Embarrassing bodies - TV show


Well-known member
Embarrassing bodies the TV show. People with medical problems, who are that embarrassed to go to their doctor but will get there c0cks out on TV. I tuned in a couple of weeks ago to another program to witness 3 late teenage lads stood on a football pitch, then it showed you each off their knobs, one of which was ‘dirty’, then proceeded to show a male how to wash themselves. Nice... I tuned in the next week to see if they would re run the show but using a teenage hockey team, washing their bits, but no luck.

I believe the Ross/Brand saga, which I admire both, something good did come out of it. The reduction of bad language on TV. Wait – I am a lover of adult humour, blue comedians, the old school stuff. But TV got to stage were 1 second past 9 pm and the ‘f’ word was being used. Come on 11/12 o’clock at night O.K. Little Britain, 1 second past 9 pm and ‘Davvid the only gay in the village’ is getting a big c0ck up his ****. Nice one – but when my 9 year old nieces are sat there platting their hair before bed.
Bad language has reduced. But how far has TV stooped, has it hit its bottom. Blokes washing their dicks. Stop – whale and crocodile autopsies, human autopsies, x factor and big brother type shows on every channel, the finalists, the judges, the long delay before the winners are picked, the telephone votes, cookery shows, the long delay before the next rounder’s are announced.
Are the only decent shows on TV, Top Gear and the 7 pm Channel 4 news ??????

The world obsession to TV. Dont people have anything better to do than sit and watch
sh1te everynight, any sh1te. But it has to be even more shocking than last time to get any viewers. People don’t have time to go to the gym or read their kids a bed time story, but manage 5 hours of TV a night...

Rant over; I have just turned 43 years of age so I hate everything and anybody at the moment.

Another good TV show grumpy old man, and sorry ‘deal or no deal’

