'Holy grail' - Is 300% a month good? Thats all i can do.

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White. Well dressed. 19th century.Worthy of a portrait. Worthy of being your avatar.

Well that portrait would have been late 18th century actually. I fail to see why being white and well dressed means you are a free mason lol.

The man in question is Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Not openly a freemason, but its up for debate specially if you are into conspiracy, Illuminati etc etc
Well that portrait would have been late 18th century actually. I fail to see why being white and well dressed means you are a free mason lol.

The man in question is Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Not openly a freemason, but its up for debate specially if you are into conspiracy, Illuminati etc etc

18th... damn.

Rothschilds? He's the master of masons then lol. I dont buy into that illuminati stuff too much but there deffo something up.

And as I said earlier you have to meet all the criteria to be considered a mason.
Roths are purportedly the most politiacally influential family in the world. I don't know too much about them but I know they've been in the game since the beginning. That says it all really.
It has backfired a bit yeah 🙂
Getting threatened the police will be on me... I mean seriously? That guy has no clue.

I find it really annoying that no1 can just take anything as a big joke... Like this wasn't even suppose to be decieving, i literally thought everyone knew the whole thing was bull**** and had seen the other post...

I never threatened to report you, mearly suggested that I wonder what PC plob would think, when your state THAT YOU HAVE LINKED TO SOMEBODY'S COMPUTER AND USED THE THEIR TO FUND PURCHASING PORN AND OTHER ITEM ETC, gets my goat, when twats like you come on boards like these where genuine people are here to take advice from experienced traders and hopefully learn something useful, rather than having to put up with drivel from you a SELF CONFESSED LIAR, THEFT AND FRAUDSTER unless your lying about that bit as well.
arn't all top bankers masons?

Are you a mason? Ever attended a meeting or a 'festive board'? I really hate generalisations and assumptions about masonry.

I used to be a mason but gave it up as it wasn't for me, however as far as them having sinister control over society or banking is just merely a conspiracy theory. If it was as all powerful and sinister as people thought I would have probably stayed in, but I found it quite dull and tedious.

In fact it's just a bunch of blokes (usually quite old) having an excuse to get away from the missus, make some new friends and have a few beers.

Another common myth is the masons controlling the police force, it's true that there are a number of coppers who are masons, but generally it's so they can try and make friends outside of the police force as this is typically very difficult for them do in normal social circles outside of the police.

Do I recommend anyone become a mason? Not at all. Do I recommend that people research things before spouting BS on a subject they know nothing about? Absolutely.
Yeah, but you would say that wouldn't you.....

Let prudence direct you, temperance chasten you, fortitude support you, and justice be the guide in all your actions.
OK, if you insist. Your decisions to buy and sell are 'inaccurate and unfounded' sorry for the assumption.

I thought earlier you said you were one of the people who trys to help people on these boards rofl - You seem as bad as me for your helpfulness... Thats why i love ya, kiss me baby
I thought earlier you said you were one of the people who trys to help people on these boards rofl - You seem as bad as me for your helpfulness... Thats why i love ya, kiss me baby

I am, I helped Aaron see what he had said from a different perspective and he rep'd me for the post! Aren't you and Aaron the same person?

Have a nice weekend!
Freemasonry used to be big in the police force say 20+ years ago but not so common these days. How long have you been a freemason Bramble and why did you join? PM me if you don't want to talk about it in public...

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