Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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4 40 pm

AU exited at 9018 after a 16 /17 low

wanted to scalp buy slightly lower - but popping out so will not be here to look for that trade

Might see you later after 5 30 pm

Cad comment from 50 mins ago

We did make above 70 and 71 - so could not sell again

Now looking to sell under 80 /2 area after hr change

Cad dropped before the hr change now at 3 57/8 pm

Cad dropped from 1077 in the end - and then went under 70 confirming scalp sells

Since then we have now made 1050 area - which is also support

Taken all off scalp sell at 1053 - as now finishing for the day

We knew under 2962 we had a scalp sell on EU - as a R level not breached after 7 00 am and also a LH at 55 at 8 00 am TW

Then after going under 50 - we touched 41 /2 - bounce - but could not get back over 45

So that meant another LH at 45 to 55 and 62

when we got to 31 - jsut above interim support at 2930 - we bounce and it was in a TW at 8 30am. That bounce was a scalp buy - but we also knew to hold it on or a bigger up move - we would need over 45 -ie last LH

We got to 40 /41 and then at 9 00 am TW fell again - going under 31 - so making another LL

We have kept to LH's and LL's since 7 00 am and 62

We are now at 25 and we know 2920 and 25 are support areas again

We need one to hold for over 30 mins - and then that might be another interim low

We could have risked holding a scalp sell under say 60 and 55 to 25 - but we would miss out on 10 -15 pips of bounces - that a keen aggressive scalper would take - but purely optional etc

Any bounces to hold on from 2925 need over 35 - and then stay above 25 and last over 30 mins

Next clues then would be 42 AND 45

Without going back over 42 and 45 - we know we can sell gain to test under 2925

The range then is approx 20 pips and I would wait for one level to be breached

under 25 and 20 more scalp sells - over 42 and 45 more scalp buys

In between - only scalps for 1-7 pips

Loverly explanation there F, I do enjoy looking over the charts at the end of the day to verify your entry and exits on trades, it really does help me. This explanation complimented with the 1M chart is a fine example.
Loverly explanation there F, I do enjoy looking over the charts at the end of the day to verify your entry and exits on trades, it really does help me. This explanation complimented with the 1M chart is a fine example.

Cheers and thank you John

As long as it's all starting to make sense - that's the main thing

All the best and have a good day


Tuesday 16th September 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning to all FX Intraday Traders

Still having a few problems this morning - with broadband connection and platform freezing - yes all you want to give you confidence to take trades lol

Will do a quick update and review of main FX pairs I plan to intraday trades along with the levels I will be looking at to take new scalps etc

Please keep refreshing the pages every 30 secs in the busy periods to catch all the comments etc and as normal all FX related questions and queries welcome

Have a good day



6 52 am Uk Time

Price at 2939 - high so far this morning 2961 and low 2936,

Low of yesterday 2909 and high of 2969 after high on Friday of 2981 - so showing LH's but not LL's atm - needing under 2907 to be doing that

Supports have increased from low and also at 2890 and 2900 areas - but so far no up rally as breached 2980 area to try 3000

So range about 60 -80 pips - with main range for me as a scalper being 2930 to 2950 - 20 pips of BTTZ area designed just to take your money and trick you

Above 30 and 50 look for more scalp buys for tries up again - whilst under 50 and 30 - then that favours scalp sells for testing supports again

Yesterday the EU was very tradeable - but remember - that is not always the case - this pair can be the most manipulated and most difficult FX pairs at certain time - lets hope today is not the case

For most of yesterday - I kept selling the GU under the 6250 /52 area - in the end I think 5 times - after bounces failed to get over this R area

Same today so far by the look of it with price now at 6216 - after a test at 6250 again failed

We need under 6205 and 6200 to hold on scalps sells - as 6215 /20 is a support area - with price now at 6217.

For now above 19 and 21 scalp buy and only look at more scalp sells under 6211 - 05 and 6200
Will just mention the AU and EA - as AU as tested 9001 in last 15mins and whilst under 9018 and 22 is still bearish - whilst EA will be - like the EJ rising

I will be keeping an eye on these pairs this morning for new trades - but meanwhile checking out calender
Noticing 4 main red news announcements by 1 30 pm today - - Pound at 9 30 am - Euro - 10 00 am and then US and Cad Dollars at 1 30 pm

A busy news day - so be warned etc
EU price as dropped now to 2931 - and as of now under 39 /40 is still a scalp sell on bounces

We do need under 30 and 27 to hold scalp sells on longer for a test lower at 29 -31 interim supports

made 1100 area yesterday and now above 1050 /55 still scalp bullish

Price is at 1066 for now - but could be a scalp sell on pullbacks - and ideally another scalp buy above 55 to then test above 70 and 75 +

UJ - also more bullish still above 107 20 and 25 - not trading it atm - but look at that area as the line in the sand etc
Will just mention the AU and EA - as AU as tested 9001 in last 15mins and whilst under 9018 and 22 is still bearish - whilst EA will be - like the EJ rising

I will be keeping an eye on these pairs this morning for new trades - but meanwhile checking out calender

From 10 mins ago - AU was a scalp sell under 18 - but also again under 09 and now just fell under 9000 to 8998.

Still in scalp sell but will be looking at exiting in this new TW
7 21 am

GU dropped out of its tight range - and from 6216 was a scalp sell - but totally missed it as in AU scalp sell

Now at 6210 - just at my scalp sell level again - but this could be a total set up with bounce after 7 30 am - so be warned

Under 6205 and 6200 - yes scalp sell - but with news in 2 hrs - this could be a bear trap
morning lets try a short here on EU @ 33

Morning BP

Have a good day - re EU - I need under 30 and 27 to be scalp selling as I have 31 to 33 still a support atm - hopefully it will break - but being EU - could be just part of the tease zone - especially designed to have your money

need above 39 and 42 for scalp buys atm

Being the normal bar steward now

From 7 30 am - bias as gone more bullish and 31 is holding atm -

i need above 39 to look at scalp buys etc - but I can see now from 33 - we are turning and now 37 and 38 would be more clues - that this drop before the half hr change is a falsy

Be careful for now
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