Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Amazed with GU now down to 6190 area - taking all scalp sell stake off - even though still a sell within next 5 mins before new TW - as out - and it should bounce
8 41 am

back now for a few hours

GU - I exited all my scalp sell before I went out ( similar with EU ) at 6187 - so missed another 10 + pips - as the bounce was small and did not last - unlike the EU

We have GU news in under an hour and I have GU with nice support at 6163 -68 area -that could stop any further larger falls before the news

With the Scotland vote this week - we expect loads of GU play - more than likely the vote will be no split and the GU will rise back up to 6400 or even 6600+ - but meanwhile players will want to buy low from ideally under 6000 - to get everyone out of buys first.

Expect the unexpected - because that's the name of the game ;-)

You would expect the EU to stay under 2945 area now - to keep with LH theme if we are going under 2900

Back over 2945 and 50 I would be holding scalp buys on to see if we test 2960 or just under at 2957 ( LH again )

Under 2931 AND 28 back to scalp sells

In between forget for now and wait for next TW

nice 25 pip fall or so from 8 00 am TW

Now at 138 54 and 50 -55 is all support area

Under 61 on bounces still a scalp sell again - but really can only hold on longer under 50 and 47

made 8989 and then after 8 00 am bounced up 25+ pips - and now 9000 is like a new line in the sand

Any pullbacks staying above - scalp buy again from
Went long AU but pulled +3, not moving. Waiting for another entry

I think on AU now 9000 to 9018 is a BTTZ area

Similar others are set up to go to BTTZ areas - just awaiting next players plans etc

Under 9007 on AU you could scalp sell to say 9000 area and above 18 you could carry on scalp buying for now.

Hopefully this next hr might start things going again - especially after 9 30 am and first of red news's - then 10 am - EU news
I think on AU now 9000 to 9018 is a BTTZ area

Similar others are set up to go to BTTZ areas - just awaiting next players plans etc

Under 9007 on AU you could scalp sell to say 9000 area and above 18 you could carry on scalp buying for now.

Hopefully this next hr might start things going again - especially after 9 30 am and first of red news's - then 10 am - EU news

Same on EA F, sat in a 10pip BTTZ
GU low of 6171/2 is coming up to 30 mins with no breach in this hr TW

We need over 92 and 95 to stay holding scalp buys - and under 80 and 78 for scalp sells again to test supports
nice mornings action .........

so F ............when are you starting the training school in London ?

it appears that the BBC show that a months training (basically jabbing buy or sell button as the ECB speaks) will make you rich ?

GU fir news in 10 mins or so

Under 6220 - GU is session bearish

low so far 71/2 with supports 63 -68 area - so say 60 pip range with under 60 sell more and over 6220 + more buys

In between then thats the play area - we might get a 25 -40 pip bounce off news - then more sells - or we might just go under 6160 and fall lower

We would really need a 60+ bounce of GU news to think then it will stay rising again

Having 5 min break - will not be in GU for news - but hope to get a scalp then within 9 mins afterwards

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