Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EU - R's above at 42 then 45 then 52/55 and then 62

I think we might try above 42 if we stay above 25 now on pullbacks

We are still in session down bias - but US on board now - so we can easily pullback 10 -30 pips
I say John - dont know how you are doing today - but if you have any pairs lined up etc for a new trade - let me know and I will check them out etc ;-)

Thought might see MM today - but must be busy atm
Feel I've seen quite a few tease zones today, but on the good side I haven't traded in one of them.

Yes - not been too nice a Monday

Lot of teasing after 10 30 am onwards

Best for me as been EU and EJ and then finally GU

AU still trying up - but we need over 40 now

EU - look for reversals at either 42 /45 or 50 /55 maybe

Finally GU testing under 6230 - its taken ages to drop under 6250 area
2 56pm

2 54 pm

AU up now at 9048 and EU up at 2947

Make sure you have profits locked in - what ever way as hr change in 5 mins or so
EU at 3 02 pm

price at 2949 and I would expect to scalp sell from 50 /55 area - worst case 2960

EU is being really played with - so be careful and if price did make over 60 then next main R at 2980
EU pullbacks staying above 41 /42 are still scalp buys again - so if we do an interim high - it needs to hold 30 mins with no breach above
Totally missed UJ sell under 107 20

Any sell after 2 09 pm - ( end of TW ) would have been ok

Now bouncing above supports at 107 00 /01
EU at 3 02 pm

price at 2949 and I would expect to scalp sell from 50 /55 area - worst case 2960

EU is being really played with - so be careful and if price did make over 60 then next main R at 2980

EU dropped under 42 and made 32 and bounced there

Difficult now as in a BTTZ

above 2931 - scalp buys - under 44/45 scalp sell - in between wait really

All the while - under 6250 /52 - the GU is a scalp sell

So far taken 4 scalp sells after bounces testing it - but we really do need a clear breach under 30 and ideally 6225 now

PA not so nice but still a scalp buy above 56 on pullbacks - but need above 68 and 72 to hold scalp buys on longer for further rises

We now need under 9030 and 27 for a larger fall - as its an interim support area

No under 27 in next TW - look or scalp buys again
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