grumpy old gits thread

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Actually, I'm getting a nasty feeling that I am being followed around here.

When I look around there is always someone looking in shop windows, on both sides of the street.

Either hire a private Dick or get a friend to trail behind you to see if anyone is following ?

Probably paranoid.

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how could a teacher forget his/ her main charge? lock up and throw away key.

That's what I thought!

It's either BS excuse or just very very numpty mummy.

Elementary teacheeeer too!

Elementary Watson or No Sh!t Sherlock...

I'm angry and upset. 😡 🙁

It must be my eyesight!

Been a bit quiet on this thread of late so let's rev up the grumpy gits.

Just been doing a bit of online banking account changes – miraculously the IT all worked like a dream! But, when I printed out my hardcopy of their emailed "new rules" I couldn't read it even though it was fine on screen. Further investigation showed that the meat of it was in Arial 6.5 font (no problem of course with the advertising crap which was in a perfectly normal size) which my printer faithfully reproduced albeit in an unreadable size. I was relieved however to find that I don't need a new pair of £400 spectacles.

So, onto the bank's helpline: first person couldn't see the problem – all you've got to do is cut and paste and change the font size blah blah blah. Couldn't even see my point that many non computer-literate or busy people don't wish to waste time correcting the bank's incompetence. Finally, spoke to a nice guy in IT who understood the problem and would take appropriate action.

Phew! - all that stuff about "your call is important to us" LOL
Next year could be a very bumpy ride for all of us, even in the UK.
What with the EU referendum, the never ending jock-erendum up North, the US elections ( who has the biggest war chest to dish out bribes with ), South China Sea spat between US and China, the usual Middle East wars/murders etc. etc.

Why ISL etc. aren't just declared outlaws ( better dead than alive ) I don't know and back to sleep again.
Been a bit quiet on this thread of late so let's rev up the grumpy gits.

Just been doing a bit of online banking account changes – miraculously the IT all worked like a dream! But, when I printed out my hardcopy of their emailed "new rules" I couldn't read it even though it was fine on screen. Further investigation showed that the meat of it was in Arial 6.5 font (no problem of course with the advertising crap which was in a perfectly normal size) which my printer faithfully reproduced albeit in an unreadable size. I was relieved however to find that I don't need a new pair of £400 spectacles.

So, onto the bank's helpline: first person couldn't see the problem – all you've got to do is cut and paste and change the font size blah blah blah. Couldn't even see my point that many non computer-literate or busy people don't wish to waste time correcting the bank's incompetence. Finally, spoke to a nice guy in IT who understood the problem and would take appropriate action.

Phew! - all that stuff about "your call is important to us" LOL

Useful when browsing for those with sight issues.

Hold down CTRL + turn wheel on mouse.

Jees is this still going........????

Let me get the ole grumpy hat on again and think of more things that wind me up......shouldn't take much looking
I was going to complain about the frigging RAIN but I don't suppose you-know-who is listening.

We could do with some of it. Not all of it, though!

If Cataluya goes independent in 18 months, like the man says , the first crisis we are going to get is a drought.

Galicia is getting some floods--part of the nastiness that you are getting, but it does not seem to come across the country to do us any good.
I was going to complain about the frigging RAIN but I don't suppose you-know-who is listening.


Told ya HE wasn't listening. The rain is pelting down outside. I have just walked the dog up the road and back. Strong wind too.

So many repeats on the TV. Years of MY Family. Last of the Summer Wine, the usual soaps etc.
Nothing new and interesting. The present comedians are dire. So unfunny. Well that's me groans for the day ! How about you ? Enjoying the sunshine south of the equator or somfink ? And all on the benefits I expect.
Told ya HE wasn't listening. The rain is pelting down outside. I have just walked the dog up the road and back. Strong wind too.

So many repeats on the TV. Years of MY Family. Last of the Summer Wine, the usual soaps etc.
Nothing new and interesting. The present comedians are dire. So unfunny. Well that's me groans for the day ! How about you ? Enjoying the sunshine south of the equator or somfink ? And all on the benefits I expect.

Haha, same here now 18:30 but it was a delightful sunny day today. Strolled into town centre visited Waterstones and WHSmith for some reading material and back home.

I like to complain about the Euro referendum. Any serious debate coming from business is stifled by what celebrities in terms of named persons on TV think. Similar to celebrity advert endorsements except they don't get paid so one expects they'll be honest about their opinions. I reckon people will vote with their emotions based on flavour topic of the month (migrants) and many other factors.

Scottish Parliament will become a pigs dinner along with what Ireland and Wales may do?

England and Parliament will prevail in one shape or another. Basildon may well become it's new capital too as London's population is 40% foreign.

Flag waving nationals can get to have their cake but it's debatable what they'll be eating???
Chris Brennan inquest: Hospital neglect 'contributed to teenager's death'

It is very sad that a family child loses his life at such a tender young age and my sympathies are with the family but... to call it...

'National scandal'

The court heard the unit was struggling to cope with basic functions, due to staffing issues, which led to poor morale and performance.
His family said: "Losing our beloved son and brother when he was just 15 years old was so painful.

"Losing him as a result of the hospital's failure to protect his life is unbearable. Chris will never be forgotten and no other child should be allowed to die in this way."

Why is it that it is the under staffed and resourced hospitals responsibility to protect this child? Hospitals are there to repair and fix humans. Talk about a risk assessment and allocate a 24h round the clock supervision whilst the family; mum and dad, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and grand parents do what exactly? Object to raising taxes so a decent service can be provided???

Really feel like havng a BIG RANT and telling that family to stick their opinion on hospital failure up their MPs a-hole.

Not to mention a 7-day service with no further resources to be added. The government and the public have delusional expectations imo.

GOM rant over.👍
Mega-rant: Why can't the LibDems (who? you ask) with their measly collection of naff MPs just accept that the Brexit referendum is over and done and they lost - their whingeing leader now wants a 2nd opinion. I thought the Brits were supposed to be good losers?
Mega-rant: Why can't the LibDems (who? you ask) with their measly collection of naff MPs just accept that the Brexit referendum is over and done and they lost - their whingeing leader now wants a 2nd opinion. I thought the Brits were supposed to be good losers?

I heard on the radio their leader declaring that they are the only creditable opposition to the Govt. They have, er how many MPs to bring off such a coup ? 8 isn't it ?
I'm really getting so peeved off with people and their smart phones.

Find it ironic that texting on so called 'smart phones' in the hands of numpties turns people into zombies.

This is not funny as people have been killed by drivers either being on their 'smart' phones or texting and so forth.

Another pet rant is when one is on the check out queue and it seems an idiots conversation is so much more important than everyone waiting in the queue that they can't call back.

Then on the trains. Some twits talk so loudly for 10s of minutes at a time.

Really really feel a Michael Douglas falling down moment coming on at times.

Please watch to the end. It could save lives. Maybe your own!!!

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I'm really getting so peeved off with people and their smart phones.

Ever tried getting on the lift? If one of them is in front of you, watch it! They'll close the doors on you without breaking a word of their talk.

Being a kid in a pushchair can be a hair-raising experience, too. Especially, when crossing the road.
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dog owners who don't clean up their animals business

commuters who give you an ugly look if you ask them to remove their bag from the 1 free seat on the tube/train/bus etc

The other day, I saw a huge sign posted on a tree near the park that says "please pick up after your pets" - it is a sad sad state when you see something like that. Do these pet owners really need to be reminded to pick up after their pets? How gross can you be to just leave waste lying on the ground for other people to accidentally step on - what kind of education did you have that you would not think to pick up s*** ... now I am ranting

Around 5pm when kids from school crowd the bus to get home and there they are talking among themselves, shouting, throwing stuff at each other, put their legs on the seat next to them and leaving other passengers to stand and get hit by their backpacks as they throw punches at each other - I'd really like to know what school they are from - my 4 kids go to a public school too and I distinctly remember seeing notes about behavior in school, at home and in public in one of their lessons 🙁🙁🙁