Nothing would surprise me from someone who thinks Paul Tudor Jones and
Warren Buffett are idiots.
PTJ or Buffett didn't do a damn thing for me in my trading - they can both kiss my ass. PTJ pours out a whole lot of hocus pocus that he knows pricks like you would grab and he walks away laffing that yet again its so easy to not give out real secrets. :whistling
I'll never forget Buffett telling people to buy stocks because it was the patriotic thing to do - circular motion with the right hand - he forgot to tell them that if they didn't buy he would die. :whistling
You will never ever get how beautiful it is to have no gurus, nobody, just YOU to think your own way thru', be your own counsel, never dispage your own self nor minimise your own strength and power. No Sir, you, none of you will ever get to that level. Deadbroke is a totally self-sufficient lone warrior, win or lose, he is the only one who is responsible 100% for his own actions, condition and future.