Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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meanwhile back at less played with pair

Cad now down at 1010 area so lovely sells - but 1000 will be supports if not before

UJ - a bit of play

107 06 - needs back over 16 or under 98 for next scalps

Cad comment over 45 mins ago

It stopped at 1002 and bounced

so far been up to 17 /8 - I am out all scalp sells from 1004 to 1007
3 03 pm

Just checking were I am on a few pairs

Its seems slow again - going to have 15 mins off for a cuppa a check on other charts

EU - being normal bar steward

GU still in sell under 6219

AU - never made over 9040 and a sell for now

Cad - not bought - but done very well off sells today on it

See you a bit later

GL guys
4 26 pm


EU just made 2936/37 - now can it drop under 31 -or will this half hr change see buys kick in and back above 45 and 50+


Been to 6227 and down to 6207 - so 20 pips of BTTZ area

Still bullish above 6211 for now
I got into AU at 32 and bailed a few pips later .........can you believe that ?

talk about not focused for christsake

i did do a skype room for about 3 months plus about 18 months ago

It did my head in - as was inundated with questions and ended up not being able to keep my notes easy etc etc

Actually - I know I am wrong to say this - but I only really do a thread for me - as it helps to focus and gets my levels recorded in note form to go through etc etc

Otherwise after hitting 50 pips - I would just stop and and not be able to focus etc

I dont mind other joining in and commenting and also giving forecast or thoughts etc etc - and I dont mind helping scalper etc - but I did not want to end up just a copy or alert service etc - I want scalpers to follow why and how I do it etcetc

So far Major Magnum - ( MM ) another member on the site as learnt my methods over last 8 months and now he when he is around will also be inputting etc - but for now he his still in other employment as well - so not always available



I did a 6 month subscription package teaching Strengthmeter concepts and trading ............videos , blogs but no live trade rooms as I was working full time..........

even though it taught me a lot and I made it clear that it was not for beginners.........I was besieged with basic questions and other stuff that did my brain in............and it affected my trading as well...........from trader to IT administrator in 1 leap (n)

never again..........
4 26 pm


EU just made 2936/37 - now can it drop under 31 -or will this half hr change see buys kick in and back above 45 and 50+


Been to 6227 and down to 6207 - so 20 pips of BTTZ area

Still bullish above 6211 for now

4 58 pm

well the buy was from 4 30 TW and once over 2950 and 65 - you could guess what was going on

now at 2978(y)
Hi N

I have had computer probs this afternoon - with the one I blog off - not the ones I trade with - as they are newer

Yes it been a busy afternoon session

You could tell today something was cooking - after slow news moves

Glad you have had a good un


just took eu sell on the retrace .........makes up for bailing on the au run up
I did a 6 month subscription package teaching Strengthmeter concepts and trading ............videos , blogs but no live trade rooms as I was working full time..........

even though it taught me a lot and I made it clear that it was not for beginners.........I was besieged with basic questions and other stuff that did my brain in............and it affected my trading as well...........from trader to IT administrator in 1 leap (n)

never again..........

Yes - know the feeling

You need the interaction - and i enjoy blogging and discussing trading ideas etc etc - but thats about it - need to stay with my main earner - ie trading and although it helps me focus and maintain daily commitment - that's great

Its good to see other newer traders see some new ideas and "edges" etc - and I also remember - I too did have a few "leg ups" on the way so good to try and give a bit back etc

Still trying to improve the thread every day - to keep it easy to follow - but not to just be a full time tipster - I want all learning to fish - not buying it at the "chip shop" ;-)


EA and AU have been moving past 15 min

Hi John

Was not able to comment for about 30 mins - my computer i type from was playing up - both with connection to site and also kept freezing and cutting out

Need to update it I reckon - that means I need another good day tomorrow ;-)
Hi John

Was not able to comment for about 30 mins - my computer i type from was playing up - both with connection to site and also kept freezing and cutting out

Need to update it I reckon - that means I need another good day tomorrow ;-)

maybe the keyboard has burnt out :devilish:
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