dropped. if the lr failed to turn it down at 0939, then why should a second attempt at 77 be the last one> structurally, the lr setup is the same at 0939 and 0955.

Possibly because it made a lower high?

I'll be interested in what F says MM, i have difficulty following a lot of his trading logic at the best of times :confused:
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