Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

Nothing would surprise me from someone who thinks Paul Tudor Jones and
Warren Buffett are idiots.


PTJ or Buffett didn't do a damn thing for me in my trading - they can both kiss my ass. PTJ pours out a whole lot of hocus pocus that he knows pricks like you would grab and he walks away laffing that yet again its so easy to not give out real secrets. :whistling

I'll never forget Buffett telling people to buy stocks because it was the patriotic thing to do - circular motion with the right hand - he forgot to tell them that if they didn't buy he would die. :whistling

You will never ever get how beautiful it is to have no gurus, nobody, just YOU to think your own way thru', be your own counsel, never dispage your own self nor minimise your own strength and power. No Sir, you, none of you will ever get to that level. Deadbroke is a totally self-sufficient lone warrior, win or lose, he is the only one who is responsible 100% for his own actions, condition and future.
I don't think that 95% of people even realize how big this is right now...They will realize it later, but that will be too late....
And the east will not be spared................But they will be better off than the west............
deadbroke, I think it is very clear by now (specially after closing yesterday) that somebody (US government perhaps) is not letting the market going down the way it should. Is being kept on green, for sure artifcially, but that is the way it is and there is nothing we can do.

In any case I don't see any logic in the chart analysis you do, there are only random lines going down which may or may not happen. But there is no substance behind your predictions.

Let's assume you are right in your predictions. Even then, the big crash is not going to happen, at least until November 2012. The amount of liquidity (money printed by CBs is infinite) and the volume in the exchanges is tiny, at decades low. So it takes very little effort by the banks to keep the markets up. They are now joint by the hip with the governments, so consider these two entities only one.

If this trade really exists and is not on paper, I advise you to close it as soon as possible, there is no need to show us something is not going to happen. I hope one day you can prove I am wrong, believe me I will be the first to comeback here to congratulate you. But in the meantime let's stop this thread which is going nowhere.

Good luck.

post was from Feb 2012 on page 30

The sheer beauty of the Time and Date stamp - again. And note that Pferdy has not yet come back to congratulate me - as promised. A man who can't even keep his own WORD is ..............

His name at Elite Trader is Grandsupercycle. He started posting here because over there his BS market analysis gets called out immediatly and his incompetence and idiocy is well established. He has been short for about two years. He has had one margin call.... Office Depot wants him to pay for his paper.
He is a reverse genius, he has an uncanny ability to get it wrong every time. He believes that he believes that he is one tweak away from mastery. Each tweak, however, in an expression of his already perfected idiocy. He is:

CNBC, these too are for you - ahh the beauty of the time and date stamp of the forum - no better proof needed

proof of what? ... nobody saw anything coming, nobody here ever does. 🙂


>>>>> His name at Elite Trader is Grandsupercycle <<<<<<

read the entire first paragraph, then go to T2W's page 1 in general Trading Chat and see new thread opened by Grandsupercycle

Have the mods compare IPs.


Let's see if any of these "men" come back to apologize? 🙂:whistling
Stock Market + FX Analysis

found his blog, 2 years of bearish calls 😆

btw hows that crude oil down wave working out for you?

Let's see if Rothschild apologizes? 🙂

Grandsupercycle the auther of the blog is now a poster at T2W


For CNBC ......

>>>>> btw hows that crude oil down wave working out for you? <<<<<

You tell me, just look at the chart. 😆😆😆😆😆
I'm afraid your not the lone rider you think you are Deadbroke. "One man, struggling for credibility against all the odds"... Maybe you've read a few Austrian Economics articles and caught a couple of Peter Schiff youtube videos and went on a mission...?
This stuff is old news, yes equities have had their day, the next 10 years wont do much.

If you want to make some money, concentrate on the secular bull market we are currently in with Commodities.

Prepare for the secular bear market coming in Bonds.

Stop boring everyone with your small Stock market Short,

Let me know when you're in the green Bigdog, then we'll talk. Until then you remain hindrance.

Last response to this thread.

For CNBC ..... God bless the time and date stamp 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

>>>>> If you want to make some money, concentrate on the secular bull market we are currently in with Commodities. <<<<<<<


>>>>>> Prepare for the secular bear market coming in Bonds. <<<<<<

I don't think that 95% of people even realize how big this is right now...They will realize it later, but that will be too late....

Make that 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of the people at T2W.

In the world in general there are quite a few (a tiny percentage though) who know its coming - I'd say worldwide approx. 1000 people.

I'm proud to be one of this group.
The entire westernized world is heading into deflation...

This is the beauty of deadbroke ....

He saw DEFLATION onset at the 2007 TOP but nobody believed him. Then he called the real estate crash - nobody believed him.

Now they are saying the real estate market has bottomed. Deadbroke yawns and says, "yes the real estate market is rallying, but is it a bearmarket rally or the real thing. Deady believes its a bear rally.
For CNBC ..... God bless the time and date stamp 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

>>>>> If you want to make some money, concentrate on the secular bull market we are currently in with Commodities. <<<<<<<


>>>>>> Prepare for the secular bear market coming in Bonds. <<<<<<



Signs indicate Treasuries could be a bubble about to burst

USA Today • Jun 13, 2012

deadbroke has a habit of saying he sees things before anyone else...
And the east will not be spared................But they will be better off than the west............

For this DEFLATION the east goes down with everyone else. And you are right, from that bottom the east will rise to start on a path that will overtake the west in leaps and bounds.

A new superpower is in the making and a new financila empire is in the making. A changing of the guard has alrady been announced. These events will take decades to shape but PRICE has foretold the outcome already.

China starts a powerful wave 3 up that will last for 70+ years. This bullrun will start after the current deflationary cycle ends. China will lift my favorite country, Thighland by the bootstraps and take her with him - that is why I live in Thighland, not just for the thighs 🙂 but because i don't like the chinks and don't want to live with them. The thighs, yes I do love 'em dearly and love the country too.

Signs indicate Treasuries could be a bubble about to burst

USA Today • Jun 13, 2012

deadbroke has a habit of saying he sees things before anyone else...

Deadbroke on Treasuries - this is a beautiful topic for deadbroke and it is where he delivers his most powerful anal-ysis 🙂🙂

Right now and for some time now every mother's son is flocking to treasuries because they see and rightly so that the USA is the last stand. They are so convinced of this and of the uselessness of other entities that they are willing to accept even a negative YIELD - this tells you how desperate they are.

What they are telling you is that they no more give a flyin f*ck about RETURN ON CAPITAL, rather they are only interested in

Return OF Capital
Deadbroke on Treasuries - this is a beautiful topic for deadbroke and it is where he delivers his most powerful anal-ysis 🙂🙂

Right now and for some time now every mother's son is flocking to treasuries because they see and rightly so that the USA is the last stand. They are so convinced of this and of the uselessness of other entities that they are willing to accept even a negative YIELD - this tells you how desperate they are.

What they are telling you is that they no more give a flyin f*ck about RETURN ON CAPITAL, rather they are only interested in

Return OF Capital

It is my belief that BEAR (the harbinger of Deflation) will knock out all enemies quite easily thru' his twin-tower beneficiaries, the Dollar and Yen
and then when all these have been vanquished there will be a final pitched battle between BEAR and the US govt.

BEAR will attempt to plant seeds of doubt into the buyers of BONDS suggesting covertly that the US cannot honor them - as this seed grows and grows the backbone will be attempted to be broken by BEAR

and what is that backbone?

It is what it always has been - CONFIDENCE

Money as you all should know is merely AN IDEA BACKED BY CONFIDENCE

My call is that BEAR will succeed and pandemonium will result.

For you see, this DEFLATION is one degree larger than that of the GREAT DEPRESSION 1

I hate for my country to be defeated thusly but I gots to face reality and recognise that Financial cycles go this way after a massive debt bubble has been built.

My worst nightmare is for the world to be run by chinks - but this is inevitable.
CNBC, nobody at T2W has even noticed the opportunity in the USDJPY. Then when the northbound move gets underway they will return months later to say how thay all caught the LONG

So busy are they being bearish the pair. As usual they never ever see anything coming.

Buy buy buy buy > 79.832 then hold for months
It is my belief that BEAR (the harbinger of Deflation) will knock out all enemies quite easily thru' his twin-tower beneficiaries, the Dollar and Yen
and then when all these have been vanquished there will be a final pitched battle between BEAR and the US govt.

BEAR will attempt to plant seeds of doubt into the buyers of BONDS suggesting covertly that the US cannot honor them - as this seed grows and grows the backbone will be attempted to be broken by BEAR

and what is that backbone?

It is what it always has been - CONFIDENCE

Money as you all should know is merely AN IDEA BACKED BY CONFIDENCE

My call is that BEAR will succeed and pandemonium will result.

For you see, this DEFLATION is one degree larger than that of the GREAT DEPRESSION 1

I hate for my country to be defeated thusly but I gots to face reality and recognise that Financial cycles go this way after a massive debt bubble has been built.

My worst nightmare is for the world to be run by chinks - but this is inevitable.


This is what I wrote Aug 24, 2011, 7:18pm . Just so you know how unoriginal deadbroke is in his thinking.

One of the main problems is that Governments can expand the money supply 'at will' so it is no longer related to true production or real economic growth as opposed to meaningless Government concocted GDP figures. There is nothing to restrain Government spending anymore and this is most likely why they don't care about running a surplus. The days where Asia produces and The West consumes are drawing ever closer to an end. Some people understand the bigger picture while others keep peddling nonsense about a macro-Economic practice that makes ZERO sense.