Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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In a BTTZ for now from 6211 to 6176 - 35 pips which is big - but enough room to rob you blind

Yes under 80 and 75 favour scalp sells and over 6203 favours scalp buys - but be careful for just teases at every level
1 40 pm


The LR structure is bullish above 2930/31 - but set up ideal to be dropped to say 29 or a bit lower - and then another rise back up over 55 again

Would need under 30 and 20 - to convince me they are dropping lower
pete on EU what is your position now that under 46 (looking for longs or shorts ???)

sold under 53 twice - but now down to 30% stakes when we did not stay under 45

need under 40 to hold scalp sells on now for 31 test

Back over 51 and 55 scalp buys again

Back after 2 00 pm now
2 06 pm

EU notice still not under 41

total manipulation set up

wait for say 36 or below to add more or jump in sells - as this could all reverse in next 5 mins

If we drop under 40 and 36 - then expect same at 25 -30 area - still not convinced this is just sells etc
CAD looks easy

Under 1050-55 stay with sells especially if we stay under 46 and go under 30.

Above 55 and 60 with retraces staying above 47 would favour scalp buys again

Swissy - similar - under 9350 - stay will scalp sell bias BUT NEEDS under 25 and 17 to hold scalp sells on longer for a larger fall


107 00 area - line in the sand

Below there and 106 90 scalp sells

Above 107 and 107 10 still favours buys but might be difficult to get above 40 or 50 for now

meanwhile back at less played with pair

Cad now down at 1010 area so lovely sells - but 1000 will be supports if not before

UJ - a bit of play

107 06 - needs back over 16 or under 98 for next scalps
pete would be nice if you would state your entry price ----- this jumping about from one currency to another is not helping anyone IMHO , You can type faster than anyone I have seen so you should be able to show within 30 seconds of entry your trade
pete would be nice if you would state your entry price ----- this jumping about from one currency to another is not helping anyone IMHO , You can type faster than anyone I have seen so you should be able to show within 30 seconds of entry your trade

I have just had problems getting back on the site again - must be another attack I reckon

Any way hopefully back on ?

I think its very difficult to always post my scalps - as I put them on before typing etc - and then by the times its live on thread and other members see it - can be 2 -4 mins after my entries - especially ifpages not refreshed

I have noticed in busy times I comment and refresh and see no other comment - and then another minute later - a comment appears at a time I had already checked - seems strange

OK will try and do best on posting entry prices etc

GU - 2 21 pm - start of new half hr TW was a scalp buy on GU at 6206/7

we made 486 - and now pullback

if we dont see above 47 now again - its changing direction again - that quick - for now the EU is being extremely difficult ( deliberately ) to trade

I think I would advise not trying to scalp it unless you can be in and out quick

look at say above 56 and 60 for more scalp buys or holding any - and only under 36 and 31 to be scalp selling etc
hope you do not mind me bringing this up --------- I understand what you say about refreshing pages but think you will find that the time stamp of t2w can let members check on their own charts where you are coming from

2 41 pm

Now at my critical area 9040

expect between 9042 and 9050 for it to completely turn and fall again

Above say 53 and 60 - I would be wrong
Surely with so much activity this thread would be better moved into some kind of live chat room like IRC? Or a Skype group chat?

down to 30% at 50 after 52 top - so far

remember we might print a LH under 55/6 - and then turn and drop under 36 etc - so be careful
Surely with so much activity this thread would be better moved into some kind of live chat room like IRC? Or a Skype group chat?

i did do a skype room for about 3 months plus about 18 months ago

It did my head in - as was inundated with questions and ended up not being able to keep my notes easy etc etc

Actually - I know I am wrong to say this - but I only really do a thread for me - as it helps to focus and gets my levels recorded in note form to go through etc etc

Otherwise after hitting 50 pips - I would just stop and and not be able to focus etc

I dont mind other joining in and commenting and also giving forecast or thoughts etc etc - and I dont mind helping scalper etc - but I did not want to end up just a copy or alert service etc - I want scalpers to follow why and how I do it etcetc

So far Major Magnum - ( MM ) another member on the site as learnt my methods over last 8 months and now he when he is around will also be inputting etc - but for now he his still in other employment as well - so not always available


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