'Holy grail' - Is 300% a month good? Thats all i can do.

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Sure 🙂

Okay now 4 people are getting it... 5 would be reasonable. So one more and we'll start this skype chat - I'm mostly giving it out for selfish reasons, so i have people to talk to while i trade this strategy and we can develop it even more together and talk about how to go about increasing trade size
Can i join in halo !!
This really shouldn't need pointing out, but some of the responses to this ridiculous thread so far, make me think it does! The thread starter is being 'ironic' and is commenting on the apparent success of traders on these boards. Either that or he just needs some attention, lol.

Whatever, move on and use your common sense.
an image of 18 year old Halo Trader's Mum clearing up his room: 😀


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Why? I challenge you can disprove his excellent system.

We don't need to disprove his excellent system. Halo came on here making his claims, so it is up to him to prove it to us. Otherwise, it will be taken for what it is; an unvalidated boast by someone seeking attention.

Now if Halo is willing to post even a minimal amount of information, such as number of trades taken in April, % winners and losers, average winners and losers, and some info on his risk management and stake size, then maybe we might be more receptive.

But at the moment Halo is claiming he turned £5k into £90k in 6 months. If you believe that, then you should search Google for some trading systems, coz there are loads promising you the same kind of return. And then you can come here in 6 months and tell us how you got on.
Hve you ever had a royal flush in reallife PokerBrat?

No, not in 3 years of playing poker on a regular basis. The odds of making that hand are 1 in 649,740.

I once folded a King and a Ten of spades, which would have made a Royal Flush. So I guess I will have to wait another 1/2 million hands for that chance again. 😴
Only read the first two pages and can't really tell if everyone is trying to be funny but if it is by any chance serious, grow up.

10% per month is f*cking incredible unless you are trading an account with about £100 in it.

When I started trading the strategy I use now (not long before I started my MMT thread) I was making about 2,000% a month because of my initial account size.

I think it was FireWalker that told me to stop bragging about it.

Percentage is a totally insignificant way of measuring sucess unless you are trading a fund with at least hundreds of thousands in.

A friend of mine made 31% on his account today in a quick scalp.

He had £22 and was trading Barclays at £1 a point.

He made £7.

Sure 🙂

Okay now 4 people are getting it... 5 would be reasonable. So one more and we'll start this skype chat - I'm mostly giving it out for selfish reasons, so i have people to talk to while i trade this strategy and we can develop it even more together and talk about how to go about increasing trade size
please put me on your list
Gentlemen and Ladies, I'm sure you all realise this is a wind up.

What happened to oyur sense of humour...?
Wow, the only thing HT forgot in his first post of this thread is some sort of religious inclusion.
And for anyone who does not understand what this thread is yet he is following advice given him yesterday to the letter.
What I find sad is the number of people who want this system. If your not in the right place in your trading understanding/skill set you won't make 300% with any system regardless of how good it is.
Anyway hats off to HaloTrader for a top 3 thread in only 1 day!!
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Only read the first two pages and can't really tell if everyone is trying to be funny but if it is by any chance serious, grow up.

10% per month is f*cking incredible unless you are trading an account with about £100 in it.

When I started trading the strategy I use now (not long before I started my MMT thread) I was making about 2,000% a month because of my initial account size.

I think it was FireWalker that told me to stop bragging about it.

Percentage is a totally insignificant way of measuring sucess unless you are trading a fund with at least hundreds of thousands in.

A friend of mine made 31% on his account today in a quick scalp.

He had £22 and was trading Barclays at £1 a point.

He made £7.

wow 2000% return is awesome... I'm making 300% on a £100,000 is the only money i have these days cause i used the strategy to buy a boat.

You kind of suck thinking 10% is good. Your friend sucks only making £7 - What an idiot, nice one for pointing out what an idiot that guy must be!

I think 300% on 100k is quite nice but if you are making 2000% then hats off, beats me, i wonder if i can ever do that on my account. Probably one day.
I see the chance of getting a royal flush is small - but, and i'm actually serious for a moment, i got one once.

And thats just the kind of guy i am, a winner. I've decided actually, after hundreds of pm's from you guys that maybe it would be more worthwhile selling this system for £3,000. Because i may aswell get easy money and the people i sell to will make that return so fast.

Its so easy, a 12 year old could do it

So amazing, going to a cash machine to transfer funds would take longer

and so wait, i'm such a generous guy, that i'm going to half the cost! Now only £1,500!!!!! Pm me for details - This is going to be one purchase you won't regret
We don't need to disprove his excellent system. Halo came on here making his claims, so it is up to him to prove it to us. Otherwise, it will be taken for what it is; an unvalidated boast by someone seeking attention.

Now if Halo is willing to post even a minimal amount of information, such as number of trades taken in April, % winners and losers, average winners and losers, and some info on his risk management and stake size, then maybe we might be more receptive.

But at the moment Halo is claiming he turned £5k into £90k in 6 months. If you believe that, then you should search Google for some trading systems, coz there are loads promising you the same kind of return. And then you can come here in 6 months and tell us how you got on.

Number of trades taken in April: 68
Number of winners in April: 51
Number of losers in April: 17
Average winner: 6% (6 times the size of the stop loss)
Average loser: 1.27%
Risk management: 1-2% risk on every trade.
Stake Size: Depends on stop loss size

Hope that helps.
Only read the first two pages and can't really tell if everyone is trying to be funny but if it is by any chance serious, grow up.

10% per month is f*cking incredible unless you are trading an account with about £100 in it.

When I started trading the strategy I use now (not long before I started my MMT thread) I was making about 2,000% a month because of my initial account size.

I think it was FireWalker that told me to stop bragging about it.

Percentage is a totally insignificant way of measuring sucess unless you are trading a fund with at least hundreds of thousands in.

A friend of mine made 31% on his account today in a quick scalp.

He had £22 and was trading Barclays at £1 a point.

He made £7.

P.s. Now can you not make that kind of percentage gains because of the large size you trade... ??? I think not, afterall you spreadbet 😉 I've noticed on your thread you discuss 'sucker pins' and to be frank, you don't need 'cannon fodder' to trade your 'big size', i empathise again that your spreadbetting - If you want to trade £1 per point or £100 per point, it won't make a difference 🙂 So if you make 20 pips a day at £1 or £100 it compounds just the same...
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