Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

Gold continued ......

My own brand of Elliottwave anal-ysis ....

Since the 2011 top where 5 upwaves were completed since the 2001 low, we are now in an A-B-C correction. When this correction completes the Gold bull will continue up for another 5 wave move that will take it to 4000++

But we have a correction in progress now ..... the hesitation and indecision and coiling could be due to the fact that we are in Wave B, a wave that is notorious for indecision of its participants and coiling is its middle-name.

If this is the scenario then Wave C is yet to come - this wave C will be the tsunami that is titled in this thread.


  • Gold August 18-2012 Elliotwave anal-ysis.jpg
    Gold August 18-2012 Elliotwave anal-ysis.jpg
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Gold continued ......

My own brand of Elliottwave anal-ysis ....

Since the 2011 top where 5 upwaves were completed since the 2001 low, we are now in an A-B-C correction. When this correction completes the Gold bull will continue up for another 5 wave move that will take it to 4000++

But we have a correction in progress now ..... the hesitation and indecision and coiling could be due to the fact that we are in Wave B, a wave that is notorious for indecision of its participants and coiling is its middle-name.

If this is the scenario then Wave C is yet to come - this wave C will be the tsunami that is titled in this thread.

Due to the fact that there are some heavy-duty retards in the forum, like Brewski for instance 😆 ..... I'd better make it abundantly clear the direction of Wave C (if it materializes) ....

The Elliottwave anal-ysis Wave C scenario mentioned above is Wave C down that will take Gold down down down to levels that nobody would even dream possible.

The initial bar DOWN in Gold when/if the reversal occurs to the south will be soooooo huge that it will eclipse The Leopard's pecker by an nth degree.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about go back a few pages and observe how this crazy Brit came at me with fully drawn pecker for 3 whole pages of attacks. Only deadbroke can get a Brit so riled and flustered that he totally loses it. Then also observe how the mods allowed it to continue, but the moment I say something it gets deleted right away. That's why the Brits can never be THE MAN. For that type of fairness one's gotta go to America. 🙂😀

Then see The Leopard's last post - green-eyed pussycat with a caca bum when he left.

I do know that you clowns started 2 world wars and were it not for the USA putting you in a straitjacket for decades you'd be at it again - its in your blood, war is, that's what I know for sure. Lucky for the Brits and Asians you clowns have enough to worry about regarding the Deutsche Mark becoming boff-pape and the likes of Greece and Spain humanizing your native Nazi ways, ways that never ever went away but only surface when a Gerry is under the influence and the cold heart warms in a glow.

I know exactly what I'm talking about - lived there and even learned the language, the only language that during sex, turns an American off due to the harsh sounding shrieks of war from the female species. 😆😆😆😆😆

Kind of odd for a go-getter action nation to have a weird language weakness "verb at the end of the sentence when a prep is used" - makes a fella wait for "action" till the clown finishes what he or she is saying. 😆😆😆😆

Unfortunately for you I am not German....😆😆

another simplistic moronic analysis by deadbroke.....exactly the same as your chart analysis, you think you know what you are talking about but you have not got a clue. Idiot.
The ultimate concept re: Gold - a concept soooo profound that it demands invoking special words from the English language, perspicacious, perspicuity, bla bla 🙂😀

The concept is Dow versus Gold

Let the historians know that there is NO better method to determine the incipient, aborning OR instantaneous DEPRESSION.

Why pick the Dow Jones and Gold as such special parameters to perform this RATIO?

Because the magnificent Dow Jones carries the world SENTIMENT on its shoulders AND because Gold is the only realmoney in existence.

There you have it.

Now fasten seatbelts!

Why I'm posting such an esoteric concept at Retard Central is a total mystery to me :whistling 😆😆😆😆

Somebody asked me recently if I was going to bury all the now dead Brits who came to this site with swords drawn?

My reply remains the same, "To hell with burying them fellows, buzzards gotta eat too" 🙂
Dow versus Gold

Quarterly chart first so one can take in the whole view in one glance - warning: like the enthralling geisha can stop any man dead in his tracks with a single glance, so will this chart.

Dow vs Gold in regular green\red and superimposed Dow Jones in black candlesticks.


  • Dow vs Gold quarterly August 2012.jpg
    Dow vs Gold quarterly August 2012.jpg
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Dow vs Gold


Where the RATIO goes, the nominal Dow Jones is SURE to follow.

1929 - 1932 Depression is a no-brainer to see the correlation

1966-1982 inexorable sideways down was a Depression sister.

1999 - 2012 ..... hahahahahahahahhhhahahahahahhahahhahahah


just you wait till the nominal Dow Jones suddenly switches to "OBEY in earnest The Dow versus Gold"

All Hell will break loose.


  • Dow vs Gold quarterly August 2012.jpg
    Dow vs Gold quarterly August 2012.jpg
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Dow versus Gold

Since 1999 the Dow Jones priced in realmoney (ounces of Gold) has been dropping like a stone.

Do you dummies dig now why I called the Dow alltime TOP was in 1999 and not 2007 and why therefore the Depression actually began in 1999?
Looks like a good week to get long deadly ! Must be another 1000 in this. Stop moved up to 12860.
400 points locked in now. Dividends coming in... nice


NB Gold 1688 next week anyone ?
Looks like a good week to get long deadly ! Must be another 1000 in this. Stop moved up to 12860.
400 points locked in now. Dividends coming in... nice


NB Gold 1688 next week anyone ?

Calling time on Dow trade here at 12573 profit 1113 points very nice !

Deadbroke, how it is coming along that breaking of the trendline, did it happen yet??😆😆
Dow versus Gold

Since 1999 the Dow Jones priced in realmoney (ounces of Gold) has been dropping like a stone.

Do you dummies dig now why I called the Dow alltime TOP was in 1999 and not 2007 and why therefore the Depression actually began in 1999?

Are you short the Dow as the title of this thread suggests or long gold?
Dow versus Gold

Since 1999 the Dow Jones priced in realmoney (ounces of Gold) has been dropping like a stone.

Do you dummies dig now why I called the Dow alltime TOP was in 1999 and not 2007 and why therefore the Depression actually began in 1999?

what a genius and bell end you really are. you had a 50% chance of being right and whats to say any trade taken wouldnt have been stopped out>
Hi Deadly

Still time to get long, I miss my dividends so back in for the next leg up to 14000 and above. Stop 13320
