Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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10 03 am

EU - to explain - EU low so far this morning 2915/16 - for now above 20 scalp buy -- but need price above 29 and 35 to hold scalp buy on - with next main test 42 and 45

Only scalp sell under 2919 and 2912 - as we might get tease down - but not breach under 12
Hi Awe

Yes GU is ok as a scalp buy if we breach 55 and 60

Would only sell under 6250 and 45 now

Will try and explain more on scalping part and time windows during day

BP - why did you pull it ;)
hope you asking about trade (lol)
just did not like PA at that time ---------- in long again though in 10am window @9.52
was that ok Master

59/60 price is holding on EJ

Still in 30% stake on scalp sell - but would exit above 72 - as now a scalp buy over 64 - but still might not get above 70

only scalp sell for now under 63 and 57
AU and EA

sorry - ignored these 2 this morning

AU had been a scalp buy from 8 30 TW - but ignored it - to my cost ;-(

Now up over 20 pips - but really unless price makes over 9020 and 24 - it might stop and reverse back down again
EU at 10 14 am

Testing 29 /30

If we do breach over 30 and 35 - next obstacle 42 and then 45

Might be able to scalp sell in next TW from one of these levels
TODAY MCX Silver TREND and level

Today Silver trend is lower trend
Today Silver level
Intraday Resistance of Silver
R1 : 41415
R2 : 41528
R3: 41536
Intraday Support of silver
S1 : 41294
S2 : 41286
S3 : 41173
Get More Information...... CLICK HERE
10 23 am

EU - interesting now - going in a BTTZ
under 29 is scalp sell - but above 15 a scalp buy again - after 30 min no breach

The players and LP's are teasing us now - trying to get us in wrong trades

Above 35 and 45 scalp buys - under say 18 and 13 scalp sells
Hi Rudra

Dont mind you sharing your FX intraday proposed trades here - no problem - but no other sites or just basic levels without saying sells or buys etc


10 34 pm

EU range very tight now - under 27/8 a scalp sell - above 15 and 18 scalp buy

So we need out the mid BTTZ area - one way or another to see next move - and even then without a clear 3 -5 pip breach - could be just false
10 51 am

EU - now both interim low at 15/16 and interim high at 30 - have gone over 30 mins with no breach

For sure a BTTZ and therefore be careful - designed to sting us ;-)

exited all scalp buy at 65 after 68 high

might be able to scalp buy again above 55

under 53 and 49 scalp sells


could not stay above 54/55 and so 53 was scalp sell confirmed under 49

Low so far on this retrace is 44 and now under 58/60 - still another scalp sell

Would need over 61 and 65 to be scalp buying again - or holding any on above 44
11 11 am

AU - missed this one - now testing 9022 - and R was at 17 to 20

Next R's at 35 /40 area

Above 9010 on pullbacks could be more scalp buys now - as need under 07 and 9003 to hold scalp sells on longer for a fall back down
GU at 11 18 am

So far we have dropped down to 6235 on the scalp sell under 59 and 55 area

Really we we need under 30 to hold on longer - as 32 -34 is support areas - and we may get bounces - and even a turn again
11 21 am


Interim low 138 57 - need to see if it lasts 30 mins from posting now and also we need above 65 and 68 to hold any scalp buys on above 60 area

EU still a scalp sell under 27/8 - BUt above 15 and 18 - still a possible scalp buy - so BTTZ area

Need under 2913 and 10 to get me scalp selling more - and over 31 - then 35 for a try at 42 and 45

Price atm at 138 96 - AND UNDER 139 02 it is a scalp sell for now

Not in it - but will look for bounces under 02 to scalp sell - knowing we need under 138 86 to hold on for further fall

This comment on EJ was from 7 02am this morning

Unfortunately did not leave 1 30% stake sell on from high -as been taking profits and re entering - shame

Now 57 is interim low and we need above 65 and 72 to be holding scalp buys for a turn

To scalp sell more we need under 54 and 50
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