Labour party vermin (Warning:Offensive)

Well the sweaty b'stard did quite well didn't he? Apparently we all have to come to a personal decision on his Premiership. No ****ing **** Sherlock!
Another ****ing infuriating Labour party brainwash tv ad tonight, some dumb **** off the street talking about how he heard that interest rates were once 15% under the Tories, he doesn't want to go back to that does he, he's got a mortgage, a proud dad too, he wants a rosy future for his family, and he'll get it, 'cause it said so in the Sun, those Tory c***s, 15%? What were they thinking? He heard horror stories about people not being able to pay their mortgages, thank Allah for the Labour Party!! He bought his house with a loan at about 4% if he was quick, as long it doesn't hit 15% he'll do alright. Well that **** in the street hasn't got enough brains to know that Gordon Moron can't prevent 8% on the horizon, when the ****wit Sun reader will have to buy less Lottery tickets to meet the mortgage ransom. How the **** has that ******* got away with pretending that his boom won't end in a bust? He sucks air like a gasping goldfish, blurts out 'prudent economic management' and the plebs rejoice. Well you Labour loving wankers, walk into the polls and put your stain where you like, you're all ****ed anyway.
Are you any good at deciphering reports?
I always believed that the revival of the Tory/Conservative labels at the same time as the creation of Labour/New Labour wasn't coincidence.I heard a Southern reporter use Tory on either radio 2or 3 in (mid)?1996.It then spread onto the television reports and was in common use by the election of 1997.Together with the use of Labour/New Labour depending on the content of the story.Reading Frederic Forsythe in the Express recently,he mentioned the Wilson Report as finding that there had been an influx of left leaning reporters into the BBC at that time although it wasn't deliberate (hmmm).The BBC must have an editorial dept. that deals with what words/language is transmitted (see the substitution of 'Lone Parent' for the term in common usage 'Single Parent').I think the Tory/Conservative terms are a de-branding initiative by these left leaning journalists (successful) and was planned in conjunction with the introduction of the Labour/New Labour tag.
Blair has been clever in the last few days though.When the lie he was (is) accused of was that he stood up in parliament and said the intelligence was 'detailed and authoritative'.When it was placed in his hands it was 'sketchy and sporadic'.He kept away from this and just repeated that Iraq was a difficult decision that he had to take.No mention of the lie.Just constant repetition of 'I took a hard decision and that's that'.As we know,constant repetition is the Labour ploy '22 Tory!! tax rises' (It's still stuck in my mind)!
Of course they went on to make 66 tax rises.
The very practice of spin started with the concept of 'New' Labour. As in 'New and improved washing powder, will make things whiter than white'. People believe what's written on the packaging. The chief c*** says he understands those who object to war, he spins he can't resist, and the w*****s watching telly forget the objection is to the sodomizing of European democracy to get us there, too much blood was spilt across Europe for that dopey f***ing c*** to sidestep his complicite deceit. So the mental midgets will saunter into the polling stations, as witless as the Eloi, and sanction the ongoing inflation, jobs and debt con. But at least the Layabout party will take the flak as the bull***t economy empties it's bowels all over itself.

Prepare for some major swearing and general unpleasantness tomorrow. 😡 😢 😉
zigglewigler said:
The very practice of spin started with the concept of 'New' Labour. As in 'New and improved washing powder, will make things whiter than white'. People believe what's written on the packaging. The chief c*** says he understands those who object to war, he spins he can't resist, and the w*****s watching telly forget the objection is to the sodomizing of European democracy to get us there, too much blood was spilt across Europe for that dopey f***ing c*** to sidestep his complicite deceit. So the mental midgets will saunter into the polling stations, as witless as the Eloi, and sanction the ongoing inflation, jobs and debt con. But at least the Layabout party will take the flak as the bull***t economy empties it's bowels all over itself.

Prepare for some major swearing and general unpleasantness tomorrow. 😡 😢 😉

I don't support Blair or Labour (new, old or defunct) but until the Tories get a credible leadership into place then they will continue to lose elections. Swing voters usually vote against, rather than for, something.

As far as ranting about the masses (Eloi, lumpen proles, whatever label you use) always remember what Churchill once said "Democracy is a very bad form of government but every other alternative is even worse". The sentiments that you express would not be out of place at a BNP meeting !

Whatever deceit practised by Blair and out of control public spending implemented by Brown, are there any alternative shining lights of political integrity or economic efficiency that you can point out as paragons of virtue ?
Bush has well & truly screwed up every which way in the US (unless you're a Christian Fundamentalist) and Schroder, Chirac and Burlesconi have made an even bigger mess in their own countries (or EU provinces). So where are your role models for an aspiring leader in this country to try and emulate ? - Argentina !!! 😆

We may well live in a screwed up society with a host of political, economic and social problems but I don't see any shining examples eleswhere that are immeasurably better unless your talking about semi-feudal bolt holes like Monaco & Leichtenstein where the entry fee is in eight figures these days.

We will probably get a Tory government anyway next time round due to the economic chickens coming home to roost from the Blair/Brown disaster and also because people will feel like a change after 16 years of Labour. They may make some improvements but will they establish Nirvana - I don't think so ! By then we may also be an EU province anyway.

However if you want to be around to see it I suggest you start taking Valium on a daily basis and maybe some anger management courses too. Otherwise the "Eloi" will probably be pissing on your grave, as they camp out after their houses have been repossessed, when we all get to pay the price for the Blair/Brown spending spree 😢

My thread was about Labour party vermin, I could have started a thread on Tory vernim etc, but that would be irrelevant. I offered no alternatives because there are none! My rant is about the British spineless nature, to accept things because a fuss wouldn't be the thing to do. The Eloi here don't want to know the full story as they still have money/debt/credit to spend. That buys alot of lottery tickets, fags, booze, Sky subs, plasma screens and convertibles.

If you're the type of person that can live with a lying PM, ok, on your conscience be it, you're obviously too easy to manipulate, and are just the kind of British pussy I'm beginning to hate.

Your BNP ref I don't get. But I've never been to one of their meetings so maybe you could fill me in.

Why does there need to be role models for the PM to emulate abroad? Because the world is run by a bunch of c***ts, you're happy to accept the c**t we have? Spinless.

As regards what they're doing the other side of the channel, well, lets see, despite a so-called stagnant economy, I'd take continental living standards any day, seems most Brits would since that's where most are moving. What bigger mess have Chirac et al made than Bush???

Without the UK GDP pumped by property equity and govt spending, the UK has nothing, except its s*** health service, crap education, lousy transport, etc, ignore Europe's flat lining figures, real quality of life is not something the Labour party measures.

As for Valium, not needed. I've done a little Blue Peter project in my downstairs toilet. The systern now is painted to closely resemble Tony Blair's face, the toilet seat is fully formed with his big cheesy teeth, so now, nice and regular I relieve myself into Tony's mouth. Since there is a possibility of parallel universes, with the effects of one resolving in another, expect to see Tony developing a pained expression as a very nasty taste develops on his palette. Some political commentators will suggest he's feeling the pressure as the knives are sharpened around him, don't you believe it, it'll be my faecal force. 😈
zigglewigler said:

My thread was about Labour party vermin, I could have started a thread on Tory vernim etc, but that would be irrelevant. I offered no alternatives because there are none! My rant is about the British spineless nature, to accept things because a fuss wouldn't be the thing to do. The Eloi here don't want to know the full story as they still have money/debt/credit to spend. That buys alot of lottery tickets, fags, booze, Sky subs, plasma screens and convertibles.

If you're the type of person that can live with a lying PM, ok, on your conscience be it, you're obviously too easy to manipulate, and are just the kind of British pussy I'm beginning to hate.

Your BNP ref I don't get. But I've never been to one of their meetings so maybe you could fill me in.

Why does there need to be role models for the PM to emulate abroad? Because the world is run by a bunch of c***ts, you're happy to accept the c**t we have? Spinless.

As regards what they're doing the other side of the channel, well, lets see, despite a so-called stagnant economy, I'd take continental living standards any day, seems most Brits would since that's where most are moving. What bigger mess have Chirac et al made than Bush???

Without the UK GDP pumped by property equity and govt spending, the UK has nothing, except its s*** health service, crap education, lousy transport, etc, ignore Europe's flat lining figures, real quality of life is not something the Labour party measures.

As for Valium, not needed. I've done a little Blue Peter project in my downstairs toilet. The systern now is painted to closely resemble Tony Blair's face, the toilet seat is fully formed with his big cheesy teeth, so now, nice and regular I relieve myself into Tony's mouth. Since there is a possibility of parallel universes, with the effects of one resolving in another, expect to see Tony developing a pained expression as a very nasty taste develops on his palette. Some political commentators will suggest he's feeling the pressure as the knives are sharpened around him, don't you believe it, it'll be my faecal force. 😈

If you ruled the world..................................right !
But you don't !

If it's so bad here for you and so great in France why not do something constructive and move there instead of whining and bleating about how awful it is here. I'm neither a pussy or easily manipulated. If I don't like something then I do something about it. If I can't then I will change the parameters and/or move on.

Any intelligent person can recognise the problems and defects in our society. They won't solve them by whinging on and on and on nor via childish antics in their toilets. Your ranting is pompous, pointless, impotent and boring. Furthermore your constant use of expletives puts you in the same bracket as the 'Eloi' who you profess to despise.

Grow up !

Thanks for your constructive post. I do in fact own property in the South of France and am also looking for somewhere in the Alps, probably Switzerland. Soon I will have sold up and left this fine country and tiresome wimps who are too readily upset by a little teasing.

As you profess to be an intelligent person, that has clearly voted for the Labour party, and recognised the problems and defects in your society, what exactly are you doing about it?

****, **** *** *******, *** ***** **********************!!!!

Just a childish use of stars, no expletives, honest.
zigglewigler said:

Thanks for your constructive post. I do in fact own property in the South of France and am also looking for somewhere in the Alps, probably Switzerland. Soon I will have sold up and left this fine country and tiresome wimps who are too readily upset by a little teasing.

As you profess to be an intelligent person, that has clearly voted for the Labour party, and recognised the problems and defects in your society, what exactly are you doing about it?

****, **** *** *******, *** ***** **********************!!!!

Just a childish use of stars, no expletives, honest.

Engage your fantasy "As you profess to be an intelligent person, that has clearly voted for the Labour Party"

My opening line in my first post on this subject was that I don't support Blair or New Labour. But it obviously fits your prejudice to try and claim that I do.

"(You) recognise the problems and defects in your society what exactly are you doing about it"
I'm not the one whinging and ranting about 'vermin' or 'Eloi' on this board so I don't have a specific reason to do anything about it. I can't change some of the defects that I identify in our society. I either have to live with them or circumvent them (which is primarily what I do) - if I couldn't then I would move elsewhere.

Since you are so hung up about it and so contemptuous about everyone else then you should leave the country. However if you expect to find Nirvana elsewhere you will be disappointed. Life is what you make it, inspite of other people.
For three years, the Home Secretary (and his dog) took his holidays at a country inn, where he had an affair with the innkeeper's daughter. On this occasion, looking forward to an exciting few days away, he dragged his suitcase up the stairs of the inn, then stopped short. There sat his lover with an infant on her lap! "Why didn't you write when you learned you were pregnant?" he cried. "I would have rushed up here, we could have been married, and the child would have my name!" "Well," she said, "when my parents found out about my condition, we sat up all night talking and talking and we finally decided it would be better to have a ******* in the family than a politician."
A closet Labour voter if ever I heard one! Don't be ashamed, stand up for your leader.

So your strategy of circumventing societies defects entails what? You don't complain about anything, doesn't sound like you'd fight for very much, you bitch that I bitch too much, but yet what do you do? You circumvent by being passive? Or by pretending to be above it all? So you're happy in deepest Cornwall, 'circumventing' are you? Good. Be happy. If you have no complaints, because that's your nature, fine. You don't like the noise I make? Tough! Put your own selection of expletives here. You can surely guess what is on my simple primitive mind.

But answer my questions before you throw your tows out of the pram. What exactly has Chirac et al done on the continent worse that Bush? Why should Blair be judged by the standard of other world leaders? How do my expressed sentiments sound like the BNP?

Your fear of the EU 'provinces' says much about you, you can't keep hiding behind the Channel forever. As for Nirvana, I've lived abroad for some time and enjoyed it very much, thanks for reminding me to move abroad again! That wouldn't have occurred to me without your insight.

You're not the most perceptive person either, are you? Can you not see my tongue firmly in my cheek?

Oh how I will miss meeting your type down the pub, nobody to flick peanuts at anymore, to call 'girlie-man' and to generally childishly insult for no good reason.

Goodbye.....goodbye... kriesau...goodbye.....(I've moved permanently to France now, happy?)
zigglewigler said:
1. A closet Labour voter if ever I heard one! Don't be ashamed, stand up for your leader.

2. Put your own selection of expletives here.

3. You can surely guess what is on my simple primitive mind.


1. You like to make things up to fit your prejudices dont you !

2. Expletives can be an effective form of expression when used in the right context. Using them in virtually every sentence as you have previously done is just yobbish, or to use your own terminology symptomatic of one of the 'Eloi'.

3. As you say you have a primitive mind. No I'm not interested in guessing what's on it because franklly I'm now bored by both you and your invective.
Ziggy, it does not take much to wind up the creature, does it ? I can call a creature a creature because the said creature has put me on ignore, Ha ! Ha Ha !
Ah - The EU.

Well I hope to spend a year in France soon. If I find an area I like (Possibly Charante), I shall go for good, leaving Blair behind but more importantly seeking sunnier Summers and room to set up canvas and easel. Hopefully, continue trading.
That's one reason that proving Blair's lie (making it stick) is so important.If he's allowed to resign with apparent honour,we're going to have him as the first President of Europe.
So, Blair's in a pickle now then. Never thought I'd be thanking the French for anything!

Wonder how he'll worm out of this (as he obviously will).

Vivre la France!

G.Brown says the economic cycle started 2years earlier than he thought.(Wouldn't be anything to do with his 'golden rule' of course).He's our next leader.Aren't we lucky.