Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

For CNBC, This is what I wrote Aug 25, 2011, 9:59am

Spain in crisis, Greece in crisis, UK injecting another £100 billion into the economy, the USA struggling...all because Politicians don't know how to do anything else except print money. How can anyone with a brain think that devaluing everyone's money will help?

Meanwhile the debasement of paper money continues.

Excellent post. I read the points carefully and will revisit them at a later date. Thank you.
Would you be so kind to let me know for which reason I have to congratulate you? Maybe DOW in 12700 pts? ****ing moron.

No Sir, it is I who should congratulate you - never have I met a man who got buggered hard and yet didn't know he was buggered.

Only at T2W can one find such clean getaways, everywhere else there'd be alimony and child support payments.

This is what I wrote Aug 24, 2011, 7:18pm . Just so you know how unoriginal deadbroke is in his thinking.

deadbroke unoriginal? Man, that hurts, it hurts real bad. 🙂 Some cats just don't know deadbroke's past.

CNBC, how many times am I supposed to ravish new_trader? I mean, I don't do seconds, but am now forced to do so, so bent are wannabies to challenge the magnificent deadbroke. 🙂:whistling

So let me give it to them real good.

Deadbroke first called DEFLATION on real estate etc. in a major way in 2002 then 2005 but there is NO bulletin board evidence for that call so in order to stick to bulletin board evidence wherein one has the time and date stamp, voila, let's go to EliteTrader

now dig this mastery, CNBC ....... enjoy this seminal post from 2009

now look at chart 2 in the previous post's link .....

everything about the european contagian we are going thru' now, ALL foretold and called in advance in 2009 by the magnificent deadbroke. 😆

Also in same chart is the call for bank failures galore bank runs, unemployment 30%+, Revolution and Secession, no more suzerainty, US govt. bankruptcy.

Brings tears to my eyes just re-reading what I wrote. 👍

posted 1-29-2010 at Elitetrader - check it out, here's a copy\paste ..... I'mm laffing at my own underestimation of how long the whole thing would take to get underway ..... but hey, mistakes and all, that's the deadbroke way. 🙂

Look at the call on the dollar and Yen. Gold is on its way to deady's target. Lord, is deady awesome or what?

01-29-10 05:32 PM

Greece et al are just for starters. Latvia and others too. The big fish is the UK. Bankruptcy 90% probability within 2010.

US is the last stand. Tent cities galore by end 2010. Revolution almost definite.

Keep an eye on the Politics and Religion forum here - whining, complaining, nagging, vitriol and hatred .... acceleration during 2010 - 2014. By mid-2011 America/ans will be far from the "benevolence" "compassion" "empathy" that we specialized in all the way to Jan 14, 2000 positive energy top.

A new champion will emerge long after I/we've gone - and whoever it is, will have those same ethereal qualities. I've got no clue who it will be, but for sure we're finished.

In essence its the old UK empire that's disintegrating - Britain was already crashing rapidly for years. Now America will catch up and the fall will be together.

Its one giant ****up but the BEAR is a major one.

In a non trading sense hoard US Dollars - value will soar. Gold will go to $650 - 350. Personally my bet is on $ and Yen, especially on Yen for 2 years now.

Re-read last line on Yen, then go look for my thread on USDJPY and see how I cott the bottom of that downtrend (i.e. bull top of Yen) - yeah mistakes and all soooo easily visible in the thread.

Imagine where I'll be 5 years down the road when my timing skills sharpen?

Deadbroke on Treasuries - this is a beautiful topic for deadbroke and it is where he delivers his most powerful anal-ysis 🙂🙂

Right now and for some time now every mother's son is flocking to treasuries because they see and rightly so that the USA is the last stand. They are so convinced of this and of the uselessness of other entities that they are willing to accept even a negative YIELD - this tells you how desperate they are.

What they are telling you is that they no more give a flyin f*ck about RETURN ON CAPITAL, rather they are only interested in

Return OF Capital


10-yr Yield is showing signs of reversal. If it does reverse we have a huge problem aborning for the US govt. As yields rise and eventually accelerate north the credibility of the US debt will falter bigtime and yields will rise even more.

That is when the showdown between BEAR and US govt. will take place

They've met before, once in 1929, earlier in 1840 and earlier in the 1700s

So this time will not be the last either ......

The duel dialogue

USG: Surprised to see me?

BEAR: I noo you'd come.

USG: Nothing matters now, not the land, not the money, not the debt, not the woman, I came here to see you, and I know that now finally after all these decades and centuries, you will tell me what it is you're after.

BEAR: Only at the point of dying

USG: I know.
deadbroke unoriginal? Man, that hurts, it hurts real bad. 🙂 Some cats just don't know deadbroke's past.

CNBC, how many times am I supposed to ravish new_trader? I mean, I don't do seconds, but am now forced to do so, so bent are wannabies to challenge the magnificent deadbroke. 🙂:whistling

So let me give it to them real good.

Deadbroke first called DEFLATION on real estate etc. in a major way in 2002 then 2005 but there is NO bulletin board evidence for that call so in order to stick to bulletin board evidence wherein one has the time and date stamp, voila, let's go to EliteTrader

now dig this mastery, CNBC ....... enjoy this seminal post from 2009

Wannabe? Now that hurts. You've got bulletin board evidence, but I'll keep searching for some of my earlier posts.

posted 1-29-2010 at Elitetrader - check it out, here's a copy\paste ..... I'mm laffing at my own underestimation of how long the whole thing would take to get underway ..... but hey, mistakes and all, that's the deadbroke way. 🙂

Look at the call on the dollar and Yen. Gold is on its way to deady's target. Lord, is deady awesome or what?

01-29-10 05:32 PM

Greece et al are just for starters. Latvia and others too. The big fish is the UK. Bankruptcy 90% probability within 2010.

US is the last stand. Tent cities galore by end 2010. Revolution almost definite.

Keep an eye on the Politics and Religion forum here - whining, complaining, nagging, vitriol and hatred .... acceleration during 2010 - 2014. By mid-2011 America/ans will be far from the "benevolence" "compassion" "empathy" that we specialized in all the way to Jan 14, 2000 positive energy top.

A new champion will emerge long after I/we've gone - and whoever it is, will have those same ethereal qualities. I've got no clue who it will be, but for sure we're finished.

In essence its the old UK empire that's disintegrating - Britain was already crashing rapidly for years. Now America will catch up and the fall will be together.

Its one giant ****up but the BEAR is a major one.

In a non trading sense hoard US Dollars - value will soar. Gold will go to $650 - 350. Personally my bet is on $ and Yen, especially on Yen for 2 years now.

Gold $350-650 is still your target?
From March 13, post #335

>>>>> If the min-crash is instead the real thing, we will know this by the nature of the drops then I won't change a thing. <<<<<<

Unfortunately for me I can't say much about the nature of the drop. Its not clear to me whether this is an impulse wave or not.

So my only guide is the May 1 top and June 4 bottom. Only a taking out of either will clear things up for me. If top is taken out then it confirms what I said about it being a wave 4 correction with the last upwave 5 to take out the May 1 high.

I am leaning towards the TOP IS ALREADY IN but confidence is not high in this regard.

Things will clear up soon enough.

Read the quoted text, then see I'm leaning toward TOP IS ALREADY IN but confidence isw not high ...... but will outline the implications of TOP IS ALREADY IN ........

If indeed May 1 was the top then when this current rally completes we begin a 3rd wave down

3rd waves are notable for their sheer breadth and majesty, shock and awe. We oughtta have some semblance of a FAT FINGER type event here to get the ball rolling.

More powerful FAT FINGER events will occur when we get into the next fractal of a 3rd wave - this is still months away.

If this scenario is correct please fasten seatbelts


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No, it isn't the US Government (directly) and there is something 'we' can do. I am long stocks because I understand wot is wot...and when it is no longer time to be long I hope I am smart enough to act...

"My dear boy," said old Partridge, in great distress "my
dear boy, if I sold that stock now I'd lose my position; and
then where would I be?"
Elmer Harwood threw up his hands, shook his head and walked
over to me to get sympathy: "Can you beat it?" he asked me in a
stage whisper. "I ask you!"
I didn't say anything. So he went on: "I give him a tip on
Climax Motors. He buys five hundred shares. He's got seven
points' profit and I advise him to get out and buy 'em back on
the reaction that's overdue even now. And what does he say when
I tell him? He says that if he sells he'll lose his job. What do
you know about that?"

"I beg your pardon, Mr. Harwood; I didn't say I'd lose my
job," cut in old Turkey. "I said I'd lose my position. And when
you are as old as I am and you've been through as many booms and
panics as I have, you'll know that to lose your position is
something nobody can afford
; not even John D. Rockefeller. I
hope the stock reacts and that you will be able to repurchase
your line at a substantial concession, sir. But I myself can
only trade in accordance with the experience of many years. I
paid a high price for it and I don't feel like throwing away a
second tuition fee. But I am as much obliged to you as if I had
the money in the bank. It's a bull market, you know." And he
strutted away, leaving Elmer dazed.

-From Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

I hope they announce QE3 just so I can stop suffering the 'will they,won't they' debate. I'm sick to the back teeth with it. It's all they have talked about on Bloomberg for weeks.

Give the frickin money junkies what they want. Screw the little guys. Screw free markets. But please can I just stop hearing about it😡
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Wannabe? Now that hurts. You've got bulletin board evidence, but I'll keep searching for some of my earlier posts.

I've got more than bulletin board evidence - I have printed documentation of every single mother's trade I've ever done and especially the massive gobs of money exchange receipts from Siam commercial Bank I made in offline on-the-ground-hoarding of Japanese Yen in my basement in a foreign country for several years - nobody noo what the fck I was doing buying Yen - most cats thought Yen was some kind of dessert - my fellow americans for sure had never heard of it. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

They (the bank) had to order large denomination YEN just for crazy, stubborn deadbroke all the way from Bangcock, Thighland just because deadbroke did not want to be bothered with the useless smaller denominations that peasants carry around.