Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

What reasons do you have for disregarding the the fact
that PTJ and many others don't advocate averaging losers?

BTW, for anyone reading this, parts of this are on another thread:
Otherwise things look a touch disjointed 🙂

Simple. Not to average losers is very sound advice so PTJ is 100% correct.

Its wrong to average a loser WHEN there is no perception of an impending TURN.

I would not average a loser if I did NOT see a TURN coming.

And unlike you and the rest of your brethren, your mantra is clear right across the board here as a fck*n banner, "you can't see the future"

Relegated to the basement and nonexistence are the esoteric factors such as perception, sixth-sense, "a feeling" "I know that move" - such factors are deadbroke's strength and power seat and he relishes going into battle with just a knife if he foresaw a weakness.
>>>>>> "Don't be a hero. Don't have an ego.
Always question yourself and your ability.
Don't ever feel that you are very good.
The second you do, you are dead"

Circular motion with the right hand!!!! :whistling

Rewritten the deadbroke way:

BE a total motherf**ker, have a giant ego, this is about winning and winning bigtime. Do not question yourself and your ability!!! Know your ability and power and keep your own counsel!! Know that you are very good and that when you run up against resistance its only YOUR NEXT LEVEL OF PLAY that you need to ascend to.

Ever so humbly submitted to the flocks of sheep at this site. If this site was powered by women I'd be getting blo*n all day long. 😗whistling:whistling

How do you know you are any good, if by your own admission:
now remember that I'm still a young trader and that I'm developing as we speak - the mistakes of the Dow trade are in hindsight staggeringly dumb, dumb, dumb - but it is a good lesson for me. I broke all my own trendfollowing rules and shorted too early. This is an area of discipline where it is sure that I will f*ck up again - until I truly get it.

Thats the point I am making, unless that is a factual statement, it is an egotistical
That is exactly what PTJ's ego quote refers to.
Thinking you are any good is dangerous 🙂
You drop your guard, take your eye off the ball.

I can see your train of though as you referenced Muhammad Ali.
His egotistical display was purely to out psyche his opponents, nothing more.
Continue manana ......

in real life I'm a sales closer, totally independent, read every book on sales closing, follow almost none of the rules extant in a fully stocked sales library except just one rule .....

he who talks first after a closing question has been delivered, LOSES.

And God, do I love this game so!

I can nail $4k in under 2 hours. That's my commission. I'm free all day to trade and work my sales job only from 6 PM to 8 Pm - if I can get in the door, the deal will go down. The only obstacle in this game is to get the husband and wife together at the same time so I can pitch both.

Manana then.
the most important rule of trading is, dont be delusional, deadbroke youve proved yourself to be a fool, you said this was THE TRADE OF A LIFETIME! and now you are saying you think it might reversE? so it either was the trade of a lifetime, or it isnt and your prophecy was wrong.
simple fact, anyone who has been shorting facebook from 38$ has made more of a trade of a lifetime than you have..
Question asked many times on this thread.....can you please give us a breakdown of you P/L situation at the moment including Entry points, Sls and TPs?

Even better if you can upload an statement with this information. Not from a demo account please, although I am sure you even did not manage to do this deal on paper money.

We have had enough of your CNBC nonsense. You don't see that every post you write you embarrase yourself a little more? I though you had retire from the "bulletin boards", obviously you could not resist to come back when the market did a small correction.

Please, stop wasting our time.
Question asked many times on this thread.....can you please give us a breakdown of you P/L situation at the moment including Entry points, Sls and TPs?

Even better if you can upload an statement with this information. Not from a demo account please, although I am sure you even did not manage to do this deal on paper money.

We have had enough of your CNBC nonsense. You don't see that every post you write you embarrase yourself a little more? I though you had retire from the "bulletin boards", obviously you could not resist to come back when the market did a small correction.

Please, stop wasting our time.


A few posts back you were cocksure I was demo trading - it appears now that you're not so sure!!

>>>>> Please, stop wasting our time <<<<<<


everybody else has left but you and one other. Tell me who is forcing you to click on this thread's link and I will go see his tailor.
the most important rule of trading is, dont be delusional, deadbroke youve proved yourself to be a fool, you said this was THE TRADE OF A LIFETIME! and now you are saying you think it might reversE? so it either was the trade of a lifetime, or it isnt and your prophecy was wrong.
simple fact, anyone who has been shorting facebook from 38$ has made more of a trade of a lifetime than you have..

>>>>>> deadbroke youve proved yourself to be a fool <<<<<<

s-plain to me why you are coming back again and again to talk to a fool?

Monday morning June 4, 2012

Dow, S&P, Nazzy, and Deutschland ...... ALL at the battle of the Bulge = the 200-day moving average. To live and recover they've gotta absorb the slingshot power of the 200 ma - the 200 has the highest coefficient of RESTITUTION of any hard surface known to MAN. (deadbroke, 2007)

Failure to bounce and reverse here is a massive indication of the BEAR's power.

The 1H downtrendline on Dow is a nice border to have as a background to guide the trader.

date of the post was June 4

days later, way later, experts at CNBC are now talking about the 200-day moving average and one such expert correctly concluded that all the action lately has been off of the 200-day m.a.

But deadbroke foretold the slingshot value of the 200-day

God, do I love the time and date stamp of bulletin boards - without this feature bulletin boards would just be an outright toilet.
Look for MAGICAL confirmation of what you see in EurUsd in the magnificent Dollar Index who has just hit a near perfect 261.8%.

Now hear this ... if that 261.8% resistance level does not totally halt the Dollar's northbound move, he will go to 423.6%. You cats all know what that means for the Dow Jones and WORLD markets - its a disaster waiting to happen.

Look back earlier in the thread for when I mentioned that there are only 2 beneficiaries of the GREAT BEAR - the $ and Yen. That's it - just 2 fellows.

Part of me wants the breakout and the move because I put alot of work into understanding DEFLATION - the other part knows I too will die along with everyone else.

If its DEFLATION, nobody has the power to stop it. It runs in the implant in the collective human mind and cannot be stopped - its gotta run its course, that's the only way out.

also posted on June 4 - truly spectacular if I may say so. (Naturally this will irritate the Brits to no end, hahahahaha)

line 1 of the quote says it all - resistance at 261.8%.

Dollar turned back = world turned up = current rally defined by the BEAR's beneficiary (the $) = correctly stated and forewarned. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

God bless deadbroke.
All of the above few posts suggest extra caution for EurUsd traders - stay alert and off the news - only PRICE tells the truth. The others, namely experts, fundamentalists et al only lie or bs or most likely don't know doodly.

see the june 4 post above

Near perfect timing warning for the upturn of the Euro rally.

World was ever sooooo bearish the Euro, but deadbroke once again too the opposite stance AND WON YET AGAIN.

God, do I love it so. 😆😆😆😆😆😆
Bulletin board police are scanning every post I make ever sooooo carefully that it is reducing speed to barely dial-up - and kindly note that I'm posting from the granddaddy location of Sourthern California at a speed so high that almost everything else I do is near instantaneous response.

Yeah, soon they will just cut my username and password off.

Do I give a f*ck? NO. 😆😆😆😆😆
Monday morning June 4, 2012

Dow, S&P, Nazzy, and Deutschland ...... ALL at the battle of the Bulge = the 200-day moving average. To live and recover they've gotta absorb the slingshot power of the 200 ma - the 200 has the highest coefficient of RESTITUTION of any hard surface known to MAN. (deadbroke, 2007)

Failure to bounce and reverse here is a massive indication of the BEAR's power.

The 1H downtrendline on Dow is a nice border to have as a background to guide the trader.

also posted on June 4 .... see above and below here

The 1H downtrendline on Dow is a nice border to have as a background to guide the trader

I even gave these clowns a safe reversal concept - and it worked flawlessly for the shortimers on 1H - now obviously and naturally there are no 1H traders here because they consider 1H loooooooong-term 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Sorry but I don't do 1-min charts. 😆😆😆😆😆😆
June 13th quick analysis of Dow Jones

Stay Short until further notice. Why? Daily trend is DOWN.

Rules of trend:

The trend tends to continue

The trend can reverse at any time without notice.


So why is every mother's son on TV so friggin confused about what's going on, some calling it a reversal others calling it a bear rally etc. etc.?

Because we are still in the BEND IN THE TREND - ZONE. And which trend am I referring to here? Why of course its the big, big upmove that started in 2009 and continued up for 3 years. It has now BENT but the bend could still be a consolidation which then continues on upwards and takes out the high.

The only thing that will settle this finally is just one lower high and then a continuation lower low. That'll do it.

And here's the beauty:

deadbroke recovered from all losses and actually registered some nice wins - IN THE BEND IN THE TREND region.

read post #476 and then dig this ......

deadbroke is going against the rules of TREND, esp. the BEND concept and sticking with the shortside just as he did from December 20, 2011

That, my friends is what anybody would call BALLS.
Just a friendly request to ALL ....

please nobody come in here and try to "teach" or "show" me your kindergarten knowledge.

I consider all of you totally worthless pussies, just masquerading as real-money traders - no exceptions.

So do me a favor and bugger off and stay out.

Fair enough?

Best of luck in trading your milk money ON DEMO 🙂🙂
1H traders use this as the guide to reenter Short on 1H only ...

June 13 low is taken out to the downside
1H 200-pd m.a. fails to the downside
1H uptrendline is busted to the downside.


Daily timeframe is\was short with no change until further notice.

Daily timeframe only ......

Dow's rally now at this minute hits the 50% retracement mark


is just a hair away from the neckline of the DOUBLE-TOP.

For those in the know (nobody here that's for sure) Price will rise to embrace the neckline for one last fling in a passionate kiss, then charge south aka FLEE THE SCENE

Le't see if this happens :whistling