Stumbled on George Carlin rants on YouTube - my god what a grumpy old git!
His not Grumpy imo. Just simply factual on observation of humanity.
Well would you Adam 'n Eve it; it appears they teach Latin up north!nil carborundum
Well would you Adam 'n Eve it; it appears they teach Latin up north!
Well would you Adam 'n Eve it; it appears they teach Latin up north!
Some of the chemicals found in white bread, fats etc. are positively unhealthy. As for some sugar substitutes ! Well really I had no idea they were so toxic until I started reading a nutritionist book and I've only got to chapter 2.
You gotta be kidding me sminicooper. A life without sugar and salt is no life at all - may as well jump off a cliff and be done with it. Jeez, next you'll be telling me I shouldn't drink a bottle of wine every day!. . . As for sugar – just stop using it. Same applies to salt. You get enough of these without adding your own. It's a bit like when you see the light and stop using indicators.
You gotta be kidding me sminicooper. A life without sugar and salt is no life at all - may as well jump off a cliff and be done with it. Jeez, next you'll be telling me I shouldn't drink a bottle of wine every day!