Labour party vermin (Warning:Offensive)

BEAUTY ! LABOUR ARE TWO FACED SOCIALIST AHOLES ! If you want to work , progress , acheive , fulfill and increase your wealth, labour will always be there to beat you back down . please dont get me started !!!!!!!
He's on the way out! Dancing in the street ensues.
However his announcement pre-election that he would serve a final full term and not stand for election again was a cynical ploy as he knew his lies made labour untenable in any other fashion.IMO there's a good chance their media micro-management will be very difficult in the transfer of power to Brown.Even with their friends at the BBC there are factions within labour who won't be led.There's no blindingly obvious heir with Blair's charisma.
Poodle Pie

The smarmy Blair is surely going now. Not even Mr Teflon man can escape his critics this time. Can he ? What an ignominious end to the man who said his party were going to be "whiter than white" referring to the sleaze of John Major and co. in 1997.
Interesting to note that the Tories started this toppling of own party leader, then the oh so nice Liberals, but well,l he was a hopeless drunk and now the Labour the copy cats.
What oh what are the British public in for next !!
The dour, po-faced Brown ?
The fist swinging, bonking Precott ?
A new nobody perhaps - squeaky clean because noone has heard of him
A female of the species
I only raise this point because it will surely affect the markets

May I recommend to whoever is brave or foolish enough to be the next PM that they should really consider:-
1. Going to charm school
2. Having no moral "skeletons in the cupboard"
3. Being honest
4. Having some wit and humour
5.Having acting lessons to camouflage all the rest of the candidates failings
Tony The Lionheart, I like to think of him, much too much negative feeling here, where's the respect?
Just like the original Lionheart, he's lead us into honourable battle with the Infidel. Richard 1 raised Taxes to fund converting the Middle East to Christianity, Tony the Lionheart does it to covert 'em to Democracy. Their mutual lack of success here only serves to emphasise the validity of the comparison.

Richard 1 meant to sort out Saladin and bring back a few gold goodies and stuff (unfortunately ended up costing the country a literal king's ransom) OurTony meant to rid the world of Osama The Bin and bring back some oil (unfortunately a slight problems there too, TonyTLH'll soon sort it all out...).
Richard1 met his end by an arrow in the shoulder, will Tony the Lionheart meet his with a stab in the back? If so we must all stand behind our brave leader....
Good riddence to blair and his socialist state of dis-united kingdom,
are we witnessing a lesson critical mass ?
In ten years time, everybody will be saying what a great Prime Minister he was, and how awful the incumbent Prime Minister is. Some of the nonsense written on this thread is from people who should turn the spotlight on themselves from time to time
Lowest election turn outs in history.People lied to by scum claiming to be whiter than white.We know he lied as Robin Cook told us Blair admitted to him there were no WMDs before the commons vote.Blair called Mittal Steel a British company when perhaps 100 of its thousands of employees were British based.One Million pounds from Bernie Ecclestone and Labour changed its policy on cigarette advertising EXCLUSIVELY in regards to Formula1.
Pippppin said:
In ten years time, everybody will be saying what a great Prime Minister he was, and how awful the incumbent Prime Minister is. Some of the nonsense written on this thread is from people who should turn the spotlight on themselves from time to time

What drugs you takin dude, Blair a great prime minister??? your off your freaking trolly
Pippppin said:
In ten years time, everybody will be saying what a great Prime Minister he was, and how awful the incumbent Prime Minister is. Some of the nonsense written on this thread is from people who should turn the spotlight on themselves from time to time

Perspective doesn't always look like that - John Major's premiership is now 10yrs past and no-one is reassessing him as a great leader. Blair will be remembered and perhaps honoured by political anoraks for dragging Labour towards the centre and into the 21st century, but I think for the population as a whole he'll be at best forgotten about, at worst remembered as the prime-minister who dragged us into war in Iraq - not dissimilar to the other PM Tony's legacy (Eden/Suez).
In my view the worst of the Blair legacy and the longest lasting is the ruin of the House of Lords.
They were the BEST protection for British rights in an unwritten constitution. They did a very good job checking the excesses, loopholes and inaccuracies of Commons legislation. They were a brake on the erosion of public rights by second rate politicians AND all for FREE. Not bad getting the country's top legal etc. brains to work for the interests of the country for nothing !!
Blair seems to be paving the way for a dictatorship and probably too stupid to even know it. The Communists in Europe and Russia are still working at European domination. He fills the Other House ( not many Lords left ) with his friends and party hacks - just yes men who tow the party line and on huge salaries, perks etc. Free totty etc. on the menu for JP ( when he gets there ) and his like.
Blair trained as a lawyer and to give him some due credit has been a brilliant performer in the Commons BUT someone should have put him on the right lines first before releasing him onto befuddled Britain still reeling from the disasters of the past ( made by more second raters ).
Thought I would resurrect this thread, after all the general election is coming up soon and that red eyed devil is due to testify this week on the Iraq war. He is such a slippery customer I doubt whether they manage to pin him down. They don't call him Mr. Teflon man for nothing.

A million bucks a year from the Americans - I doubt that was just because of his style and smile. Another huge payout from a Swiss bank. The same guys that bank for the Mafia, Somali pirates and sundry other disreptible people. I wonder who is paying that - the Israelis on a thank you Tony handout maybe ?

What happened to Ziggie ? Did he self combust and is even as we speak a small pile of ashes somewhere - resting
well Pat politics are now well and truly in the gutter, or has it always been like this, I can remember the John major government and the sleaze, but thats as far as I go back...
It's not surprising that politics is in the gutter - now and for as long as I can remember.

It is largely because politicians are con-artists who are unfit for normal employment and, who if not working as MPs would probably find themselves in jail or some other disreputable establishment.

Basically they are scum as I tell each and every one of the basta*rds who has the nerve to trespass on my property and knock on my door.

F**k em all without exception.
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With joy or imaginary agony ?

More the effort imo

Perhaps the electorate should rate the Govt on their efforts for the past 12 years.
Say on a + or - 100 scale

The economy - 50
The country's defence - 15
Sundry PC and other drivel - 80
Gifts of taxpayers money overseas -80
Retribution over bankers bonuses - 80
Foresight of financial crisis - 80

Not too good was it Gordie ? Not a single blooming plus anywhere 😡
More the effort imo

Perhaps the electorate should rate the Govt on their efforts for the past 12 years.
Say on a + or - 100 scale

The economy - 50
The country's defence - 15
Sundry PC and other drivel - 80
Gifts of taxpayers money overseas -80
Retribution over bankers bonuses - 80
Foresight of financial crisis - 80

Not too good was it Gordie ? Not a single blooming plus anywhere 😡

Back in the good ole days, from the Headmaster, it would have been
bend over boy and get your just punishment - 6 of the best
Did wonders for the memory