'Holy grail' - Is 300% a month good? Thats all i can do.

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ITs about time t2win had some sort of regulation for this sort of crap.


Indeed they do. The following points from the posting guidelines kinda cover this situation.

7.4 Do not make a post for the sole use of increasing your post count - also known as "post padding." An example is a reply simply stating "Yes" or "No", unless you have been specifically asked to respond in this way.

7.6 Please don't pretend to be an expert if you aren't one. Humility is better than arrogance. It is fine to not know something or to be a beginner. Beginners masquerading as experts or who repeatedly give advice to others hurt the forum as learning traders may not yet be able to tell who is actually an expert, and who merely thinks he is one.

Whilst there is no harm and in fact some light relief for the isolated trader I think the site will and has suffered from too much of it. It is up to the mods to decide what type of site they want to maintain - one that generates genuine discussion of trading matters or something more akin to the Sunday Sport. I guess that will depend upon which one brings in the most advertising revenue.

I think its hilarious that this guy has drawn so much attention because:
A - people wanted a piece of the "action"
B - people hate money makers

Why did anyone even take this thread seriously?
I think its hilarious that this guy has drawn so much attention because:
A - people wanted a piece of the "action"
B - people hate money makers

Why did anyone even take this thread seriously?

Unfortunately there are people naive enough to believe what is posted. They may be new to trading and a bit wet behind the ears and dazzled by the theoretical profits they can make according to their excel spreadsheet.

I think it's our moral duty to make sure these people don't learn this lesson the expensive way. We're the guys with the experience - we really know how hard it is to succeed.
If You Have A Decent Sized Account You Cant Make 300% A Month Without Taking A Moronic Risk. It Will Be Blind Luck If You Do Not Wipe Out.

It May Be Possible To Make 300% If You Are Long Oil And Iraq Explodes.
seriously though your wasting your teenage years trying to wind up people on a trading website.. have your friends not introduced you to the joys of drugs and girls, you dont wanna be the one they refer to as geek all through school, go out and enjoy yourself 🙂

You have no idea... I have a very serious disease at the moment and therefore i am confined to my home... In a wheelchair.

Thanks though dude.
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Right - lets look at the maths shall we?.....

Let's assume in April you risked your minimum of 1% on every trade and you used compounding on your capital.

For simplicity we will assume that you had 3 trades correct and then one trade wrong - repeat 17 times - that equals the number of trades you made in april.

So first 4 trades - you made 6% (6x stoploss) , then 6%, then 6%, then you lost 1%.

So the maths is - 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06 * 0.99 = 1.18 - so after 4 trades you've made 18%

Repeat this 17 times - 1.179... ^ 17 = 16.46 - which is a 1545% monthly increase.

Thats using the WORST PROFIT figures you've supplied. If you take an average of 1.27% (your avg loss) then you should have made 3305% in April.

So you are obviously bullcrapping us because your numbers don't add up.

Explain that one....

I bet your feeling very smart right now... I'm pretty sure you were the one who told me to keep writing ambiguous data that doesn't make sense contradicting what everyone says... I mean seriously why are you trying to disprove me, when clearly i'm following your instructions.

I'm confused, but i think you're a total dumbass after that post. If you look through the thread, does it look like i'm trying to make the system sound realistic, did you not read my testomonials?

Your the one who said to do this :whistling
Seventeen pages of pure disappointment in only a day and a half...

Regardless of what people say, thats impressive.
No they don't.

Do they also use the word ' your ' when they quite clearly mean ' you're ' and do people from Britain also appear to be on EST and use the phrase 'dumbass'?

Just wondering, please forgive my ignorance....
Do they also use the word ' your ' when they quite clearly mean ' you're ' and do people from Britain also appear to be on EST and use the phrase 'dumbass'?

Just wondering, please forgive my ignorance....
Stu, before you start acting cool to your friends and stop going on about spelling...

I'll just remind you that you've PM'd me twice, asking me kindly for my strategy....

So don't act all smart up in here when your sucking my balls of stage.
Sorry not to have the time to read the whole thread BUT

do have any proof of what you claim ?

and willing to post it ?

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