'Holy grail' - Is 300% a month good? Thats all i can do.

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i think you could be right... as a side bet, i bet you one of the periods is his birthday and another his mummys 👍

.... After blowing a spread betting account yesterday .... what i did unwell to make £1000- 50p ....

My mother and mine birthday EMA's are doing alot better than you. 👍
Dude your thread is number one with a bullet right now.
What it like being number one?
goodnite, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite 😎

While you pull your 😎 face i think it seems an appropriate time to remind you of your own infancy...

'What i did unwell to make £1000 - £50p ?' I quote from an earlier post of yours... Were you five when you wrote this?

You mock me for my youth, but your only 24 yourself .... And its quite obvious in the way you ask questions (See above quote)

Your 24 and lost £1000 - I'm 18 and made much much more.

Jealous much? Don't even answer.
Dude your thread is number one with a bullet right now.
What it like being number one?

Feels fantastic, especially knowing that tommorow it will only continue given that i've provided proof of my MASSIVE success through a graph and a statement...
Feels fantastic, especially knowing that tommorow it will only continue given that i've provided proof of my MASSIVE success through a graph and a statement...

You know people won't believe you until you have testamonials.
I think i'm going to start revealing my strategies if a few more requests come in, feeling the pressure to help others already... I mean 300% a month could make a big difference to some peoples lifes.... I suppose a few more posts with a few meaningful reasons for me to share would provide me enough reason to do so...

You know people won't believe you until you testamonials.


Heres just one;

'Old Gramma Williams' As her sons call her from California used my system for 3 weeks and heres what she said 'Trading? Whats that... Oh you mean that lovely system on the computer, yes i didn't know i was trading but so far i've made £1,000,0000 just following the very easy rules. I'm off to buy a few houses, thanks HaloTrader for all your support in making sure i was able to turn on the computer properly'
That's a nice one.

How about the one with the guy who gets his ex-wife back because all she wanted was a man who could give her 300% a month.
im confused youngun 😕 where did the quotes come from? and this is me being friendly with you ..helping you on your childhood dream of reaching 300 pages ... youll know when im mocking you i wont be half as friendly 🙂
seriously though your wasting your teenage years trying to wind up people on a trading website.. have your friends not introduced you to the joys of drugs and girls, you dont wanna be the one they refer to as geek all through school, go out and enjoy yourself 🙂
Are you mocking God?

Cause if you are your a ****ing idiot and you don't know what the **** your talking about, you ****ing weirdo. God is real and if you don't believe you can to hell 😡
I'm so ****ing mad
I'm going to hack your computer and steal your credit card data and use it to watch porn... I've done it before and got loads of stuff of amazon, and i'll do it to you if you mock God!!

I checked my PMs but no system from you yet.

Just some emails about books on 'receiving anal pleasures' from Amazon.

hello halotrader, am just a newbie and retired . am looking for a simple trading system that give me
my retirement expenses. awaiting for you to share your system. Many thanks in advance.
Number of trades taken in April: 68
Number of winners in April: 51
Number of losers in April: 17
Average winner: 6% (6 times the size of the stop loss)
Average loser: 1.27%
Risk management: 1-2% risk on every trade.
Stake Size: Depends on stop loss size

Hope that helps.


Right - lets look at the maths shall we?.....

Let's assume in April you risked your minimum of 1% on every trade and you used compounding on your capital.

For simplicity we will assume that you had 3 trades correct and then one trade wrong - repeat 17 times - that equals the number of trades you made in april.

So first 4 trades - you made 6% (6x stoploss) , then 6%, then 6%, then you lost 1%.

So the maths is - 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06 * 0.99 = 1.18 - so after 4 trades you've made 18%

Repeat this 17 times - 1.179... ^ 17 = 16.46 - which is a 1545% monthly increase.

Thats using the WORST PROFIT figures you've supplied. If you take an average of 1.27% (your avg loss) then you should have made 3305% in April.

So you are obviously bullcrapping us because your numbers don't add up.

Explain that one....
Please guys, just stop posting on this thread- it's exactly what he wants. Can someone just start a new thread called 'HaloTrader is full of BS' and discuss it there instead?
hahahaha, its interesting how trading attracts the biggest bu5h!tters in the world... and they are normally stupid enough to post data that doesnt add up
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